Reply to post: Re: Hefty Price

UK credit broker fined £120k for spamming folk with five million texts

Loud Speaker

Re: Hefty Price

When I became a director of a company in the 1970's, I was told (by my accountants - probably a slimy bunch, but still) that if a company breaks the law, then it loses its incorporate status, since the contract permitting incorporation is broken, and the directors are personally liable for the crimes. Whether or not that was the case, it certainly should be.

And the directors should be jointly and severally responsible - ie if a crime is committed, they ALL get the full punishment. There should be no punishment of companies - all fines, etc should ALWAYS fall on the directors.

Other than nuking from high orbit, its he only way to be sure. (In the case of spam, nuking from high orbit is an acceptable alternative.

They should be fined the price of an Iphone 7, each, per spam. (And life imprisonment with hard labour).

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