back to article Hitler 'is dead' declares French prof who gazed at dictator's nashers

A groundbreaking study of toothbrush-tashed Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler's teeth has confirmed that the late, unlamented Fuehrer is still dead – and, more to the point, definitely died in Berlin in April 1945. Hitler's real and false teeth, as found by Russian soldiers storming his bunker at the end of the Second World War, …


  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Still I don't understand why Russian doesn't allow full tests.

    Do they really still need to keep stories about Hitler alive? Or it's just the mindset they share with Gestapo is hard to get rid of? Or they are afraid they did a mistake and misidentified the body?

    1. wolfetone Silver badge

      Re: Still I don't understand why Russian doesn't allow full tests.

      It's the same reason why America have redacted a lot of the JFK files, and still continue to withhold some of them from public release. If Oswald was the sole gunman, he was the sole assassin, then what have they got to hide?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        "It's the same reason why America have redacted a lot of the JFK files"

        But that was an internal matter with could cause an obvious fallout if some three letter agency was involved or made obvious mistakes in preventing it.

        If it were something, say, related to Stalin's death I could understand more, but an enemy like Hitler? Why hide evidences, especially more than seventy years later?

        To avoid someone could claim for the body and make it a symbol (something like that happened with Mussolini...) - if so, why not just destroy it - maybe after an identification to clear any doubt?

      2. John Lilburne

        Re: Still I don't understand why Russian doesn't allow full tests.

        Both of them need to keep Alex Jones frothing at nothing at all.

        1. FIA Silver badge

          Re: Still I don't understand why Russian doesn't allow full tests.

          Both of them need to keep Alex Jones frothing at nothing at all.

          However I bet Matt Baker doesn't give a shit.

          Weirdly, I could see this as a segment on The One Show, probably presented by Giles Brandreth, sandwiched between a bubbly interview with Sonya and a short film from Jay Raynor about pies.

      3. bombastic bob Silver badge

        Re: Still I don't understand why Russian doesn't allow full tests.

        conspiracy theories may obfuscate other things that are just as "conspiracy worthy" but may either be embarrassing or implicate other criminal behavior that "they" want kept under wraps...

        It may be that the Russians don't want Hitler's body turned into an object of religion, or bring too much attention back to a period of time that should be remembered "a certain way". Also there was some kind of DNA analysis done on one of the bone fragments many years ago and the conclusion was (as I recall) that it was female DNA. I call B.S. on that in general, but who knows, maybe Hitler was an 'xx male' [which is 'a thing', xx males typically have undersized genitalia and are sterile but in other ways look and act 'male'].

        In any case the Russians are sticking with their story that Hitler is dead, and they have the body. I think this last analysis pretty much nails THAT coffin shut. Good riddance to the world's worst A-hole, EVAR.

        /me reminded of Hitler in a French Maid outfit, getting his daily pineapple, in 'Little Nicky'

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: DNA was female

          Not impossible that the two samples were mixed up. As there were two samples. One male, one female.

    2. beerandbiscuits

      Re: Still I don't understand why Russian doesn't allow full tests.

      It wouldn't make the blindest bit of difference to the conspiracy theories. The people who believe them will see the full scientific evidence and still come up with some utterly lunatic explanation for how that evidence still supports the conspiracy.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        "It wouldn't make the blindest bit of difference to the conspiracy theories."

        Who cares of them? It's just a matter of History.

    3. Stuart Halliday

      Re: Still I don't understand why Russian doesn't allow full tests.

      Because who wants 1cm holes in your valuable fragments?

    4. a_yank_lurker

      Re: Still I don't understand why Russian doesn't allow full tests.

      The best non-pathology evidence was the eyewitnesses in the bunker who survived and knew Hitler very well as they worked closely with him. They were always consistent in their stories of what happened and there were several including secretaries, orderlies, etc. So the question then becomes are they all liars or they telling the truth. Having see interviews with some of them, I do not believe they are all liars so they are telling the truth.

