back to article Only global poverty can save the planet, insists WWF - and the ESA!

Extremist green campaigning group WWF - endorsed by no less a body than the European Space Agency - has stated that economic growth should be abandoned, that citizens of the world's wealthy nations should prepare for poverty and that all the human race's energy should be produced as renewable electricity within 38 years from now …


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        1. Mike Brown

          Re: How would you save mankind.

          figgus your missing the point. the reason this halfwit believes taxing the rich would work is that i believe most of the sprog popping co2 expelers, are only in that situation due to poverty. And by poverty i mean lack of education, jobs, hope, and any sense of self worth. taxing the rich works by giving these people proper lives. give a man a fish.......

          but do you really think its ok that major companies get away with not paying tax? llok at Vodafone. or that American presidential candidate (romney?) who mentioned he only pays something silly like 13% tax on the billions he has. im not talking about 100k earning bmw drivers. im talking about the rich.

      1. Charles 9

        Re: How would you save mankind.

        Trouble with your last plan is that the richest also have the most flexibility. Take for the example of the ultra-rich who aren't citizens of any western country. They can set down roots anywhere they want, so unless you have a global tax system (impossible in the current political climate), people and companies who don't want to play ball with you can simply pack up and leave, taking all their riches with them. When it takes money to redistribute money, how do you redistribute money when someone has all of it?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: How would you save mankind.

      Why does mankind need to be saved? Nothing lasts forever, and we've had a good innings. Who's going to miss us when we're gone?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: How would you save mankind.

      It's big, yellow, very hot, and 93 million miles away (give or take) and it is responsible for powering the entire planet. Every storm, every cloud, every tree and yes even the fossil fuels are basically stored sunlight.

  1. Anonymous Coward 15

    (Insert comment about the World Wrestling Federation here)

  2. Augustus Snodgrass
    Thumb Down

    Do as I say...

    I take it this is the same WWF who are building a massive new European headquarters from scratch in Woking rather than taking over an existing building?

  3. annodomini2

    How long before Lewis gets out of hospital?

    After having an aneurysm?

  4. Kubla Cant


    With only 38 years to go, the European Space Agency presumably has well-advanced plans for eco-powered rockets.

    Will they be wind-powered, solar-powered, or possibly the most exciting prospect, powered by tidal energy?

  5. h4rm0ny

    Oh Lewis...

    Why do you have to make enemies of your friends? You want to argue that AGW is dubious - that's fine. Many of us who consider ourselves environmentalists agree with you. You want to argue that a reduction in living standards is a bad thing (almost by definition) and is unnecessary - again, that's a position many of us support. You want to say wind farms are in the vast majority of cases a bad solution - huge numbers of envrionmentally minded types will agree with you! And yet you have to cast your net wide and start poking fun at, e.g. animal species being wiped out.

    You're like a person who hates some positions of a group and therefore reflexively argues against them on all their positions, even when they have a valid point. Pick and choose your battles. Otherwise you become just like your opponents - irrationally lashing out at anything you see "the other side" say. Rated your article in the middle. Positive for the valid points against wind farms etc., negative for your dislike of tigers and mockery of people who try to preserve biodiversity.

  6. John A Blackley

    A couple of thoughtish things

    1. Thanks to El Reg for giving this report more publicity than the WWF's entire annual budget would allow.

    2. One assumes that members of the WWF are taking their own advice by committing suicide or living entirely off weeds.

    1. The Axe

      WWF budget

      Err, you do realise that WWF turns over £500m a year? I would suspect that their budget just for this little escapade is more than the entire annual income of El Reg.

      WWF members won't be committing suicide. Just like the fans of eugenics who thought they were the chosen ones, they would prefer the plebs to do the suicide bit. The only difference is that WWF want the plebs to do it themselves whilst eugenicsts would do the actual killing.

      1. John A Blackley

        Re: WWF budget

        I'm guessing you have never had your - or anyone else's - tongue in your cheek.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The Pentagon has the Solution

    A famous report a few years ago had the solution, the world population has to be reduced by a few billion.

