back to article BNP membership list leaks online

The British National Party has lost its membership list - the whole thing has been published online. The list includes names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of all members up to September 2008. It also includes some people's ages, especially those under 18 - the BNP offers family membership for £40. Many entries …


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  1. Jeremy

    @AC / "Confused"

    Exclusion from equal opportunity laws for governmental and public safety roles is also the case in the USA. For example, in most states, you cannot be a police officer if you're not a US citizen or have a disability, etc.

    I suspect that being being a paying member of a known racist organisation wouldn't get you past interview stateside either...

  2. Poopie McStinklestein

    Well, that's them scuppered

    Well, that's them scuppered for ever then. No-one else will ever trust them again, and sign up, and so I predict they'll slowly disappear.

    Course, that could be what the poster wanted.....

  3. Stuart Van Onselen


    Erm, son, when engaged in a debate, it's simply not cricket to just MAKE SHIT UP!

  4. Dave Moore

    @Paul 16:38

    As far as I know, it's only certain public sector jobs that are banned, like police officers. And I think this is perfectly reasonable; a police officer is not capable of doing his job justly and fairly if he's part of a racist policial party. It's a total conflict of interest.

  5. Ally


    A policeman was sacked recently for wearing a BNP badge at an England football game. By not declaring themselves to be a member of the party they broke terms and conditions of employment, so could be sacked. I look forward to a spate of soldiers, teachers and coppers down the local jobcentre

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton


    How on earth is it "banned"?? Don't they give their identities away whenever they run in bi-elections? (or would that be heteroelections in their case?)

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down


    Nobody is "band" from joining anything. If they want to form a 4 piece jazz group they can. They are however "banned" from certain professions as they preach hatred against certain groups.

    Would you want the army run by a bunch of guys who hated gays, blacks... oh... wait..... I see a flaw there.

    The main factor is that if they themselves are to embarrassed to have the world at large know their beliefs then surely it should tell them something?? Like perhaps what they believe it isn't so right after all and that they should be ashamed?

  8. Anonymous Coward

    Met breaking the law?

    Hollerith said: "You can't be fired or discriminated against (legally) in your employment in the UK because of your political beliefs."

    I thought that was the case too, but if so then surely the Met are breaking the law, looking at Craig Poxon's comment.

    Racist does not necessarily equate to right wing. If you look at the BNPs policies, it's pretty damn clear that they are in fact socialists. Anyone remember what the acronym nazi stood for, I can't quite seem to remember...

  9. Anonymous Coward

    @Anonymous Coward, 16:10 GMT

    @Anonymous Coward, 16:10 GMT

    "I admit I'm from the US, and I guess things are different here, but how do employers get away with terminating people due to political affiliation?"

    Well, you have to understand - the BNP are almost as rightwing as your Republican party, so they're rather unliked here.

  10. Darren Coleman

    Discrimination vs ostracisation

    From the MET post listed above:

    "We also have a policy of prohibiting any of our officers, staff and volunteers from becoming members of the BNP or similar organisations whose aims or pronouncements may contradict the duty to promote race equality."

    I'm sure that statement is legally "ok", therefore I don't think it is as black-and-white (hurr) as saying "legally you can't be discriminated against on the basis of your beliefs". If your beliefs, activities or whatever are in direct opposition with the ethos, well-being or whatever of your company then I would expect them to disapprove of it.

    At the very least this information being in the public domain would most likely result in these people being ostracised at work (rightfully so?) and would as a consequence affect their ability to do their job, particularly if they are in a position of authority over others, etc.

    In short - there are many ways in which information like this could result in someone losing their job, either as a direct consequence of breaking terms of employment (MET) or "company well-being". Frankly whilst IANAL I could imagine people being fired for "bringing company into disrepute" with this information in the public domain.

  11. Bill Cumming

    Guess their will be a shortage...

    of clean underwear and toilet rolls tonight when people realise they could be sacked tomorrow morning :D

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Let me get this straight...

    ...People in certain occupations are banned from joining extreme political parties. This is well known and yet it looks like people in these positions have still given their job details to the BNP - which then recorded it.

    Guess the entry requirements for Master Race aren't what they used to be.

    Now the thorny question remains - is this a shocking intrusion on personal information or just hilarious.

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    >>"And where are these radical left wing organisations ..."

    If they exist, they're probably stuck in an never-ending meeting in a room over a pub, where they've been since 1989, trying to agree their collective response to the fall of the Berlin Wall.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Re: Well, it's not on wikileaks yet...

