Reply to post: Re: People who live in hurricane prone areas

At last, someone's taking Apple to task for, uh, not turning on iPhone FM radio chips

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: People who live in hurricane prone areas

The chips are there; all the SOB has to do is use his position to get them turned on.

I think it is you who missed the point. Even when the chips are there (they aren't in most iPhones) the FM portion isn't even connected internally. You need an antenna to receive anything. The soonest Apple could start selling phones able to receive FM would be next fall, and then only those who buy the latest model would get it.

Given that they're using Intel chips in many of them, and likely plan to use them in all phones within a couple years there isn't any point in worrying about it. Intel doesn't include FM in their LTE chip.

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