back to article Jodie Who-ttaker? The Doctor is in

The timelord of Doctor Who, a man since 1963, will be portrayed by a woman – actress Jodie Whittaker – for the first time. Peter Capaldi, Doctor number 12, will regenerate after four years in the BBC's Christmas 2017 special to take on his new, female form. We last saw Capaldi's Doctor fighting his regeneration in Series 10, …


    1. Haku

      Regenerating from Male to Female means The Doctor is transgender

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        I doubt it will be written that way. As far as we've seen from Master/Missy and a glimpse of the new Doctor they are possessed of whatever passes for XX chromosomes in the timelord genotype so no reason to expect confict.

      2. Tac Eht Xilef

        "... means The Doctor is transgender."

        Or a protandrous hermaphrodite. Like a clownfish.

    2. Simon Harris

      "One armed"

      Doctor number 10 was momentarily just that - he got it lopped off (well, part of it) in his fight with the Sycorax in The Christmas Invasion. However there was still some regeneration energy left from the recent regeneration and it regrew.

      Unless there is something faulty about the regeneration it is logical therefore that he or she would come through without bits missing.

      1. collinsl Bronze badge

        And it was a fighting hand!

  1. myhandler

    Species diversity.. maybe they can get a cyberman to play the Doctor next?

    1. Jason Bloomberg Silver badge

      Or cyberwoman.

      1. Phil W

        I think you mean Cyberperson, how dare you assume their gender!

        1. graeme leggett Silver badge

          Let us not forget Chibnall's episode for Torchwood was Cyberwoman.

          Reviews and opinions of it are ....mixed.

      2. Stuart Elliott

        .. or woman

        Cue "what have the Romans ever done for us" sketch.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Should definitely be a Dalek as the next Doctor, no question.

  2. Neil Barnes Silver badge

    What do we want?

    A time machine.

    When do we want it?

    Doesn't matter...

    1. Commswonk

      Re: What do we want?

      Now that is simply brilliant!

      1. Pedigree-Pete

        Re: What do we want?

        I can't upvote Niel twice, so you Sir can have Neils 2nd for stating exactly what I was thinking. PP

  3. Tronald Dump

    Actor gets role...


    1. Jason Bloomberg Silver badge

      Re: Actor gets role...

      Trawling the internet I think it is obvious this is something even bigger than Kim Kardasian's arse.

      Metaphorically speaking anyway.

  4. Dan 55 Silver badge

    The Heil Online

    This produced one Mail Online headline that saw Whittaker pleading with Who snowflakers not to be "scared" of her agenda.

    It's okay, the website has nothing to do with the newspaper, it's just chance that the Daily Mail and the Mail Online are the same building. The nutters in the comments there aren't real people and don't e.g. affect election outcomes.

  5. JimmyPage Silver badge

    Er ... Dr. Who canon ?????

    I know it's been pissed over from a great height since the "reboot", but surely every 70s schoolkid knew the Dr. only had a maximum of 12 possible incarnations ?

    Or did Russell T. Shitforbrains "just decide" it was too inconvenient one day ? Like he suddenly decided the TARDIS was like any other spaceship you can see flying past, rather than dematerialising and materialising ?

    When my (then) 15 year old son gave up watching Dr. Who because "it's a load of pants, Dad", I got the hint.

    Shame, as there were some genuinely great stories pre-Capaldi.

    Of course the most complete Dr. Who story ever was "Logopolis" ....

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Er ... Dr. Who canon ?????

      Or did Russell T. Shitforbrains "just decide" it was too inconvenient one day

      No it was Steven s-f-b Moffat who did that.

      1. lybad

        Re: Er ... Dr. Who canon ?????

        But the precedence was already there. The Time Lords had previously extended the number of regenerations available to the Master.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Er ... Dr. Who canon ?????

      Can't tell if you're just going for a reaction, but I'll bite:

      1) Traditionally, the Doctor had 12 regenerations, i.e. 13 incarnations. And that was stated fewer times than people think it was, and even contradicted on an occasion or two.

      2) RTD didn't have anything to do with breaking the limit. Moffat did that, mainly because the Doctor was running out (too long to explain why) and he had to.

      3) Fifteen years olds lose interest in things all the time - in a few years he'll be back with the nostalgia goggles on like everyone else.

      1. kain preacher

        Re: Er ... Dr. Who canon ?????

        Under Tom Baker it was established the reason for not going over 12. He was fighting an evil time lord and it turned out to be him self(13th regen.)

    3. Richard Scratcher

      Er ... Dr. Who canon ????

      '...because "it's a load of pants, Dad"'

      It'll be a load of skirts from now on.

    4. Tom 7

      Re: Er ... Dr. Who canon ?????

      Canon? This is Doctor Who! Can you hear Tom Baker - "You have the tentacles of a woman. I bet those tentacles have never been blown off by a force 9 Exterminator"

    5. dajames

      Re: Er ... Dr. Who canon ?????

      Like he suddenly decided the TARDIS was like any other spaceship you can see flying past, rather than dematerialising and materialising ?