    It took 37 seconds to find it on the net... You don't need Wikileaks.

  15. A J Stiles

    "Racist" murders ?

    Tom Paine: Not every crime where the perpetrators were white and the victim wasn't is a racist crime.

    In Derby, a few years ago, a bunch of underage chav scum were (quite rightly) refused service of cigarettes and alcohol by a shopkeeper. Later that day, they attempted to burn down the shopkeeper's house. It was recorded as a racist incident because the youths were white and the shopkeeper was Asian, yet there was absolutely nothing racist about it: they would have done exactly the same to a white shopkeeper. It was about fags and booze, **not** race.

    Some people are too willing to see racism where there is none.

  16. Robert Oakes
    Thumb Down

    I hate the BNP - Paul

    Paul, IMHO people who are members of the BNP have the stereotype that the are racists and inhibit racial views. That reason in itself is a good enough reason, as a for example - Police Officer who's views may be clouded.

    I have somebody in my own family, who is training to be a teacher, and she inhibits some distasteful racial and xenophobic views, who laughs off when i try and explain to her that she can get dismissed.

    The BNP should be forced to reveal their membership lists -

    Posting anon just in case!!!!!!

  17. Paul Fleetwood
    Thumb Down

    @boltar, we can see you're trying to change the topic

    Nobody would dispute Stalin was a bad man, most students of politics and history, regardless of their political leanings, would agree he was an evil despot; though the record is pretty clear that he was not a member of these leftist organisations you were comparing to the BNP..

    Quite why you felt like bringing Hitler and Stalin into the discussion, unless it was that you were aware your first point was erroneous and you felt it needed distracting from, is most perplexing.

  18. Boris the Cockroach Silver badge


    From what this ex-civil servant remembers of his terms and condictions

    Membership of extreme right wing AND left wing parties is banned

    So I could'nt join the british nazi party(or arseholes), nor could I join the british communist party(or fruitcakes), partly because of their particular beliefs but mostly due to the fact they wanted to overthrow the state and replace it with their own 'ideal' state.

    Oh and if you ban the british nazi party, how long will it be before you start banning other parties you dont like............

  19. Karl Marx

    Pity all this will result in is a few bricked windows...

    Dissent scum like the BNP, who dare express unpolitically-correct views, ought to be rounded up and placed inside work camps--either that, or taken to a secluded forest and shot in the back of the neck with a .22 pistol. Then we can all live together in multicultural, hedonistic, consumerist bliss--without having to worry about such outdated concepts as "thinking".

  20. jack horner

    @Boltar: Childish flaming-but what the hell!

    Hey Boltar! You ridiculous tory-boy - Why don't you fuck off back to WoW or wherever it is you come from and if you like the BNP so much - why don't you marry them?

    '...the liberal left media establishment...'



  21. Andy Barber

    @ Clint Sharp

    In the UK we are 'Subjects' not 'citizens! :-(

  22. Neil

    @ Boris the Cockroach

    Banning other political parties I don't like? That'd be all of them, then... Sounds like a plan to me.

  23. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What is wrong with the BNP?

    It is a political party that supports the folk of the British Isle, slightly right wing leanings, but not as far left as communist labour. Left and right are the same at the extremes, just about control, and the BNP doesn't strike me as wanting to control the liberty of the British, it looks like they wish to restore our liberties.

    It is not pro continental Europe, which is beginning to look like the rise of the Fourth Reich.

    The BNP is very active in a local politics as well, helping out the community.

    Sure they are nationalist but shouldn't you support your own nation? What are people who don't support their nation aiming for, a one world order, support of another nation?

    If the conservatives lean a bit more right, and put up protectionist policies for trade, then I imagine the tories will get in next tie round.

    But, come on Labour has sold us all up the river in the UK, our standard of living has decreased significantly, and taxation has been increased by bringing in foreign nationals to do menial labour, and that has allowed for the surveillance systems to be funded. It also contributed to the housing price bubble.

    Now the UK is a small place, it operated well because of sustained birth rate 1 per person, but we are the not the US, Canada, or Australia we just don't have the space.

    And it is not a case that we have the jobs, we just have some greedy foreigners controlling huge parts of the UK job market, who want to pay as little as possible, so they get them from abroad for cheaper.

    Eventually our economy collapses, because ultimately our economy is about our nation, it is how well we as a group operate. And at the point of collapse those who are not loyal to the nation just go back to their nation which is generally far more protectionist than ours.

