Reply to post: Re: I don't understand the negative comments about the "jokes"?

It's all Me, Me, Me! in Doctor Who's The Woman Who Lived but what of Clara's fate?


Re: I don't understand the negative comments about the "jokes"?

"It would, in my opinion, have been cringe-worthy to watch the condemned man making actually funny, witty or, especially, intelligent jokes. The whole point of the jokes was that they were bad and in bad taste -- it's part of the plot for goodness sake."

I'm reminded of reactions to Penn & Teller playing the "unfunny" Rebo & Zooty in Babylon 5's "Day of the Dead". That too was actually part of the plot, the point (seemingly missed by many fans) being that humour in the 23rd Century is different to the 20th and by our standards Rebo & Zooty really weren't funny. Our audience identification character, Captain Elizabeth Lochley, was as equally mystified as us at their popularity, while everyone else laughted like drains at their dreadfully lame jokes.

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