    Wars, famine, drought, disease. The first item being behind their interest. Look at the UK naval capability, twin aircraft carriers, new nuclear subs, powerful frigates. The plan is to wipe out those hungry mouths, screw sustainability.

    Lewis will love this of course, probably advocate using a fee nukes, radiation is safe after all.

    1. Local Group

      Re: The Pentagon has the Solution

      Well, of course. After they seize, confiscate and capture most of the oil on the planet, they will roll around in their armored personnel carriers until everyone else is dead. They will breed with female soldiers who have been accepted into the US Army because of their enticing bods and live in pleasant bases which have been purged of radioactivity. I forget the rest. See the end of "Dr. Strangelove."

  8. Vanir
    Black Helicopters

    Just wondering if they propose ..

    Celibicy as part of the solution.

    1. Brian Hall

      Re: Just wondering if they propose ..

      No, but celibacy, perhaps. I prefer forced sterilization for malorthographers.

  9. pop_corn

    We can eithe r decrease individual demand, or decrease individuals

    Assume for a moment that the basic premise that there are not enough resources on the planet for everyone to live the life style of the typical Westerner, the proposed solution of having us all live in poverty, is only one possible logical outcome. The other is to reduce the global population until the numbers balance again, simples. ;-)

    1. Martin G. Helmer

      Re: We can eithe r decrease individual demand, or decrease individuals

      just one little fallacy here, assuming that the only other existing life style than " the life style of the typical Westerner" is "poverty".

      As an example, just because you don't get to shop new clothes every week, does not necessarily mean you're poor. It's all in your mind and what you define as "rich".

      Money in the bank is not the same as quality of life. Sure, a bit of dough helps, but its not the same thing.

      1. Ken Hagan Gold badge

        Re: We can eithe r decrease individual demand, or decrease individuals

        "As an example, just because you don't get to shop new clothes every week, does not necessarily mean you're poor."

        Phew! Coz, just as an example, I don't know *anyone* who does that.

        1. Intractable Potsherd

          @Ken Hagan

          I can introduce you to several, and not just those fitting the stereotyped woman shopper. I know at least three men who buy clothes most, if not all, weeks.

          1. Ken Hagan Gold badge

            @Intractable Potsherd

            How depressing. Perhaps we are all fucked, after all.

    2. Martin G. Helmer

      Re: We can eithe r decrease individual demand, or decrease individuals

      and by the way, it won't be all of us living in poverty, only maybe 99% of us.

      The other 1% will still be laughing.

  10. User McUser

    A small point I'd like to make

    "... limited hot water: so dirtier clothes ..."

    Actually most modern clothes washing detergents actually work perfectly well in cold water. And in any case, the bulk of the actual cleaning of your clothes comes from the physical agitation, with the detergent aiding by dislodging the more stubborn dirt and stains and then sequestering it in the rinse water.

  11. Ron 6

    Boycott the companies funding the WWF

    You have to wonder if WWF, like Greanpeace, blackmail companies in to donating to a cause that, frankly, wants to put them out of business.

    If we all boycott the companies that donate money and land to these eco-terrorists (or put them on their board of directors like some of the oil companies) maybe we can break the power of these groups.

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Ah well,

    ...not to worry, the Earth will sort herself out, one way or the other.

    Always does, with or without WWF. Or Lewis, for that matter.

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

  13. Get the puck outa here

    You just need some inspiration.

    Pol Pot should be on the cover of the WWF report.

  14. regorama

    North Korea for the Masses

    I suggest those wanting the world to live this way spend three years in N. Korea and then get back to us on their ideas.

  15. NomNomNom

    People should actually read the report. You might find a startling difference between what it says and how it's been reported here.

    1. Scott 19


      How much does Soro's pay you to puch his agenda NomNomNom?

      1. NomNomNom

        Re: Payment

        Here's the report summary:

        Go to slide 21 and 22, which is the part about "doing something"

        Now try to find me anything on slide 21 which justifies the "they want us to go back to living in caves", "they want to ban steel and concrete", "they are extremists" interpretations (and I use that word loosely) of the report.