    Most other country in the world realises this, apart from the UK. Well it does now, in real terms we are the second poorest country in the world per capita.

  24. David Barr
    Thumb Down


    I don't like the BNP. They are a negative influence, they are looking to blame groups in society. They may not be clearly racist, but they have racist undertones and a great deal of support from racists.

    However democracy depends on people being able to support any party, and being able to vote for any party. If people are going to be discriminated against (which is now likely) as a result of the party they support then this is wrong.

    Personally I can be a little right wing - although I'm not authoritarian. Sadly there aren't any realistic right wing parties in the UK. The UKIP are not much better than the BNP, and even the conservatives have mild policies and aren't strongly enough in favour of freedoms and small government. I would never vote for the BNP, no matter how much I agreed with their policies. However I suspect there may be a few (idiots) who are sucked in by their "we're not racists, honest" front that they put up, and if they lose their jobs as a result of this then I believe that will be wrong.

  25. Dan

    Idle threat?

    "Anonymous said...

    I'm currently having fun emailing employers, schools and police departments of people that were stupid enough to register with their employer email

    Also cc'ing in local newspapers to avoid cover ups

    He he he"

    Who knows, guessing someone out there must be bored enough to do it. Searching google already shows results for some trackers....

  26. Bobelinks MacWendigsuto

    BNP or Christians


    "Your Character


    We also have a policy of prohibiting any of our officers, staff and volunteers from becoming members of the BNP or similar organisations whose aims or pronouncements may contradict the duty to promote race equality."

    I wonder if they have the same policy about membership of Christian Voice and other religious or religo-political organisations whose aims contradict the duty to promote equality on grounds of sexual orientation

    BNP - may be hateful, but not the only hateful lot out there.

  27. SocialConscience

    naivity or attention seeking?

    just that really

  28. Tom Paine

    appearances matter

    One last thing - the significance of banning BNP members from the police and army is not only about trying to put an end to blatant rascist abuse by those in positions of power (hands up who remembers the name Brian Douglas without Google's help! ) It's also a recognition that /perceptions matter/. If the police are /perceived/ as racist bullyboys, it makes the job of honest coppers who are in the job to collar villains a lot harder. Banning BNP members doesn't make it impossible that racist bullies are still in the police, but *not* banning them would make it hard to have the fights I've had a couple of times in my life with trying to persuade people at times when it really mattered that, actually, in general the police CAN be trusted to do the right thing.

  29. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward



    go to your nearest masonic hall and go take a directory book which contains all the names of your local masons...not quite as secret as, say, the BNP's list and a lot more boring too I guess...

    Now another list of all the left-wing maniacs and green eco-terrorists and we'll be doing well...

    ...give it a few weeks and NuLabour will have lost them on a train somewhere anyway

  30. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Stalin was racist too, he performed ethnic cleansing on many of the racial groups in Russia. He may have been a communist (left wing), but he was also a dictator (state control, no political leaning)

    The right wing picked up the association with racists because they are at nature conservative and therefore objected to a change in the status quo (ie foreigners coming in). Politically, the BNP are mostly far left wing but they also have a load of far right wing policies too (an example of trying to keep their likely voters and core base happy). So they definitely aren't centerist, but they aren't exactly a party that can be pigeon-holed

  31. Nev

    @AC "What is wrong with the BNP? "

    Oh look what just crawled out from under a rock:

    Someone who's probably on that list!

    Next he/she/it'll be extolling the "virtues" of thugs beating up non-whites and homosexuals.

    Proof, if need be that the BNP are vermin.

  32. Wokstation

    @"What is wrong with the BNP? " AC

    The fact that you've felt the need to post your support for the BNP anonymously shows you yourself are ashamed to be associated with them, and you're trying to "big them up".

    I'm guessing your name was on this list...?

  33. Ben

    @ The anonymous coward above

    Says it all, really. Anxiously scanning for your name, were you? The BNP's position would make Britain weak by making it an international pariah state.

    I'm uncomfortable though with the BNP being singled out for special treatment by the police, education authorities etc. It'd be better to ban all party members from state employment to try and enforce some kind of impartiality and reduce the chances of political shenanigans and inbreeding.

  34. Carl Greatbatch

    @What is wrong with the BNP?

    No, hang on. Quite apart from the bobbins you're talking in the rest of your post do you seriously believe - "Most other country in the world realises this, apart from the UK. Well it does now, in real terms we are the second poorest country in the world per capita."

    Really. Second poorest? In the World? Per anything?


