back to article Oh Deer! Poacher sentenced to 12 months of regular Bambi screenings in the cooler

An outlaw hunter will spend not only the next year or so behind bars, but also must face regular screenings of the Disney film Bambi. The Springfield News-Leader, in Missouri, USA, has the story this month of David Berry Jr, one in a family of four caught hunting trophy bucks without a license. Prosecutors in Lawrence County …


  1. Phil Kingston

    'Murica never ceases...

    ... to amaze me. The fact that they allow people to run around with hunting rifles so easily is only narrowly outdone by the ridiculousness of some of their sentencing.

    Also, I've never seen Bambi, but have heard what goes on. I'll pass.

    1. bombastic bob Silver badge
      Thumb Down

      Re: 'Murica never ceases...

      well, then you won't want to know that LEGAL hunting not only helps pay for conservation, but controls the deer population. It's illegal to shoot a doe, and you're limited in the number of bucks you can hunt. And you can only hunt them in a season where it's easy to tell the bucks from the does, and a bit of herd-thinning would actually be GOOD for the deer population.

      And I happen to *like* venison. So yeah if you kill it, you must eat the meat. or let others do it for ya!

      Or is it the RIFLE part you don't like? Yeah, thought so.

      /me notes that if EVERYONE has a firearm, criminals will be a LOT more afraid to use them to commit crimes...

      (but yeah, poachers should face penalties, regardless)

      1. Phil Kingston

        Re: 'Murica never ceases...

        >/me notes that if EVERYONE has a firearm, criminals will be a LOT more afraid to use them to commit crimes...

        Ah, one of those ones.

      2. Potemkine! Silver badge

        Re: 'Murica never ceases...

        /* if EVERYONE has a firearm, criminals will be a LOT more afraid to use them to commit crimes... */

        Utter BS, disproved by all statistics on the subject made anywhere in the World.

        1. Timmy B

          Re: 'Murica never ceases...


          Got anything that's not over 20 years old like that stats that article uses. I'd also like to see suicide removed form the stats as if you want to do that you'll find a different way. Try harder.

          1. Sixtysix

            Re: 'Murica never ceases...

            @Timmy B

            " I'd also like to see suicide removed form the stats as if you want to do that you'll find a different way. "

            I can agree that there is an issue with including suicide, but actually most "other" forms of attempted terminal self harm:

            - need a LOT more time between the thought and the action

            - may require planning or things that are not immediately to hand

            - are hard to complete when falling down drunk/under the influence/severely depressed

            - typically seem more unpleaseant as they might involve "pain"

            - have WAY better survival rates

            As a consequence, the relative "ease" of terminal self harm by firearm increases the risk of actual follow through with the intent. Availability of firearms does seem to increase the likelihood of someone actually attempting suicide, so skews the figures - but sadly a proportion of suicide by firearm is directly responsible to availability of method.

            1. JimJimmyJimson

              Re: 'Murica never ceases...

              Suicide would seem to be irrelevant as in most jurisdictions Suicide is now legal. If you want to shoot yourself go nuts.

          2. Mephistro

            Re: 'Murica never ceases...(@ Timmy B)

            "Got anything that's not over 20 years old like that stats that article uses."

            Perhaps you should have read the whole article, where it states clearly the reasons for the absence of up-to-date statistics. In short, a political party sponsored by an industry quasi-NGO* made it illegal researching this issue AND receiving public research funds.

            Hints: GOP, NRA. ;^)

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: 'Murica never ceases...(@ Timmy B)

              "made it illegal researching this issue AND receiving public research funds."

              I understand your confusion, you've been lied to by the news pundits you trust but it doesn't make it true. The law never made it illegal. Here's the relevant section which reads:

              "... none of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun control..."

              So what it makes illegal is partisan lobbying. They can do all the research they like and even publish the studies but they aren't allowed to take a partisan position on the issue or lobby for certain legislation. See, here's some from a few years ago:


              Besides, Trump already made the media 'happy' by signing a law months ago:


              Now can you stop whining?

          3. baud

            Re: 'Murica never ceases...

            With an username like Potemkine, doing ass-pull isn't surprising, no?

          4. MonkeyCee

            Re: 'Murica never ceases...

            "I'd also like to see suicide removed form the stats "

            Why? People with access to pistols commit suicide at a much higher rate than those that don't (eg vets in the UK). It's the same way that people with swimming pools drown more often (and a swimming pool is more likely to kill a child than a gun in the same house), there is a clear correlation.

            I'm fairly sure that gun owners aren't any more suicidal than the rest of the population, it's just an extremely easy way to top yourself. Still doesn't change that roughly two thirds of firearm fatalities are self inflicted.