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Still I don't understand why Russian doesn't allow full tests.

      The Russians are constantly trying to revise history, and unfortunately, they teach that revised history in their schools.

      The rest of the World remembers Russia was allied with Nazi Germany from September 1939 with the joint Nazi-Soviet invasion of Poland until June 22 1941 with the start of Operation Barbarossa when Hitler turned on Stalin. Russians are taught that Russian involvement in WWII only started with Barbarossa. But for almost 3 years, the Soviets were allies with the Nazi's with German archives showing Stalin pleading (in writing) with Hitler to be allowed to officially join the Axis.

      1. Degenerate Scumbag

        Re: Still I don't understand why Russian doesn't allow full tests.

        Strictly speaking, the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was not an alliance. It was a non-aggression pact that demarcated boundaries beyond which they agreed not to cross.

        A more pertinent question would be why we declared war on Germany for taking back German-populated lands that were stolen from them only 20 years before at the treaty of Versailles, yet took no action against Russia for invading the other half of Poland and massacring tens of thousands of Poles.

    6. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Still I don't understand why Russian doesn't allow full tests.

      I would guess that Russia does not allow full tests because they know they have a false relic. I would guess that Hitler died as described by witnesses, but someone lost the evidence and tried to cover up their incompetence with a substitution, and various successors have tried to cover up the cover-up, and cover up the cover-up of the cover-up, because the full story would be just too embarrassing for too many people.

      It doesn't really matter, anyway, because Hitler was just this guy, you know?

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Also worth mentioning that he would be 130 years old by now, so safe to say he certainly is dead now.

    Had he escaped in 1945 then you would have expected him to pop up somewhere over the years, he didn't shy away from the public eye - and who was supposed to be protecting him anyway? and with what money??

    1. Sceptic Tank Silver badge

      This is where the ODESSA comes in: money, protection, legal services, all an ehemaligen SS-Angehörige could ask for.

      No, I don't believe the conspiracy theories.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "who was supposed to be protecting him anyway? and with what money??"

      Fanatics, some of them with no little money, even after the war? There was no lack of them. Some people did escape and were helped to hide - Mossad attempted to find and kill them - the question is if he wanted to, and if escaping Berlin was possible - others failed. Others committed suicide as well.

    3. Mage Silver badge
      Black Helicopters

      who was supposed to be protecting him anyway?

      Hmm... time for a Hitler offspring themed version of Archangel?

    4. macjules

      Ah, but that is totally irrelevant if:

      1) You are living on the dark side of the moon

      2) You are living in a life-extending bunker in the middle of the Amazon rain forest, subsisting on life-extending secret fruit that is only eaten by immortal pygmies (© 2016/7 History Channel - The Hunt for Adolf Hitler)

      3) Your plans for world domination under Project Covefe are now well under way.

  3. 45RPM Silver badge

    Um… Why?

    Why, if he had real teeth, did he need to have false teeth as well? Is it a dictator thing - or just as artifact of him being as mad as a box of frogs?

    And do people who voted for Trump, or for Farage, ever wonder how someone like Hitler could ever have gotten into power? Off-topic, I know, but I think we should be told.

    1. PhilipN Silver badge

      Re: Um… Why?

      By appealing to rabid knee-jerk animalistic tendencies with barbaric speechifying and ... oh..sorry. Was your question about Donald, Nigel or Adolf?

    2. Sceptic Tank Silver badge

      Re: Um… Why?

      Not so difficult to understand why people voted Trump considering that the other option was Hillary Clinton.

    3. Jason Bloomberg Silver badge

      Re: Um… Why?

      Why, if he had real teeth, did he need to have false teeth as well?

      I suspect that, despite the "45RPM" moniker, you haven't quite reached that age where you would know, or you've been lucky. It's not an all or nothing state, more a spectrum as young'uns would likely say these days.

      Once one goes they all start to go. Like tumbling dominoes, but not so much fun to watch.

