Reply to post: Yeah, you like bacon, I like bacon, now shut up about it and bring me some sausages

US gourmets sizzle in bacon-scented underwear

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Yeah, you like bacon, I like bacon, now shut up about it and bring me some sausages

The current marketing driven "I love bacon" bandwagon is starting to get a bit tedious. Yeah, bacon is good and all that, but enough already. The ubiquitous bacon-related novelty shite like this isn't even novel by this point, it's just predictable stocking-filler tat.

Honestly, sausages are great as well. Good-quality butcher's pork or beef sausages? Great!... but you don't hear people showing us how fun and devil-may-care they are by going on about their love of sausages, do you? (#) Could it be that the bacon obsessives are mostly just trend-following bandwagon jumpers? Naahhh.... ;-)

(#) If this had been sausage-related underwear, it would also have provided greater opportunity for innuendo.

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