            As far as recording a verdict of suicide, there are a variety of reasons why a coroner might record accidental death from self inflicted injuries rather than suicide. If there is a clear pattern of someone winding up their life, putting their affairs in order, leaving a note and doing it, then probably. But the stigma and shame attached to it, and the guilt those left behind feel, may make it easier to lay the blame as an accident.

            Plus accidents with firearms happen, so splitting up the cases is tricky.

            The only people who are doing much study of it seem to be the military, since 22 veterans take their own lives each day. Often with a gun.

        2. rg287

          Re: 'Murica never ceases...

          Utter BS, disproved by all statistics on the subject made anywhere in the World.

          But nonetheless confused by the fact that the Czech Republic has one of the highest rates of private firearms ownership in Europe and even allows Concealed Carry (subject to stringent licensing and a test), but has a homicide rate half that of the UK.

          When you come down to it, rates of violence have nothing to do with rates of firearms ownership and significantly more to do with having a sensible regulatory regime in place.

          For instance, the UK is unique in Europe in prohibiting pistols. But as mentioned, our homicide rate is far higher than that of countries like the Czech Republic, Sweden or Switzerland where firearms and shooting are a part of life.

          A variety of societal problems causes violence and crime in the first instance (and the US, with it's limited social welfare and socialised healthcare suffers many problems that we don't have in Europe. The entire premise of Breaking Bad is implausible in Europe). Firearms are only a secondary consideration to that, and the US has a problem because of lax licensing (rather than widespread ownership) and a reprehensibly irresponsible mass media who glorify mass shooters and encourage copy-cats (unfortunately European media is going the same way - e.g. putting a shock jock like Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain).

          1. GruntyMcPugh Silver badge

            Re: 'Murica never ceases...

            @rg287 "confused by the fact that the Czech Republic has one of the highest rates of private firearms ownership in Europe and even allows Concealed Carry (subject to stringent licensing and a test), but has a homicide rate half that of the UK."

            But about five time the homicide rate by firearm,..... and the homicide rate is _now_ lower than that of the UK, but hasn't always been.

            1. rg287

              Re: 'Murica never ceases...

              But about five time the homicide rate by firearm,..... and the homicide rate is _now_ lower than that of the UK, but hasn't always been.

              True, but who cares whether you get stabbed or shot to death? The fact of the matter is, half as many people are dead despite some 12.5% of the population owning firearms (compared to 1% in the UK).

              Even if their overall homicide rate were the same as the UK's, the numbers quite clearly demonstrate that violence equates to a complex mix of societal and regulatory factors, not to rates of gun ownership - as is often claimed by a naive comparison of UK/Europe to USA. Correlation =/= Causation.

              It's time people stopped being dogmatic about this and started drawing evidence-based conclusions (unfortunately the Home Office are refusing to buck this trend, having fabricated a variety of problems to fit their "solution" in their Offensive Weapons Bill).

              1. GruntyMcPugh Silver badge

                Re: 'Murica never ceases...

                @rg287 "half as many people are dead"

                At the moment,.... the homicide rate has historically been higher than that of the UK, and could exceed it again at some point. And yes it matters whether people got shot, because it demonstrates the correlation that more guns = more gun homicides.

      3. Teiwaz

        Re: 'Murica never ceases...

        /me notes that if EVERYONE has a firearm, criminals will be a LOT more afraid to use them to commit crimes...

        If Everyone potentially has a firearm, the Police will remain jumpy on the trigger when confronting members of the public, criminal or otherwise.

        Or does this come under positive herd-thinning as well?

        1. ratfox

          Re: 'Murica never ceases...

          Hunting rifles are generally not very useful to perpetrate or prevent crimes, and the vast majority of countries allow hunting, though often license the activity and regulate it. And as in this case, punish violators.

          I think the US gun laws are generally crazy, but it would be fairly ridiculous to ban hunting in the country.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: 'Murica never ceases...

            BRITAIN never ceases to demonstrate shameless bigotry. Go look it up, involves assigning (usually pejorative) judgments on all members of a group based on religious, ethnic, or national identity.

            You've conveniently forgotten that Britain used to allow private ownership if firearms and HUNTING? But that was taken away (with your balls) in the name of terrorism, same justification for Britain's illegal surveillance state. But now you love Big Brother so you defend being helpless sheep. You poor sods have to let invaders beat and maim your family because it's illegal to defend yourself. But by all means enjoy being government-mandated victims and judge the rest of the world you know nothing about beyond what your liberal biased news tells you to think. Enjoy your crime-friendly nation!

            1. Timmy B

              Re: 'Murica never ceases...

              @AC: RE: "You've conveniently forgotten that Britain used to allow private ownership if firearms and HUNTING?"

              No. I hunt and have guns. You are simply wrong.

            2. Jellied Eel Silver badge

              Re: 'Murica never ceases...

