Reply to post: Re: Half Indian names

Ta-ta, security: Bungling Tata devs leaked banks' code on public GitHub repo, says IT bloke


Re: Half Indian names

"Have noticed the same thing when searching MS for help. Canned answers are totally useless."

Agree, MS Help is useless. MS hired tech writers to compose Help files for the software. However, since the software and its associated help files get released simultaneously, the tech writers are working from software specs, not from final version software, nor would it be efficient to let mere writers ask questions of the software producers. See where this is going? This disaster is compounded by other factors. Of course, once you have a help entry established for a question, bean counters say it's hardly economical to hire another team to do the same work again. That's why Help for 21st century Windows can look like it was written (in ignorance) for Windows 95. Not a candy mint? Please consult your system administrator.

PS I have never worked for MS. The above is from inference.

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