back to article Has your machine really learned something? Snap quiz time

Machine learning (ML) is all about getting machines to learn but how do we know how well they are doing? Answer – confusion matrices and ROC space. Suppose we have existing data about people who buy books from our website – age, amount spent, preferred author and so on. These columns of data are known, in ML terms, as the " …

  1. wallyhall

    But what's the third item?

    But what's the third item?

    1. katrinab Silver badge

      Re: But what's the third item?


      Not everyone is male or female, and the idea that there are only two genders is an idea that is unique to white europeans.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: But what's the third item?

        Not only are there not only two genders but there aren't only two sexes either. And yet here we are, using booleans in all the databases because it's easy :)

        1. Sam Therapy

          Re: But what's the third item?

          Everyone else is stuck between a ROC and a hard place.

          Coat... getting.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: But what's the third item?

        "Not everyone is male or female"

        that's not actually true.

        in general you have ether 2 x chromosomes or an x and a y chromosomes which will make you female or male respectively. There are some genetic disorders where you can have additional chromosomes or or even have a female genotype and have phenotypically male characteristic, or someone with a male genotype has AIS so will impair the masculinization of male genitalia and may appear more feminine,,, it still does not change the fact they are ether genetically male or female. There are other genetic abnormalities where some people can have xxyy or xyy, both genetically are male, and there is xxx and even xxxx who still remain genetically female.

        now if you want to talk about what gender people self identify as, that's a whole different story.. Its entirely up to them what they self identify as and living in the enlightened times we do, we accept that people may decide what gender they want to identify as and society will (quite rightly) let them get on with it.

    2. Claptrap314 Silver badge

      Re: But what's the third item?

      FileNotFound, of course!

  2. katrinab Silver badge

    But how accurate is your test data?

    If the customer is transgender, your algorithm will probably identify them as the gender they actually are rather than the one on their birth certificate, but they might, for various reasons, have told you that it is the one on their birth certificate. Then you will have marked the computer as wrong, when actually it wasn't.

  3. Dr Scrum Master


    I heard someone say 'algo' once.

    I've also heard some people say 'geo' when they meant 'geography'.

    I suppose I should brace myself for such things catching on. Either that or I should start shooting the people who say such things before anything gets out of hand.

    1. Keven E


      "...go together like smoked salmon and champagne."

      Bringing those together wastes them both.

      I'm sure Boole would agree... being such an isolationist. <snicker>

    2. Not also known as SC
      Thumb Up

      Re: Algo?

      I thought there was going to be a reference to ALGO in the article which would be about how old programming languages were being brought back for ML coding. Never realised that it was being used as an abbreviation for algorithm. I'd go with shooting if I was you.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Note that it doesn’t matter which gender you choose to call positive and which negative."

    I beg to differ.... the feminazi's will have a lot to say about that !!!

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