back to article Texas Instruments flicks Armis' Bluetooth chip vuln off its shoulder

Texas Instruments has rather feebly slapped down infosec researchers' findings on a so-called Bleedingbit Bluetooth Low Energy vulnerability after a more detailed explanation of the chipset's weakness emerged. A cry crying over her scraped knee IT Wi-Fi kit bit by TI chip slip: Wireless gateways open to hijacking via …

  1. sorry, what?


    Can someone with better understanding please explain why the repudiation was "feeble"? It seems completely fine to me if they already resolved the issue and posted notification well before this infosec activity took place.

  2. Version 1.0 Silver badge

    Old School Hack

    Nice shiny new technology but an old school hack - hardly surprising. Looks like the hardware was secure, the software was secure, the data transfer protocol was probably OK ... until someone "upgraded" the specification and each team implemented the upgrade without talking to the other team.

    We live in a complex world but we don't really think of it as complex, it's all easy - you want a nice new feature? We'll write a app for that ... see, easy to implement and the new feature will boost salet82368g53%#^$# NO CARRIER

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