back to article Study finds piracy withering against legal alternatives

A study has found that people are perfectly prepared to pay for online content, provided that the alternatives aren’t too harsh. The data, from respected think-tank American Assembly, shows that illegal file sharing among family and friends is relatively common – but that people would prefer to use a legal alternative if one …


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  1. JimmyPage Silver badge

    Fascinating debate ...

    which slightly (to me) misses the point.

    Content providers (previously known as record comanies, and film studios) were well aware of the nature, and demand for digital content well over 10 years ago. Their customers told them of it, and requested it, and were basically told to **** off. By failing to engage with the market, and therefore shape it to *consumers* wishes, they have effectively been bitchslapped. We have seen wave after wave of laws, and regulations, and dodgy civil, and criminal suits for what ?

  2. Armando 123

    Wait a minute

    You mean Steve Jobs was right, that people are basically honest and willing to pay for something they deem worth it?

    I'm conflicted; are we supposed to dislike Jobs or like him today?

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    it often gets on my *its?

    Most people, most of the time wish to remain legit users of stuff they use (otherwise we end up in an alternative reality?)

    It is helpful for T&C along with purchase price AND other stuff to make it easy-peasy for the great abundance of users to be legit users no?

    And if no, why no?

    Alternatively, if yes, why yes?

    But what really gets on my *ity bits is that humungous, interfering stress inducing manner of banner advert that jiggles my wotsits according to where it is in its playback mode?


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