      Mainly soup these days ->

    4. Teiwaz

      Re: Um… Why?

      @45RPM. No doubt you'll find out in twenty or thirty years, but also if someone were to (say for lack of a better example) took offence to your ignorance and smashed out most of your front teeth in a freak bicycling accident at a nunnery during a St. Stephens day carwash jumble sale and bake-off, a dentist might give you a set of dentures to fill in the missing fronties, hence you'd still have your own and false teeth.

      As to people voting for idiots not learning from history, from what I've noted, a lot of people don't have any interest in history longer than their lifetimes. If it happened before they were born, it can't be of any interest as they are the centre of their universe, and that spinning top has trouble comprehending anything outside their spin.

    5. Blockchain commentard

      Re: Um… Why?

      Some people lose just one or two teeth and get replacements. No need to pull out perfectly good ones.

      1. Alister

        Re: Um… Why?

        No need to pull out perfectly good ones.

        Not as much fun though...

        I'm a Dentist

        1. 45RPM Silver badge

          Re: Um… Why?

          @Teiwas, @Jason et al.

          I know. I was being flippant. Perhaps I should have added the joke icon? But it amused me to think that someone might get themselves a set of false teeth in addition to their own real teeth.

          As an aside, and in the UK (Germany may have been different), it was quite common in the 1920s and 1930s for aristocrats to have their real gnashers removed for very little reason in order that they could have false teeth instead and for preference. The false teeth were whiter, shinier, and straighter than the real deal. So if, for example, you needed to have a few teeth removed (your freak cycling accident for example), you might actually choose to have the others whipped out as well in order to gain the perfect smile.

          It’s a strange world - but, I suppose, not so very much stranger than getting injected with botulinum toxin, or having bags of silicone surgically inserted into your body.

          1. Lars Silver badge

            Re: Um… Why?

            Some very well known Hollywood stars did that too to have the appropriate grin, and why not. All that gold has become old fashioned, if not everywhere. To some part I think that has happened to lipstick too unless you are about 80 and American. Smile.

          2. Greencat

            Re: Um… Why?

            Not just aristocrats either. It was common among the poor to have all of your teeth pulled in early adulthood to avoid future trouble with them. My east London born grandmother had hers yanked and replaced with falsies on her 16th birthday.

          3. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: botulinum toxin

            The local bees around here solved my desire for that one. I can get a swelling face for free!

    6. Stuart Halliday

      Re: Um… Why?

      Because when people get a set of falseys they usually don't wait until every tooth has fallen out?


    7. LucreLout

      Re: Um… Why?

      And do people who voted for Trump, or for Farage, ever wonder how someone like Hitler could ever have gotten into power?

      Farrage was mostly voted for by labour voters, at least until the referendum result came in, and 1984 is also based around an imagined future labour government, so I'd say the evidence is pretty clear: You create a client state (those on welfar or in public sector roles) who depend on you financially, you then stimulate them to vote for you by paying them more, and eventually seize power.

    8. bombastic bob Silver badge

      Re: Um… Why?

      "And do people who voted for Trump, or for Farage, ever wonder how someone like Hitler could ever have gotten into power?"

      I know _exactly_ how Hitler rose to power. In fact, in the 'Star Wars' universe, it's very much like the way that Emperor Palpatine did HIS rise to power. Yeah, I noticed.

      a) identify a 'crisis', and work both ends against the middle, by identifying 'a villain' (even if it's fabricated)

      b) appear to be 'the savior' and [with natural ability to motivate people] get yourself put in charge [even if it means assassinating your way to the top]

      c) dissolve the parliament so that you become dictator [this is the most necessary step]. Just rendering the parliament irrelevant isn't enough.

      that pretty much sums it up, I think

      1. Mooseman Silver badge

        Re: Um… Why?

        "I know _exactly_ how Hitler rose to power"

        You forgot "be appointed head of the government by a senile old fart, thus giving you the power to do whatever the hell you wanted despite not actually winning the popular vote"

    9. Dodgy Geezer Silver badge

      Re: Um… Why?

