back to article Former Cisco CEO John Chambers says insects are the new lobsters

Former Cisco CEO John Chambers has launched his very own venture capital firm. “JC2 Ventures” has the usual aim “to change the world”, this time “through digitization and startups” and by “solving major issues using digital technologies”. He also hopes to address global inequality and make stacks of dough, in no particular …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    ...makes sense.

    You can already buy insect based flour in the UK, very expensive mind. The kids and I have eaten meal worms and they were just like snacking on twiglets and quite tasty; crickets were really dry and hard to eat. Grubs, not so keen, apparently they are like eating tomatoes...and I hate tomatoes.

    However , grind up crickets into flour and you'd never know.

    Not sure how those weird veggies (you know, the ones that eat fish) stand on eating insects.

    1. Triggerfish

      Re: Insects...

      To add to that, ants eggs taste a bit like Lemon Sherbet.

      1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

        Re: Insects...

        Frankly, you can never normalize a bit more.

        There are still about 10 billion future people pressing on the gates. better normalize faster. Don't forget to get sterilized early on, too.

        Also, send all your money to the people doing all the normalizing labour for you.

    2. Voland's right hand Silver badge

      Re: Insects...

      Locust flour is as old as the world.

      Stuff made out of it tastes quite nice (according to people who tried it)

      They will also eat stuff nothing else will eat.

      The only question is who is footing the bill in case of the rather inevitable incident when they escape from a farm.

      1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

        Re: Insects...

        The only question is who is footing the bill in case of the rather inevitable incident when they escape from a farm.

        That's what the hedges are for. Plus the locust dog, to round them up if they do escape.

        The only question is, how do you milk them?

    3. The Man Who Fell To Earth Silver badge


      After decades in SV, my observation is that to become a VC, that in addition to having been lucky (as opposed to merely smart, which SV is full of nonrich people smarter that any of the VC's), you need to develop an oversized ego & early stage dementia. This is yet just another data point.

    4. Duffy Moon

      Re: Insects...

      "Not sure how those weird veggies (you know, the ones that eat fish) stand on eating insects."

      My partner is one of those, and since moving in with her, I am too. I wouldn't eat insects and I don't think she would either. There are plenty of other sources of protein that don't require death en masse. Perhaps, as a species, we should be progressing beyond what is rather barbarous if you think about it.

      I'd have no problem with bio-engineered meat though, and that's where I'd invest if I wanted to invest in future food technology.

    5. Cuddles

      Re: Insects...

      "crickets were really dry and hard to eat"

      That's why they're usually honeyed, or at least covered in something. There are plenty of foods that aren't very nice on their own and need a bit of seasoning or sauce; no reason to assume insects would be any different in that regard.

      1. MyffyW Silver badge

        Re: Insects...

        My daughter's pet lizard will happily eat crickets. Me and my daughter have yet to try them. To be honest they look less appetising than the lizard, and he's a scalely bugger ...

  2. Dwarf

    Nothing too see here

    Sales dude tries to convince us his latest idea is great and we need to jump,on board, of course the fact that he will profit has absolutely nothing to do with it.

    Thanks, but I’ll stick to the proper foods. Can’t see that anything other than deep fried would be good, which rather limits the menu opportunities. Soggy cricket madras anyone ?

    1. Dave 126 Silver badge

      Re: Nothing too see here

      Yeah, fried is often how insects are prepared in countries like Vietnam. Tarantulas are spit roasted over a fire to burn off the hairs.

    2. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Re: Nothing too see here

      I've had ants and grasshoppers. And they weren't very nice, even disguised by being coated in chocolate.

      Although I'm told that mealworms are actually quite tasty. And that's by people who were given live ones to eat.

      However I think if insects do have a future it's going to be as a processed protein to be put in other stuff that tastes nicer. Processed foods or non-vegetarian versions of Quorn/tofu.

  3. jake Silver badge

    Crickets taste & crunch ...