  35. Chris G

    @ What is wrong with the BNP

    Firstly, if you have nothing to fear from your obvious membership of the BNP why have you posted anonymously?

    Secondly, you were doing well for the first half of your comment, much of it appealed to the rightish leanings in some of my political thinking, then you get to `our standard of living has decreased significantly' no it hasn't, in real terms to paraphrase Macmillan `You've never had it so good´an average weekly wage in the UK now buys far more than it ever has before ( not I hasten to add because of Nullabour). Taxation as high as it is is nothing to do with cheap foreigners working for peanuts it is to do with a runaway Labour? government that has been in power too long. Cheap foreign labour actually helps economies in general to create wealth. That is one of the reasons the aforementioned Macmillan opened the doors of the UK to Indians and West Indians in the fifties, so they could come to the UK to do work the British would not do for low wages.

    The housing price bubble is more to do with general greed from house owners through to estate agents, banks and mortgage lenders and financial institutions that had fingers in the housing pie,Haven't been reading the papers lately?

    As for greedy foreigners, do you know how much British money controls the jobs markets in other countries and gets the workers cheap, and nationalism could not have saved the economy from the current collapse, it's a much bigger thing than just the UK.

    Lastly , the biggest load of bollocks you have uttered is your last sentence, in 2007 the UK had the 13th largest GDP in the world,the 15th highest purchasing power,the 2nd lowest was Sierra Leone with a purchasing power of 1/70th of the UK's, Britain had the fifth highest economic freedom,I could go on. If you want to present a reasonable face for your party try saying something meaningful with something real to back it up instead of total shit, or if what you really want is to get all the fucking foreigners out of Britain, just come out and say it,I cant argue with genuine feelings even if I don't agree with them.

  36. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    A long list of utter fucktards

    as interesting as this is, looking at peoples personal info such as a complete fuckwit who has an email address beginning totenkopf* it does make you wonder if any of our info is safe. I would hope the organisations im a member of are a little more secure than the BNP!

    Now if my employer ever found out i was in the Barbie fan club......Ive said to much....

    *totenkopf is german for skull and crossbones as used on SS capbadges, and also the name of a Waffen SS division. a totenkopf battalion murdered 97 british POWs in cold blood in 1940. Clearly this guy is a proper, proper arsehole.

  37. Anonymous Coward

    Google yourself...kind of!

    Heres a fun game! instead of googling yourself, see if you can find your own name on the list!

    I just seems I live a double life as a far right nutjob at the opposite end of the country. Perhaps I have been having 'blackouts'.....and i thought it was all cheese dreams!

    Now if you find your own name AND should be ashamed of yourself .FACIST!!

  38. Mr Larrington

    It's a pity...

    ...that Nelson appears to have murdered spEak You're bRanes in its sleep, as we'd have had a field day taking the piss out of the racist twats. I hate Illinois^w Nazis

  39. Anonymous Coward

    Fun can also be had...

    searching the list of emails and converting them to web pages - puts faces to names in some cases.

    Also interesting that quite a few are happy to use their work emails including university ones or ones associated with their own business. Gretna based wedding companies for example - wonder if the local paper knows about that, or businesses which seem to get local council money like an interior refitting company which lists local universities as case studies - wonder how much repeat work they will get now.

    St Andrews uni - isn't that where the future king went to be educated ?

    You would think they would use anon emails like hotmail or Gmail - then again that involves thinking so maybe not.

    Some of the emails bring up a vision of a fantacist probably with an extensive collection of german SS uniforms of WW2 and nazi memorabilia - totenkopf_88 is a good example, or how about apitbullandy@...

    Also fun to check your local area. Some parents at my child's school are on there. Should be fun next time I go to drop her off and maybe do a little staring at them.

    It would be shocking if the list was circulated further.

  40. Rasczak

    @ jon - re: Comment of losing my job By Jamie


    If that political leaning is likely to cause you to be discriminatory to non whites then it is totally right that they are banned from operating in certain organisations such as the police.


    So are you implying that if a political leaning is likely to cause you to discriminate against white people then that should not see you banned from joining the Police ?

    If so then does that not make you racist ?

    Think of it this way, a company has 100 jobs available. 100 white Anglo-Saxon males apply, and 100 women from ethnic minorities apply, who should get the jobs ?

    Think about it for a minute.

    If you say anything other than the 100 best people, whether they be all white males, all female from ethnic minorities, or any ratio of the 2, then you, IMNSHO, are being racist. Of course you can make the split any two diverse groups you care to think of.