              You've conveniently forgotten that Britain used to allow private ownership if firearms and HUNTING?

              They're still allowed, and hunting is still one of the main reasons for having a firearm. Or pest control. Or just target shooting. It's even possible to get a concealed carry permit for a pistol, but you'd need very very compelling reasons to get that licence. Then there's Northern Ireland, which has a somewhat more relaxed approach & where competitive shooters tend to base from. Main difference is being able to give a good reason for owning a firearm, and it being practical. Want a .600 Nitro express? Show you're a big game hunter and it could be added to your FAC. You'd probably not get one for hunting in the UK because we don't have big game, and zoos get upset if you hunt there. .223 or .308 are common for deer stalkers though.

              But that was taken away (with your balls)

              Our balls are just fine, and spoons await winners of shooting matches at Bisley. Plus a chair ride. I guess we Brits have an odd relationship with firearms. Or maybe it's just Bisley.

            3. Martin-73 Silver badge

              Re: 'Murica never ceases...

              Liberal biased news? you're kidding right? Have you seen the bbc?

            4. Wellyboot Silver badge

              Re: 'Murica never ceases...

              @a/c >>>You've conveniently forgotten that Britain used to allow private ownership if firearms and HUNTING? But that was taken away (with your balls) in the name of terrorism<<<

              I shouldn't feed them I know but..

              No. we're just civilized & have very tight regulations following the Dunblain massacre (1 Teacher + 16 5&6 year olds killed) and unlike America we haven't had regular repeat episodes of children being shot en mass.

              Muzzle loading pistols are allowed as are many rifle types.

              Shotguns are allowed if you are of good character and can secure them when not in use.

              But here's the best bit - Smooth barrel + bore 2 inch or less + any barrel length over 24 inches is classed as a shotgun, so basically I can legally own a 50mm/L60 gun for hunting. but with no real rules on shotgun ammunition types I could used FSDS ammunition to hit the bird from about 3 miles away. (you will need to wait a while for the dog to bring back the bird)

        2. John F***ing Stepp

          Re: 'Murica never ceases...

          'If Everyone potentially has a firearm, the Police will remain jumpy on the trigger when confronting members of the public, criminal or otherwise.'

          Actually; no.

          In Indiana, where one can get a lifetime CCW, the police do expect you to be armed; it is no big deal.

          In other states it is very possible to be shot down if you are suspected of carrying a weapon.

          Because in those states you would be a dangerous felon and legal to be taken without a game tag.

          So, safer to live in Indiana armed or not.

      4. jmch Silver badge

        Re: 'Murica never ceases...

        Culling deer - good both for deer population and for the forests

        Poaching - bad

        Everyone willy-nilly having a firearm just because - also bad

        Justifying everyone having a firearm because crims will also have - ridiculous

        Rather than just losing hunting privileges, these chaps should have also lost firearm privileges. No need to catch them hunting - find them in possession of a hunting rifle and in the slammer they go again.

        Talking about 2nd amendment is just blather. A constitution isn't written in stone, that's WHY you have amendments in the first place. If stuff that's in there is outdated / not working / just plain wrong, you change it. Otherwise you'd still have slavery

        1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

          Re: 'Murica never ceases...

          Rather than just losing hunting privileges, these chaps should have also lost firearm privileges. No need to catch them hunting - find them in possession of a hunting rifle and in the slammer they go again.

          AFAIK, if you're convicted of a felony, you lose the right to firearms and it can be another felony if you're then caught with a rifle.

          But I don't think these folks were true hunters. I've always beileved (and practiced) that you eat what you kill* and these were just trophy hunters. Probably to sell those on. I also think proper wildlife management is more humane than letting populations get out of control, diseased or just injured from horny bucks fighting.

          As for punishment.. At least they weren't dressed up in furry deer costumes and released on open season.

          *Had to be discrete about that one in the Army..

      5. tiggity Silver badge

        Re: 'Murica never ceases...

        Culling is only required because the predators have been persecuted.

        UK is not any better (no wolves or bears left in UK at all, at least a few populations still in US)

        1. Timmy B

          Re: 'Murica never ceases...

          "Culling is only required because the predators have been persecuted."

          Ermmmm - Culling is a deer predator predating deer.. We are a deer predator. In fact we are an apex predator that eats many prey species.

        2. M. Poolman

          Re: 'Murica never ceases...

          Erm I don't think that bears prey on deer

          1. TRT Silver badge

            Re: Erm I don't think that bears prey on deer...

            But do beers prey on dears?

          2. Voland's right hand Silver badge

            Re: 'Murica never ceases...

            Erm I don't think that bears prey on deer

            They do. Reference: Attenborough, life of mammals, omnivores episode.

          3. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: 'Murica never ceases...