    ... almost exactly like popcorn with a hint of dried shrimp[0]. I toss 'em with a little salt and some chili powder[1], and sometimes throw in a little lime zest. Tasty, cheap, and nutritious. What's not to like? You can easily find them online as "Chapulines", if you have the mind to do so.

    [0] The ones a friend sends me from Mexico, anyway.

    [1] Often jalapino, but sometimes I'll go hotter. Depends on who I'm preparing them for.

    1. Named coward

      Re: Crickets taste & crunch ...

      One can make any food palatable by making it spicy enough, assuming one can handle the heat

  4. Seanmon


    ...prawns etc are just essentially big insects that live in the sea.

    But I don't like them either.

    1. Nick Kew

      Re: Lobsters...

      Love prawns. And would eat insects.

      I'm one of those "weird veggies". Actually I'm not a veggie, it's just a convenient label that avoids people expecting me to eat the flesh (or indeed eggs) of animals that have spent their entire short lives in conditions that would make Auschwitz look like the Ritz. Hence, no problem with food taken from the open seas, or crustacea.

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: Lobsters...

        So presumably, Nick Kew, you have no problem with eating road-kill? Picture it, Bambi frolicking along the road, not a care in the world, until POW!, around a blind corner comes a pickup truck. Instant death for the happy little critter. Would leg of venison be on your menu?

        Before you ask, yes, it's on mine. Took it out of the freezer a couple days ago, it's roasting in the oven as I type. The house smells wonderful ... Waste not, want not :-)

  5. EddieD

    Locusts are delicious. I've been lucky enough to eat them a couple of occasions - just stir fried whole, with a little soy.

    A colleague of my father described them as "pork scratchings (rinds) with legs" - I'd go slightly more to bacon, but whatever, delicious!

    Insects like the locust are just land bound arthropods similar to prawns etc., so why not eat them here in the affluent west? They're delicious, nutritious - scrumptious. Also, they require very little in the way of care, easy to cook, low "greenhouse gas" (compared to the methane production from meat production).

    Munch those bugs folks - it's the future food.

    1. Named coward

      "Insects like the locust are just land bound arthropods similar to prawns etc., so why not eat them here in the affluent west? ...."

      I look at that from another angle:

      Prawns etc are just sea bound arthropods similar to locusts, so why on earth eat them here in the affluent west?...

  6. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    "“JC2 Ventures” "

    He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

  7. JaitcH

    Chambers - Too Late!

    In almost every supermarket in VietNam you will find trays of 'bugs' nestled amongst the meat offerings. And they sell out fast.

    If Chambers were to venture further north, across the border to GuangDong (aka Canton) he could enjoy beetles, served live in dishes, which connoisseurs catch with their chopsticks and, after dipping the live beetle in chilli sauce, the guest squeezes the bugs body with the chopsticks whilst sucking the innards into their mouths. Mmmm, finger licking good.

    Then Chambers could enjoy Monkey Brain (scooped from the scalped head of a live monkey strapped underneath the table) or eat a cooked fish that is still breathing.

  8. Muscleguy

    I have absolutely no desire to have to say 'open sesame' or whatever to my phone in public to unlock it.

  9. Lars Silver badge

    Finland rolls out bread made from crushed crickets

    But I think I will stick to rye bread for now.

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: Finland rolls out bread made from crushed crickets

      Oh, c'mon, Lars! Try it. Report back. I'll bet you a nickle that you actually like the product ... IF you can get past the mental issues. Many people have issues with tongue ... until they try it without knowing what they are eating. I'll bet you the Fazer Cricket Bread is quite palatable. It certainly looks tasty in the pictures.

      1. Lars Silver badge

        Re: Finland rolls out bread made from crushed crickets

        @jake, Yes I know I have to try it, and indeed it's mental. Goes for dog too they claim, far away in some countries.

        People who have tried it say it's like bread (not referring to the dog).

        There is also a new protein product called "Pulled Oats" that seems to interest people.

        "Veggie" people seem to like it a lot.

  10. Mayday

    It's good enough for the Klingons isn't it?

    Gagh anyone?

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