Reply to post: Re: PR stunt

Tesla's Model S autonomous mode may have saved a life

bazza Silver badge

Re: PR stunt

I think the point is that this saved a life by acting when the human failed to do so.

Then by definition the driver was driving too fast for the conditions. I don't know about the US, but in the UK that's an offence and could be costly. Admitting as such in public would be asking for the police to start a prosecution, backed up by the very data that Tesla are collecting and publicising.

Data collection may be great for Tesla and data nerds, but it can also be used against drivers put up in front of a Judge on a charge.

Teslas are virtually silent when moving. A friend who has one has had to get used to pedestrians and cyclists not hearing him. Everyone is so used to hearing cars and lorries that a lot of people don't look before they walk. Pedestrians don't hear bicycles either, and they get hit by bicycle all the time... Perhaps in this case the pedestrian simply didn't hear the Tesla coming.

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