            "Erm I don't think that bears prey on deer"

            ROFLOL!!! That's the standard of ignorance I expect from the America-bashers! But you'll insult and condemn based on your lack of understanding anyway. Go watch the news so you'll know what to think.

          4. Timmy B

            Re: 'Murica never ceases...

            RE : "Erm I don't think that bears prey on deer"

            Grizzlys do.

            1. M. Poolman

              Re: 'Murica never ceases...

              RE : "Erm I don't think that bears prey on deer"

              Grizzlys do.

              Really? I thought that a deer would probably be to quick.

              1. Chris Parsons

                Re: 'Murica never ceases...

                'quick' isn't a verb.

              2. Timmy B

                Re: 'Murica never ceases...

                A grizzly and a white tail will do about the same top speed with a grizzly just about topping it on a sprint. About 30mph iirc. They also, like many other predators, will out stamina a deer.

      6. dnicholas

        Re: 'Murica never ceases...

        >>Or is it the RIFLE part you don't like? Yeah, thought so.

        /me notes that if EVERYONE has a firearm, criminals will be a LOT more afraid to use them to commit crimes...


        Yeah, thought so

        1. NukEvil
          Thumb Down

          Re: 'Murica never ceases...

          Hi, how's your lack of free speech coming along?

          Oh, you're in jail for speaking out against your country's liberal migrant policy?

          Isn't that a shame. If only you had some sort of lethal tool to defend yourselves from the government which is trying to replace you with, ahem, shall we say, less-skilled and more easily-controlled people...

          1. Jamie Jones Silver badge

            Re: 'Murica never ceases...

            "Hi, how's your lack of free speech coming along?

            Oh, you're in jail for speaking out against your country's liberal migrant policy?

            Isn't that a shame. If only you had some sort of lethal tool to defend yourselves from the government which is trying to replace you with, ahem, shall we say, less-skilled and more easily-controlled people..."


            If our lack of free speech was so bad, how come cunts like you get to post here?

            Jail for speaking out.....? Too much fox news, there, laddie.

            "Easily controlled people" - that's rich coming from a trumpet

      7. Aladdin Sane

        Re: 'Murica never ceases...

        Bob was doing well until he went all NRA. So close to an upvote. So very, very close.

      8. Richard Parkin

        Re: 'Murica never ceases...

        If you only kill bucks it will have very little effect in controlling deer numbers. Wolves will do a better job ;-) .

        I upvoted you, never thought that would happen :-(

      9. Andrew Moore

        Re: 'Murica never ceases...

        Everyone does have a firearm and criminals are not afraid to use them to commit crime.

        Or, by any chance, when you say "everyone" are you including toddlers?

        1. Prst. V.Jeltz Silver badge

          Re: 'Murica never ceases...

          "Or, by any chance, when you say "everyone" are you including toddlers?"

          I think they are , i've never heard of any age limits on owning a gun in the US, i could be wrong though.

          just googled it , i am wrong age = 12 in 30 states - the rest: anything goes

          21 to have a drink

          14 to drive a car

          help yourself to a rifle

          15 can get married in some states

          did they pick these numbers out of a hat?

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: 'Murica never ceases...

            >15 can get married in some states

            Much younger actually - though I'm very much anti-gun as a rule - these girls should probably be armed.


            Land of the free and all that.

        2. 's water music

          Re: 'Murica never ceases...

          Everyone does have a firearm and criminals are not afraid to use them to commit crime.

          Or, by any chance, when you say "everyone" are you including toddlers?


        3. Jamie Jones Silver badge

          Re: 'Murica never ceases...

          "Or, by any chance, when you say "everyone" are you including toddlers?"

          Why not? Republican congressmen back arming 3 year olds:

      10. Timmy B

        Re: 'Murica never ceases...


        It's one of those days... I totally agree with you. I shoot and butcher my own deer. I also tan the hides and use the bones and sinew for various things. I also wish that firearms for self protection were allowed in the UK.

        I'll go have a lie down now..

        1. hopkinse

          Re: 'Murica never ceases...

          keep your guns to yourself please

        2. phuzz Silver badge

          Re: 'Murica never ceases...

          "I also wish that firearms for self protection were allowed in the UK."

          Protection from what exactly?

          1. TRT Silver badge

            Re: Protection from what exactly? (In the UK)

            Erm... people not queueing up nicely (he's pushing in!), people who have leaky headphones on public transport (tsh...tsh...tsh...tsh...tsh...), people who make eye contact on the tube (PAEDOPHILE rapist!!!!), getting short changed at the post office.

          2. Timmy B

            Re: 'Murica never ceases...

            "Protection from what exactly?"

            Do you actually live in the UK? I do - in quiet rural Somerset and have been held up at knife point 100 feet from my house! With police becoming scarcer and scarcer and more concerned with people causing offence who else is going to protect us?


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