back to article Microsoft tries to Spark relationship with cluster lusters: Promises 5-min big data bang on Azure

First apps on Windows, then Linuxes in Hyper-V and on Azure, now big data via Spark. In another effort to win over the open source crowd, Microsoft has made the speedy big data engine Apache Spark easier to set up and use on Azure, giving devs a dedicated tool to help provision clusters. The open-source "Azure Distributed Data …

  1. Adam 52 Silver badge

    Good. More people will discover more quickly that Spark doesn't live up to the hype; and we'll either get Spark improved to the point that it works or people will stop going on about it.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Seems to only support Ubuntu at the moment. Shame as Hadoop supports Windows from V2.2 onwards, Windows Server has Docker support built in, and features on Azure like HD Insight usually blow other solutions out of the water in terms of performance...

    1. PhilBack

      Hadoop on Windows is a joke as only base services are supported.

      Recent HDP releases have dropped support for Windows.

      HDInsights is running on Linux.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        "HDInsights is running on Linux."

        Not according to Microsoft:

        HDInsight Server Developer preview makes Apache Hadoop available as a service on Windows Server, and provides a streamlined deployment and configuration process. The HDInsight Service on Windows Azure provides Hadoop as a scalable, on-demand service as part of the Windows Azure Platform.

        Although if HDP is no longer available for Windows maybe that has changed. Shame as it was noticeable faster on Windows Server and the only notable feature missing afaik was Hadoop Security.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Seriously @TheVogon? Have you actually done any work with Hadoop (or Linux) in the real world? No, I didn't think so.

    2. Anonymous Coward

      " Shame as Hadoop supports Windows from V2.2"

      Wow, I could barely get Ethernet to work on Windows 2, so hats off to them.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Cluster engine runs on virtualized cluster engine?

    If I'm given to understand correctly: Microsoft want you to run Apache Spark™ on top of Docker™ running on top of Azure™

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