Reply to post: Re: Auferstanden aus Ruinen

Tick-tick... boom: Germany gives social media giants 24 hours to tear down hate speech

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Auferstanden aus Ruinen

Yes, so much progress, one hardly knows where to begin.

Back to being a military power in countless conflicts, pushing for global „responsibility“

Openly supporting regime-change in several countries.

Enabling the US-drone war via Ramstein and denying it, killing thousands, breeding terrorism.

Pushing for deployment of our military within our own borders.

Partaking in the constant confrontation of Russia, risking every progress the fall of the wall brought to the people of all nations.

Supporting highly dubious NGOs, say in Syria, with millions of tax-€.

Pushing our agenda down Europe’s throat, not only turning Greece into a warning memorial to others but also turning the promise of a united Europe into a neoliberal race to the bottom nightmare.

Establishing what a less balanced person would likely call a Hartz4 slave-caste within one’s own population, serving as a disciplining bugbear to everyone.

Passing unconstitutional legislation left and right.

Pushing for a total surveillance-state with means the GDR could only dream of.

Employing Ex-Stasi advisors to crack down on „hatespeech“

Subverting the rule of law.

Eroding civil rights.

Of course, I am writing from the highly privileged position of a late seventies western kid not having endured living in the GDR. So I guess you are right and the comparison of present-day Germany with the GDR is inappropriate. After all, the GDR would never have had the means or the audacity to pursue any of this, would never have been able to achieve this much… progress.

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