back to article Windows RT jailbreak smash: Run ANY app on Surface slabs

The security mechanism preventing unauthorised software running on ARM-powered Windows RT tablets - such as Microsoft's Surface slabtops - can be easily defeated. The Redmond giant wanted only cryptographically signed executables, ideally those obtained from the official Windows application store, to run on its hardware. But, …


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  1. Ben Liddicott

    It rather involved being on the other side of this airtight hatchway...

    If you can run arbitrary code, it is no surprise that this gives you the ability to run arbitrary code...

  2. Bob 18


    Why would anyone bother to jailbreak a Windows RT tablet? If you want a tablet that you can run anything on, just get an Android. Nobody's forcing you to install dodgy software, but you can if you like.

  3. oldcoder

    coming soon to any RT near you....

    A linux boot that uses Window RT as a boot loader...

  4. DS 1

    So what?

    The RT platform doesn't really have much software, even in its primary 'store'. Getting stuff from elsewhere when its a trickle isn't worth much.

    To be blunt, its as dead a platform as there is. No software, and pretty incomptible with previous windows systems. It was born dead. Good luck trying to revive it.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Win RT Is A Dead Duck

    WTF were MS thinking ? Why didn't they just scale up Windows Mobile to tablet size.

  6. Mike Dimmick

    Not a jailbreak

    Come on, you have to connect with the kernel debugger and insert code to modify a byte to remove the certificate check? That's really not a practical jailbreak. In order to attach a kernel debugger, you have to boot into a kernel-debugging mode anyway. Microsoft's support threads say that you have to contact your 'ecosystem program manager' to do it on RT - Windows RT is not available to OEMs generally - as you can't modify the boot configuration data to enable kernel debugging. I'd be interested to know how he managed to enable kernel debugging in the first place!

  7. The Alpha Klutz

    i hope the store crashes and burns then i hope the ashes crash as well

    a store is just a unix repository but less useful because everything that costs money costs money and everything that doesn't is shit.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: i hope the store crashes and burns then i hope the ashes crash as well

      At least you can get commercial software through the Windows/Apple app stores. This is a problem with Linux - there are many pieces of commercial software that I may want to run, but I'm not aware of any pay-for software available for RHEL/Fedora through a repo, it's all custom installer scripts.

      1. DJ Smiley

        Re: i hope the store crashes and burns then i hope the ashes crash as well

        Shame for RHEL/Fedora then.

        On gentoo I can install UT2k3/2k4 quite happily, Quake3 as well - I know these work as I've done it. There's likely other commercial software too.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: i hope the store crashes and burns then i hope the ashes crash as well

          UT 2k3 and 2k4 and Quake 3 are hardly pay-for commercial software though, are they?

      2. JEDIDIAH

        Re: i hope the store crashes and burns then i hope the ashes crash as well

        Given what generally tends to be in "app stores", that's not much of a tragedy.

        RHEL is meant to run kilobuck commercial software with similarly expensive support contracts. They aren't your casual sort of end user thing. Contracts and haggling are involved.

        Lack of access to Adware versions of things that are better as user compiled Free Software is not such a tragedy.

  8. asdf

    fail by author

    >Windows RT has been deliberately locked down - the idea being to maintain performance and security, and blah blah

    No that is the excuses Microsoft PR and marketing give. The real reason is to get that fat cut from the devs like Apple does (who also use the same lie) if in the miraculous event WinRT doesn't fall flat on its face which it obviously already has (Ballmer can only channel stuff and hide things for so long). The only difference between both WinRT and the Surface and the Kin is Microsoft is willing to sink a more money into this lost cause to save face.

  9. b166er

    They could just do what Google are doing with Android, allow private Store's.

    1. asdf

      they won't

      Why then you give up complete control of your (l)users and the extortion money from the devs. After all someone has to vet that your fart app works correctly and isn't a security risk.

      1. dogged

        Re: they won't

        They do.

        Enterprises can have their own Stores.

  10. Herby

    First non-signed program to run?

    Me, I'd just run a program to re-flash the BIOS (or whatever they call it) to eliminate the signing of the OS image. Something perfectly good for me. Then install a version of Linux so it will be "Windows 8 or better".

    Sounds like a plan for me.

    1. RICHTO

      Re: First non-signed program to run?

      You cant flash the BIOS unless its signed....chicken and egg...

  11. The Alpha Klutz

    in 2 years tablets in any architecture will be totally cheap

    coming out of china like industrial diarrhea. I laugh at how their air is so shitty, they probably fart it out cleaner. but i hope the toxins dont eventually effect me in my part of the world. anyway enjoy your tablets you toffs

    1. asdf

      Re: in 2 years tablets in any architecture will be totally cheap

      >the toxins dont eventually effect me in my part of the world.

      Have no fear its coming and it may well have been your part of the world that kicked off the whole business model (Industrial Revolution). As bad as China's air quality is I bet England's 120 years ago or so wasn't much better.

      1. The Alpha Klutz

        Re: in 2 years tablets in any architecture will be totally cheap

        "As bad as China's air quality is I bet England's 120 years ago or so wasn't much better."

        should have pointed that out 120 years ago when I might have cared

  12. MrT

    As easy as...

    ... POKE 35899,0 ...?

    <<- we need an 8-bit icon ;-)

  13. Anonymous Coward
    IT Angle

    The security mechanism?

    The security mechanism consisted of a single digit setting, and who was it here recently telling us that Windows RT was more secure as it couldn't run all that old insecure software.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: The security mechanism?

      I believe it was an ignorant Microsoft basher....Microosft support for some legacy software has little to do with any security vulnerabilities these days....

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Creamed kernels


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