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Microsoft kinda did OK this quarter – but whatever, Wall Street loves Satya Nadella

P. Lee
Big Brother

>Nadella reported that Windows 10 users now number 400 million, and more than 200 billion hours of use time has now been logged by Redmond.

Because that isn't creepy, is it?


You better watch out

You better not cry

You better not pout

I'm telling you why

SatyaNad is coming to town.


He knows when you are gaming

Knows every spelling mistoke

He knows if you are goofing off

So be good for goodness soke


You'd better not copy, *his* Windows

But you couldn't say "no", not by clicking "close"

SatyaNad is coming to town!


He's murdered his own channel

Sucks all into the cloud

All your base belong to him

Clicked "Upgrade" - or not, he's allowed


Oh, Tel Emetry is so much fun!

He even knows,

When you're browsing pron

SatyaNad is coming to town


I must confess a secret

I installed Win10 too

But only for B.Y.O.D.

It ain't *my* data - Woohoo!


Oh, I've kept it in,

Its own little VM

I gotta laptop, with loads of mem,

SatyaNad is coming to town


I'm not sure what he's thinking,

When apps are in the cloud,

There'll be no need for Windows t(h)en

And no casual dev's allowed.


He'd better watch out,

And he'd better cry,

AWS is eating his pie,

Maybe SatyaNad is leaving this town!

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