Reply to post: Re: @codejunky

MPs slam HMRC's 'deeply worrying' lack of post-Brexit customs system

Roland6 Silver badge

Re: @codejunky

@Codejunky - He pissed off the EU by turning up as an elected MEP and bursting their bubble. It was funny to watch. Junkers face was a picture when he asked the dumb question of why Farage was there now that we had voted leave.

I saw that performance - it demonstrated just how stupid he was!

If you look back at the fundamental issue - which Farage campaigned on for many years, it was a UK domestic issue, namely Parliament (potentially?) going beyond its remit and signing up to the various EU treaties without gaining the consent(?) of the British electorate. He also accepted the 1975 referendum result and thus wanted a trade agreement with the EU.

In this situation, the EU was a potential friend to Farage! Played correctly Farage could have got the EU on his side and laughing at the clowns in Westminster and negotiated a favourable deal whilst the UK sorts it's "mother of Parliaments" out. Instead, with this act, he both diminished himself and the UK and soured the atmosphere for the Brexit negotiations.

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