Reply to post: @Steve Davies 3 Re: Outsource it all To India

Ta-ta, security: Bungling Tata devs leaked banks' code on public GitHub repo, says IT bloke

Ian Michael Gumby

@Steve Davies 3 Re: Outsource it all To India

Spot on, however I wonder if El Reg actually understood the significance of the following:

The documents related to programming work Tata was carrying out for six big Canadian banks, two well-known American financial organizations, a multinational Japanese bank, and a multibillion dollar financial software company.

Silly me, but shouldn't there be a glass wall between different clients?

Meaning if I were one of those clients, not only would I give Tata the boot, but also would be getting the team of in house counsel lined up to sue the carp [sic] out of them for violating and sort of MSA and NDA.

At the same time, this wasn't the work of a single bad programmer, but a concerted effort to share code.

This also shows not only the lack of professionalism but also calls to question their skills as developers. Which implies Tata is over charging their customers by providing under skilled employees.

Sorry for the flame, but its more about the situation than anything else.

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