Reply to post: Re: Um What???

Dropbox: Oops, yeah, we didn't actually delete all your files – this bug kept them in the cloud


Re: Um What???

Typically, we permanently remove files and folders from our servers within 60 days of a user deleting them.

Soo much weasel-craft in just one sentence. Tony Blair must work there.

"Typically" -> "if it's some good shit, we definitely keep it around for Later"

"Our servers" -> "the servers we contractually own, that outsourced storage we rent in Utah ... whatever. They don't tell and we don't ask."

"User" -> "who is that, exactly. Browser, Client software, Person"

"Deleting" -> "Now, that is a subtle term with many definitions. So we have this here 70000 pages TOS to explain it".

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