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TalkTalk posts 3% sales drop, says Openreach should walk the WalkWalk

WolfFan Silver badge

Re: TT's TV Adverts

They also have sales reps in most supermarkets and shopping centres, they really are trying to get customers left right and centre.

I usually tell them we don't use the internet as it's the work of the devil.

Around here it's Comcast trying to sign people up, usually to Comcastic two-year contracts. They infest Best Buy and other low-life scum operations. On the few occasions that I set foot into a Best Buy and the Xfinity vultures (no relation to El Reg, I'm sure) flap around, I try to walk past politely. If they insist on 'just having a quick talk about the best Internet service' I say, loudly, "I used to have Comcast. After my last experience with Comcast's customer service, I will never again have Comcast service, even if the alternative is dial-up. Never. Again. Comcast is the single most evil company operating in North America. They lie. They cheat. They steal. They absolutely, positively, cannot be trusted. If Comcast management does not like my saying these things, they know the address, thanks to the very poor experience I had with Comcast customer service. Now please get out of my way." I say it loudly enough that all in the vicinity can hear me. The Xfinity vultures flap away and stay away. I've noticed that the same sales teams tend to go out on weekends; they now know me by sight and stay far away.

Mission accomplished.

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