Reply to post: Re: The elephant in the room - stagnant wages because of the free movement of labour

British jobs for British people: UK tech rejects PM May’s nativist hiring agenda

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: The elephant in the room - stagnant wages because of the free movement of labour

> It's not racist or xenophobic to give a shit about people growing up in the UK

Of course not, but I do not see how those proposals actually help anybody, if anything they're terribly counter-productive. What on Earth is their stated aim anyway?

> I can't afford to and if certain companies would actually pay non-derogatory levels of tax I could maybe afford to because the fees would be lower

Or you could move to Scotland, Finland, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Sweden, Argentina, Uruguay, or Brazil. Germany is pretty affordable too, at around €600 per year.

Do note however, that unlike in England, where if you can pay you can play, access to higher education in many of those places is merit-based and the entrance examinations are character-strengthening to say the least. Perhaps not a bad thing for someone who blames their failures on "those tax-dodging companies (that I would actually love to work for if I had the chance)"?

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