      ...And do people who voted for Trump, or for Farage, ever wonder how someone like Hitler could ever have gotten into power? Off-topic, I know, but I think we should be told....

      Odd, that. You see, the people who vote for Trump or Farage are WELL aware of how someone like that gets into power. They do it by telling the people that the 'other side' presents a huge threat and that the whole country would be in peril if they elected the Weimar coalition, or left the EU...

      Then they present themselves to the Establishment as the only group standing in the way of chaos, while undertaking smear campaigns designed to present their opponents as 'working with the enemy' - much like Clinton did, and the Democrats are still doing....

      Finally, they put a set of laws in place which are designed to stifle any opposition to their policies - indeed, make it illegal to oppose them. Much like the current anti-sexism, racism and Hate laws that we have today. Which means that they can harrass and imprison oponents perfectly legally, until they end up with a one-party state. Much like the EU is doing with Hungary and Poland.

      There. You have been told. The people who voted for Trump and Farage already knew. Perhaps you should start to wonder?

  4. Teiwaz

    Death of Conspiracy theories?....not likely.

    Still left lots of room for 'Hitlers brain' theories though.....

    1. Woza

      Re: Death of Conspiracy theories?....not likely.

      Everyone's always in favour of saving Hitler's brain, but when you put it in the body of a great white shark, ooh, suddenly you've gone too far!

      - Hubert Farnsworth

      1. Ken 16 Silver badge

        Re: Death of Conspiracy theories?....not likely.

        another great Discovery channel documentary

    2. Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

      Re: Death of Conspiracy theories?....not likely.

      1 Brain 1 Jar?

      1. 's water music

        Re: Death of Conspiracy theories?....not likely.

        1 Brain 1 Jar?

        Two dictators, one cup?

        1. 's water music

          Re: Death of Conspiracy theories?....not likely.

          >>1 Brain 1 Jar?

          Two dictators, one cup?

          Whoops, sorry. Wrong chat window

          1. Terje

            Re: Death of Conspiracy theories?....not likely.

            1 Brain 1 Jar...

            0 Brain 2 Jar -> 1 Jarjar...

            We all know that jarjar was most definitely a sith lord in disguise

            ergo George Lucas must be hitler in disguise!!!

            1. This post has been deleted by its author

      2. Mark 85

        Re: Death of Conspiracy theories?....not likely.

        1 Brain 1 Jar?

        On a shelf, in a darkened basement, labeled "A B Normal"

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Fake News

    He is alive wears a blonde toupee and his favourite colour is orange!

  6. Goldmember


    ... What about the tests done around 10 years ago on Hitler's remains (by an American team), which revealed the skull held by the Russians is actually a female skull?

    It would appear this line in the article is inaccurate:

    "Last year Russia's secret service, the FSB, and its state archives authorised a team of foreign researchers to examine Hitler's mortal remains for the first time since 1946."

    1. cosymart

      Re: So...

      @Goldmember ".. What about the tests done around 10 years ago on Hitler's remains (by an American team), which revealed the skull held by the Russians is actually a female skull?

      It would appear this line in the article is inaccurate:

      "Last year Russia's secret service, the FSB, and its state archives authorised a team of foreign researchers to examine Hitler's mortal remains for the first time since 1946.""

      It therefore confirms that statement as the previous tests were not carried out on Hitler's remains but an unknown female possibly the owner of the valuable pink knickers.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: So...

      That depends on what Cheka NKVD KGB FSB gave the team to analyse...

  7. Ken 16 Silver badge

    Or they could have just looked at a calendar...

    and not been fooled by his regular cameo roles on Discovery Channel*

    *Deadliest catch: Nazi submarine with Pharaoh's gold edition

    1. Alister

      Re: Or they could have just looked at a calendar...

      and not been fooled by his regular cameo roles on Discovery Channel

      Never mind that, I saw him live discussing computer games here


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