Reply to post: Re: Functions returning multiple values.

Mads Torgersen and Dustin Campbell on the future of C#

Frumious Bandersnatch

Re: Functions returning multiple values.

Perl subs (and some builtins) have this too, via the ability to return a list. You can aid readability firstly by properly documenting the calling convention, but also by using constants to simulate enums. For example:

use strict;

use warnings;

use constant {

Dev => 0, Ino => 1, Mode => 2, Nlink =>3, Uid => 4, Gid => 5, Rdev => 6,

Size =>7, Atime => 8, Mtime => 9, Ctime => 10, Blksize => 11, Blocks => 7


print "This dir's mode is ", (stat ".")[Mode], "\n";

Of course, Perl is a pretty pathological language. You can even modify the type of thing returned (via something like wantarray) depending on the calling context. Loads of scope to shoot yourself in the foot.

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