Reply to post: Re: If you have issues with the Telly Tax...

BBC Telly Tax petition given new Parliament debate date

King Jack
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Re: If you have issues with the Telly Tax...

And yet the BBC ran a campaign several years ago pointing out that they made unique programs because of the unique way they are funded. The TV tax is a payment to the BBC, don't believe the spin. If the BBC are so good why don't they go subscription like sky? I mean idiots shell out for Sky crap so why not for the BBC?

People pay for Sky because they want to. People pay the BBC because they have to and are forced to do so under threat of a criminal record. The BBC should put up or shut up. I'll never give the BBC a penny. After the way they discriminate against women (low pay) and shield kiddy fiddlers. They pay millions to key 'talent' and believe they need to win ratings over ITV. They should in competition with nobody.

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