        The report might be pie-in-the-sky optimistic thinking, much like a report advocating the "end of all wars" would be wishful thinking, but it isn't extremist. If you disagree find me one quote from the summary that is extreme.

  16. John Savard

    They're Not All That Wrong

    It doesn't help one's case in arguing against the extreme position taken by the WWF to take an equally extreme position in the other direction. Then, neither side can really marshal the facts in its defense.

    Yes, what they're aiming at is to impose global poverty. But they're quite right if we instead go on with business as usual, more species will go extinct as people intrude more into the few remaining untouched wildlife habitats.

    There are basically two alternatives we have to the choice between a decent, prosperous life for all of humanity on the one hand, and the survival of the glories of wild Nature on the other. Two ways we could have both.

    One is population control. If we decided not to have very many children, and our children decided not to have very many grandchildren, eventually, barring major advances in gerontology, there would be few enough of us that we could live comfortably without destroying the planet.

    The other is nuclear power. That lets us produce the abundant energy our lifestyle depends on without impinging on the biosphere to any significant extent. We still probably would have to ration airplane travel, but that would not be a big deal if people could travel from London to New York in hours on high-speed electric trains.

    You know, through the Channel Tunnel, and then on to the bridge across the Bering Strait...

    No, I'm not kidding. We have options. We can build a meaningful future for humanity that doesn't mean ruin and destruction for the natural world.

    1. NomNomNom

      Re: They're Not All That Wrong

      "Yes, what they're aiming at is to impose global poverty."

      where in the report does it say that?

      Seriously, the report pretty much says eat less meat, switch from fossil fuels to renewables and use 15% less energy (energy efficiency)

      Yet many commenters throwing around North Korea, Pol Pot and "Livin in a Cave" memes. THAT is extremist. The report is far from that.

      Wonder where they got the idea the report is extremist. Here's a game: Try to find actual "extremist" words from the report in Lewis's article. Should be easy, he must have quoted the worst stuff right? See if you can find a quote that is clearly extreme. Then wonder if many peopel are thinking the report is extreme because the quotes are really extreme or whether it's Lewis's provided interpretation of them that is extreme.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: They're Not All That Wrong

        Lewis is a Troll, getting a reaction is the point, not a valid presentation of fact with logical discussion.

  17. Frank Butcher

    Well Done WWF

    I wholeheartedly endorse these plans from the WWF. I already adhere to most of these items even going so far as to power my computer by cycle wheel technology. A simple 13 hour cycle enables me to logon for fully thirteen minutes, if I turn the brightness down.

  18. Anonymous Coward

    I for one welcome our environmentalist overlords!!

    And I look forward to my future as a subsistence farmer and taking time from the backbreaking ongoing struggle to rest a tenous living from my smallholding so that I can enjoy my leisure time watching the fire burn in the hearth and watching my half-feral children chase chickens around in the farm yard. Maybe there will even be enough time to go down to the weekly jousting tournament to watch my neighbors who are still wealthy enough to afford a horse and shield!

    Ah....good times!!

  19. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    'Eco' Thugs

    These are Communists, people hatters and quite possibly psychopaths, and probably eventually want a Communist dictatorship with them on top, and the boot on you 1984 style. These rabid predators need to be revealed and ruined, and if still persistent, given the traditional tribal solution for psychopathy e.g. pushed off a cliff.

    The real cause of all the real damage to nature is the lack of will and vision to make nature valuable enough to protect; however world-wide state collectivism together with slaver Bankster Fractional Reserve Debt and usury actively prevent the correct valuation of all resources, thus nature is undervalued and over exploited!

    The real irony is a more primitive society would likely do more damage and become unable to maintain a lot of what they say is nature, but is actually centuries old man-shaped, improved and maintained ecosystems!

    1. Ken Hagan Gold badge

      Re: "people hatters"

      Milliners? I thought Mad Hatters went out shortly after the other Lewis wrote Alice in Wonderland.

