back to article Banned! No streaming live democracy from your phones, US Congress orders reps

The next session of the US Congress will include a ban on representatives shooting and streaming video from the floor of the House. The Republican-dominated House of Representatives voted 234-193 to enact the new rules ahead of the opening of the 115th session of the US Congress. The rule calls for a ban on any use of an …

  1. Graham Marsden

    Isn't there a viewing gallery?

    That's not "The floor of the House"...

    1. User McUser

      Re: Isn't there a viewing gallery?

      Yes there is, but the House can clear the gallery if they so please.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The truth is...

    They don't want the congress critters accidentally running a malware app on their phones that automagically pops nearby power meters, then blows up the family via IoT device fears becoming reality!

    It could happen. Kinda.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: The truth is...

      A recent triple A game on console and PC lets you explode roads with a phone app... this causes the obvious chaos, destruction and death... oh, but you can do it again when you recharge your "points" meter.

      I'm not sure what is more worrying, that people consider it a game to trigger such events in a somewhat realistic setting, or that some consider it a realistic setting to be able to trigger such events.

  3. elDog

    This is to be used in sessions where all the public have been cleared - won't work well

    Under the 'uglican overlords all hearings and votes should be done in private - except for witch hunts and excoriating hearings on Kenya-care, which will be broadcast in full color on Fux.

    I'm guessing that the ability to surreptitiously plant recording devices around the chamber will make this effort yet another misguided missile from the party of stooopid. What next, you may ask?

    How about holding all decision-making meetings in smoke-filled back rooms by invitation only? Vinny or Vlad will be the enforcers.

    1. Dave 15

      Re: This is to be used in sessions where all the public have been cleared - won't work well

      They have been learning from our guys... hide it all away, sort out everything on the golf course, on the sofa (Blair style) or in the bar, no notes, no recordings, no record and of course no collusion to make sure your new law makes Fred even richer...

  4. a_yank_lurker

    Much Ado about Nothing

    Both the donkeys and elephants love grandstanding when it suits their purpose. Any complaint about the rule changes by the elephants should be met by pointing the donkey's in the Senate change the rules about filibuster and required majority for confirmation when they had power there. Pot calling kettle black.

    1. veti Silver badge

      Re: Much Ado about Nothing

      I wish the media would respond by simply removing all TV cameras from Congress. See how they like that.

      Has adding live TV coverage significantly improved the quality of debate or governance in Congress? Has it made the critters more accountable? Has it improved voter engagement or turnout? Trust in Congress?

      If the answer to all of the above is "no", then why not just remove them?

      1. LaeMing

        Re: Much Ado about Nothing

        Go further. Blanket media ban on all politicians at all times. Starve their petty little egos to death.

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: Much Ado about Nothing

          and they can appear to themselves every day

          on closed circuit t.v.

          to make sure they're still real

          it's the only connection they feel

      2. Eddy Ito

        Re: Much Ado about Nothing

        It hardly matters whether cameras are present or not as it's largely a show to convince people who might tune in that congress is working hard for the people. Ever wonder why the camera is only showing the individual speaking, the one recording minutes, and an occasional person walking by? It's because if they pan out to show the rest of the room there are usually just the member "officiating", the recorder, a timekeeper, the member speaking, and usually the next member scheduled to bloviate.

    2. Potemkine Silver badge

      Re: Much Ado about Nothing

      Two wrongs don't make it right.

    3. Terry Cloth

      False equivalency

      You're equating one party's attempt to completely hide what's going on if they don't like it to the other party's attempt to prevent obstructionists from gumming up the works? And the latter in the full light of day?

      What's wrong with this picture?

  5. dan1980

    Sounds about right

    Government of, by and hidden from the people.

    That's how that one went, isn't it?

    1. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

      Re: Sounds about right

      Government of, by and hidden from the people.

      No represntation without visualisation?

  6. Paul Hovnanian Silver badge

    The revolution

    ... will not be televised.

    1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

      Re: The revolution

      will be televised. And corporate sponsored.

  7. Brian Miller

    New Go Fund Me campaign...

    At $2500 per repeat offense, I'm sure constituents will stump up some spare pocket change for continued coverage.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: New Go Fund Me campaign...

      Depending on the circumstances, it might be the first time I've ever donated to a politician or political cause.

  8. John Tserkezis

    "The rule calls for a ban on any use of an electronic device to record or broadcast the proceedings"

    So, yeh olde school wax cylinder recordings are ok then?

    I mean, it'll suit the polititians who live in the dark ages right?

    1. Notas Badoff

      I love the smell of ...

      Polaroids in the morning, afternoon and evening. Oh, and the lovely sounds. Snap! whirrrrrr.... gotcha!

    2. phuzz Silver badge

      You can get film cameras that work using clockwork, although I suppose a steam engine is technically still allowable.

      Ok, a steam powered combination film camera and wax cylinder recorder would be pretty cool (well, hot really I suppose, what with the steam and all).

      1. Eddy Ito

        Wouldn't the steam melt the wax cylinder?

  9. Version 1.0 Silver badge

    Old School view

    "Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made." - Otto von Bismarc

  10. Nimby

    This law brought to you by ... the same idiots it is meant to hamper.

    "use of an electronic device for still photography or for audio or visual recording or broadcasting"

    1. So purely mechanical or chemical devices are still legal then?

    2. So non-audio/visual recordings, such as radio wave, thermal radiation, etc. are okay?

    3. What about services like interpolation, 3D modelling, etc.? (AKA, I did not "take a still photograph", I "made a cartoonized representation.")

    4. Is time-shifting still a legitimate feature?

    "an initial fine of $500 and could face further charges adding up to $2,500 for each violation"

    5. So with a maximum fine of $3k if a group of 30 chuck in together to use one person's device, then it's like only a hundred bucks per person for one party to make fools of another party? (And less if even more people actually bother to show up?)

    6. Is it legal for news agencies to pay the fines on behalf of offenders?

    1. dan1980

      Re: This law brought to you by ... the same idiots it is meant to hamper.

      I am reminded of this lovely piece:

      What is a photocopier?

      The connection - loose though it is - being that the strict definition, rather than the spirit, was being argued.

      But hey, if TfL can dance around what a 'taximeter' is and is not . . .

  11. Kev99 Silver badge

    Hmmm...Didn't we see rules like somewhere? Let's see...Reichstag? Politburo? Supreme Soviet? National People's Congress?

  12. Norman123

    Don't let the people see corporate representatives robing the poor for the rich and selling us corporate wars. That could be bad for job security....

    1. Smody



  13. Smody

    Not that big a deal.

    In the first place, I question how they'll enforce it and levy fines. Any member who wants to stream proceedings should go right ahead, and tell the Repubs to screw themselves. In the second place, I worry more that the Republicans (or Democrats, for that matter) will disappear the voting records. Right now, I can go look at the text of every bill or resolution, and I can see how every member voted. While I recognize the significance of public statements, I evaluate members almost entirely on how they vote. If that information goes away, elections become even more of a farce.

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