Reply to post: Re: People who live in hurricane prone areas

At last, someone's taking Apple to task for, uh, not turning on iPhone FM radio chips

H in The Hague

Re: People who live in hurricane prone areas

"Should have one of those hand cranked weather radios."

True, but having an FM receiver in your pocket would be useful in addition to that. And folk in areas where natural disasters are less common may not have one of those dedicated radios.

"Ideally you'd have something that could pick up AM, since those signals travel much further so it isn't a problem if all the FM stations within range are gone."

The advantage of FM is that you can have a small, battery/generator powered station to cover a local area, giving targeted news. Only needs to be tens of Watts.

Funny thing is, earlier today when tidying up I came across a conventional FM portable radio and reminded myself to look up the local emergency frequency and mark that on the dial, and set it in my mobile phone (not from the fruity firm).

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