  20. Limulus

    Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors NOW!

    After reading that, I'm either going to go out and buy a Mjölnir pendant and join a Germanic neopagan group in advance of the collapse of western civilization or do everything in my power to promote the rapid R&D of Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors (LFTR) to end the Neo-Luddite nightmare that stalks us from under a panda skin. (Either way, Thor is awesome.)

    Mad props to Baroness Worthington for starting an APPG to look at the idea and Kirk Sorensen for pretty much single-handedly getting the meme (and extensive documentation from ORNL) out there for anyone willing to listen to his message of safe nuclear even before Fukushima started freaking people out.

    If you're reading this and have no idea what I'm talking about, find "Thorium Remix 2011" on Youtube and watch the first five min (a summary). Then when you're like 'OMGWTF4REALZ?!?' watch the rest of the two hour vid. You'll learn about crazy shit like nuclear powered aircraft and a genius named Alvin Weinberg who basically solved our problems back in the 60's with a nuclear reactor that's meltdown-proof by using molten salt as both coolant and fuel, thermally self-regulating due to hot salt expansion decreasing fission (and cool salt contraction increasing fission, e.g. as power demand ramps up) and which breeds its own fuel from highly stable Thorium that's just sitting on the ground all over the world (lookup Kerala, India; entire beaches of Thorium (Monazite) sands). Depending on who you ask there might be enough around to power civilization until the sun runs out of hydrogen and destroys the earth! Why don't we have this wonder? Goddamn Richard-fucking-Milhous Nixon, that's why.

    OK, enough ranting; learn about LFTR! Learn about the one the Chinese are building, or the Czechs, or Sorensen's; they're all supposed to have prototypes up and running ~2015.

  21. Anonymous Coward

    Hey Mr Lewis, Sir

    Why don't you ramble about the incompetence of the Glorious American Arms Industry ?

  22. GreenIt!

    Gabri Rigotti

    We promote poverty alleviation via Green solutions.

    As Business Intelligence specialists we have processed massive amounts of municipal data in South Africa that indicate Green as a way forward not only for the environmental health of the planet but also for poverty alleviation.

    South Africa is a microcosm of the world, with extremes of wealth and poverty, racial and cultural differences, and vast amounts of wilderness (natural environment).

    Politically it showed the world how to resolve conflict, and its Constitution is arguably one of the most advanced ever in terms of human rights.

    So as a real-world laboratory that can be extrapolated from, the evidence from the South African data that we process is significant.

    The vested global interests in "dirty energy" however are threatened by a shift to clean energy.

    A future Green world will not only be safer but also far less poorer.

    It is however probable that those economic interests based on unsustainabe resources such as fossil fuels will eventually lose - if they do not shift their core business as well.

    For more information see:

    1. tillm

      WTF ?

      Are you also trolling for your Preso's theory that "Showering After Sex Defends Against HIX/AIDS ?". Just asking.

  23. BitDr

    Re: "90% reduction of the population.."

    I think we should start with them, perhaps put them on Ark 3, then forget about them.

  24. Stephen Channell

    Time to go all-in on Fusion Power

    Really, if we can’t work out how to do Nuclear Fusion without the big bang, we may as well get on with human-extinction and let another species have a go..

  25. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I don't know which WWF I think less of

    I don't know which WWF I think are worse:

    1) The totally fake, attention whoring, talentless hacks who put on a show just to make a buck


    2) The guys in Spandex tights in the wrestling ring.

  26. Peter Dawe

    Euro crisis solves Climate crisis

    Merkel Hollande and co are killing growth in Europe, so I guess they will be lauded as the saviors of the world

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

  27. Mahou Saru

    prequel to the wind up girl?

    Reads like it

  28. xyz Silver badge

    We need to kill people.....

    ...lots of people. Every other option is a sticking plaster on the problem.

  29. TeeCee Gold badge
    Black Helicopters

    Thought for the day.

    "Only global poverty can save the planet...."

    The EU types have a right hardon for this green shit, don't they? This explains a lot of what's going on in the world right now.......


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