back to article What's long, hard and full of seamen? The USS Harvey Milk

It's been 37 years since The Village People's hit song In the Navy associated the armed service with an acceptance of homosexuality. It's been 38 since one of the gay movement's trailblazers, Harvey Milk, was gunned down at San Francisco city hall by fellow city supervisor Dan White. Now the two get to hook up, with the news …


  1. Vincent Manis

    Missing info

    Actually, the USNS Harvey Milk is the second ship in the John Lewis class, which are being named after civil rights leaders. And the `long, hard, and full of seamen' comment is about as courteous in discussing this matter as a reference to watermelon in a discussion of Obama's foreign policy would be. Both the article and the headline are seriously misleading.

    1. Kubla Cant

      Re: Missing info

      the USNS Harvey Milk is the second ship in the John Lewis class

      Good quality ships, tasteful, if a bit dull. And never knowingly undersold.

      1. Vincent Manis

        Re: Missing info

        ...and also the name of an eminent member of the US House of Representatives, representing a large part of Atlanta, Georgia, a former (and current) civil rights leader.

  2. x 7

    well, the gays on that boat are never going to be short of lube.

  3. David Roberts

    Only a 5 inch gun?

    How boring!

    Mine's the one with the high calibre tooth brush in the pocket. ->





    Yes? Well as it happens I am very pleased to see you. Why do you ask?


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