    Think about how you would feel if you were one of those who applied, the jobs were given to the 50 best from each group just to keep quotas right, you were the 51st best person in your group and you were better suited to the job than the best person from the other group.

    If you meant to say that if your political leanings are likely to cause you to discriminate against anyone for any reason then you should be banned from joining the Police and didn't quite put is across correctly then I apologise should I have cuased you offence

  41. rob

    El Reg commentards sock it to the evil far right!

    Bravo commentards!

    All BNP members should lose their jobs and be ostracised from decent society!

    Some commentards are having a jolly good time ratting out their fellow subjects (see below).

    "Anonymous said...

    I'm currently having fun emailing employers, schools and police departments of people that were stupid enough to register with their employer email

    Also cc'ing in local newspapers to avoid cover ups

    He he he"

    Its even fun to flame those individuals who act as devils advocate (I mean come on they MUST be on the list if they are not bashing those evil BNP members).

    But I thought the UK was supposed to be a well rounded society with free speech enshrined for all? I guess not. As far as I am concerned people can be a member of the communist party or BNP or whatever, as long as they commit no crimes. I may not agree with anything they have to say, but I respect that they have the right to say it.

    I think somebody once said (roughly) "those who give up freedom in search of security derserve neither"

    Seems about right to me.

  42. spider from mars


    The bit that made me laugh was the temerity of Nick Griffin on the TV this morning, claiming his members' human rights had been violated.

    ORLY? and which party was it that rails against European law in general and the EU Human Rights Act in particular?

  43. Winkypop Silver badge
    Thumb Up


    Just lovely, a great use of the intertubes that!

  44. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It is a strange time, economically speaking.

    We're facing economic circumstances that are exactly the same as those that led to Munich, and the disaffected youth. The far right is already all over Austria like a rash.

    I'm not implying anything by this, but it's a strange co-incidence.

  45. TeeCee Gold badge

    Can someone have a look....

    And see if there's a Mr A. T. Hun and a Mr. G. Khan on there?

    I want to prove the old adage that they're somewhere to the right of them once and for all.....

  46. Anomalous Cowherd Silver badge

    @ AC above

    You've been roundly slammed on most of your points, but one stood out:

    "Now the UK is a small place, it operated well because of sustained birth rate 1 per person, but we are the not the US, Canada, or Australia we just don't have the space."

    Guess what? With the zero immigration you propose and a birth rate of anything less than two, the population will age and eventually disapper altogether. Without immigration, my friend, the british will quite literally cease to exist, and that's a mathematically verifiable fact.


  47. Anonymous Coward

    Pure hypocricy

    You lot should be ashamed of yourselves, I'm no BNP supporter but the fact many here are happy to name and shame a group of individuals whose membership of a perfectly legal political party (or club, if you want), is disgusting and shows what contempt people have for real democracy in this country.

    I thought most Reg readers were screaming for stricter privacy laws but it appears they're only interested in it when it suits them. Hypocrites.

    Not to mention the lives that will be ruined as a result of this going public - vendettas against people (or property) on the list, hatred of other family members who may have no political affiliation, or attacks on individuals who have been mistakenly identified as BNP members.

    I just hope none of you lot end up on a list of what someone else views as "undesirables" (for whatever reason). Would you be quite so happy about a similar public list of say, gays, mental illness sufferers, diabetics, handicapped people, alcoholics, drug users, police officers, prison officers, traffic wardens, gypsies, swingers, daily mail readers, christians, jews, iranians, the list is endless. Thought not. Its not quite so funny if you're on a list that someone else might target now, is it?

    Incidently, no one here has called for an outing of illegal organisations - funny that.

    Thought crime isn't formally a crime yet, but many here appear happy for it to become so. If hate crimes are happening, then convict the actually perpetrators, not those who are forced to vote with their feet for alternatives by the current crop of crooks and liars who have sold this country down the river.

  48. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Just downloaded the list, there are 2 Nazi families (husband and wife, and husband-wife-daughter) within 1000m of where I live - I'm the only ethnic minority in the area. I've never seen them out and about, but to be so close.... argghhh!

  49. j

    I can't wait for the Have Your Say reaction

    to this

  50. cat herder
    Thumb Up

    oh how we love to crow at misfortune

    This has throughly cheered me up.... and reading the list made me snort into my coffee

    "Discretion required re. employment concerns - Police officer"

    and how many will be doing something similar to this guy tomorrow?

    "Will not be renewing 07 (embarrassed by revelations in Private Eye re. councillors)"

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