      That was a very poor idea indeed, I agree. Robs the TARDIS of some of its magic and mystery, seeing flit past in exactly the same way that bricks don't.

  6. JimmyPage Silver badge

    Oh and female Timelords ...

    Romana, anyone ?

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Oh and female Timelords ...

      The Rani anyone ?

      1. Anonymous Custard

        Re: Oh and female Timelords ...

        The Corsair anyone (well at least one or two of their regenerations, to get even more geeky...)

  7. Martin 63


    Oh blimey flip. I want the naysayers life. I have more important things to worry about than Who is the next Dr, who won whatever sport etc. Good luck to the next Dr

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Dr who has been shit for a long time now and is only going to get worse. This is just PC madness and if they wanted to do a female Dr then why not create a different timelord character, you wouldn't have Miss Marple played by Brian Blessed or Superman played by Bonnie Langford. Dr who has always been a man and Dr Frank-n-Furter should remain in the Rocky Horror Show doing the timewarp and not in Dr Who.

    I want my licence fee money back.

    1. wolfetone Silver badge

      "I want my licence fee money back."

      Do you need your Daily Mail website account back as well?

    2. Rich 11

      This is just PC madness

      No, it's science-fiction. Everything else is just the shit in your head.

    3. Arthur the cat Silver badge

      you wouldn't have Miss Marple played by Brian Blessed

      God, I would absolutely love to see that. It would be car crash/cult TV at its extreme.

      1. earl grey

        Miss Marple played by

        Maybe Dame Edna

        1. Captain Badmouth

          Re: Miss Marple played by

          "Maybe Dame Edna"

          Nah, Sir Les Patterson.

    4. Paul Woodhouse

      Brian Blessed playing Miss Marple??? Hell that sounds fucking fantastic, well be worth the price of the TV Licence...

      Not sure if it'd be funnier if he did it in drag or not....

      This should deffo be done...

    5. WolfFan Silver badge

      Miss Marple played by Brian Blessed

      Bloody hell, what a marvelous idea! He'd have to grow the beard out a bit more to truly get into character, though.

      1. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

        Miss Marple played by Brian Blessed

        Gordon's DEAD? WHODUNNIT?

        1. Stuart Elliott

          Gordon's DEAD ?


          "Gordon's aliiiiiiiiiiiiive".

    6. Rattus Rattus

      Re: "Miss Marple played by Brian Blessed"

      I was unaware until now just how much I want to see this.

  9. ColonelClaw

    I'll go along with The Doctor having two hearts, capable of full-body regeneration, and cruising around the universe in a time-travelling phone box. But, being a WOMAN?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      It's all about suspension of disbelief...


      1. Mayor Boris


        It's all about suspenders of disbelief, shirley...

        1. earl grey

          Re: ... suspenders

          I guess it all depends on whether your mean "boy" suspenders or "girl" suspenders now, don't it??

      2. 's water music

        It's all about suspension of disbelief...


        Well that's all very well but with the majority of the story lines revolving around the Doctor's cock and balls you can see why some of the fans are worried about how that is going to work now. Wait, wat?

        No icon to allow readers to project their own interpretation-->

      3. theOtherJT Silver badge

        "It's all about suspension of disbelief..."

        Which is sadly where Dr Who lost me quite some time ago.

        I always thought that for the whole suspension of disbelief thing only worked as long as you had a framework to work in.

        These are the rules. These rules are not your rules, but they are the rules here. It's OK to travel in time. That's part of our rules. It's OK to have FTL. That's part of our rules. It's OK to have humanoid aliens. That's in the rules.

        Once you accept that there are rules, and start to get a handle on what they are - then you can just get on with the thing. That's how it works for me.

        The problem with Dr Who is it keeps messing with it's own rules, to the extent that I have no idea what they even are any more, and that's made me get bored with it. If there are no rules then there's no story. With no rules someone can just go "Oh, that thing you can't do? Well you can. Because you need to to fix this plot problem. Problem solved." and shit like that just makes me stop caring about the story at all. Nothing has any dramatic tension if there are no rules.

        Dr Who has played too fast and lose with it's own rules basically... forever... if we're honest, and it reached a point somewhere during Matt Smith's tenure that I just lost patience with the entire thing and stopped watching it.

        I don't care that the new Doctor is a woman, because I already stopped caring about Dr Who at all :(

  10. Trollslayer

    What about the writing?

    Peter Capaldi had next to nothing to work with.

    Look at "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship" - utterly barmy yet wonderfully thought out with a delightful piece of pathos at the end thanks to Mark Williams.

    Or A Christmas Carol with Michael Gambon, Catherine Jenkins and the best line in the history of television "Doctor - there's a shark in my bedroom!". GLORIOUS!

    1. Brewster's Angle Grinder Silver badge

      Re: What about the writing?

      Dinosaurs on a Spaceship was one of Chris Chibnall's. So if you like that, you're in luck.

    2. earl grey

      Re: What about the shark?

      Yeah, yeah. Next thing you'll be telling us is the shark is delivering candygrams.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Hey women before you start stealing male roles on the BBC pay your licence fee:


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