Reply to post: Re: The elephant in the room - stagnant wages because of the free movement of labour

British jobs for British people: UK tech rejects PM May’s nativist hiring agenda

Tom Paine

Re: The elephant in the room - stagnant wages because of the free movement of labour

You could always, y'know, take advantage of the colossal volume of Free / open degree course material out there and teach yourself on your own time, not the mention a million mailing lists and forums stuff full of people happy to help, -- maybe even (gasp!) spend your own cash on a textbook or two, rather than expecting someone to come along and take responsibility for your life. "Impossible!" Not at all -- I dropped out of my (non-CS) degree course, have absolutely zero formal education in the field, and have a fairly well-paid* job doing infosec in the City. Yes, it's a bugger getting the first job where you're actually paid for skills you can't show evidence for; that's where hard work, initiative, being prepared to get knocked back a bit especially at first, being prepared for a pretty basic income and lifestyle, come in.

* (you can get some idea by looking at if you care how much)

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