back to article Amazon reveals 'Nitro'... Custom ASICs and boxes that do grunt work so EC2 hosts can just run instances

Amazon Web Services has revealed that it spent four years working on a new architecture that offloads networking, storage and management tasks from EC2 host servers to dedicated hardware. Speaking at the company's re:Invent conference, the company's veep for global infrastructure Peter Desantis, said the company first put the …

  1. Bronek Kozicki

    This is interesting

    But I'd also like to hear why they chose KVM as a base for Nitro, rather than Xen. Perhaps on the sister site, soon?

    1. teknopaul

      Re: This is interesting

      I was under the impression kvm uses new hardware virtualization and xen is software tricks. I'm sure that reg forum uses can correct me if I'm wrong.

      1. Bronek Kozicki

        Re: This is interesting

        That was my impression too - kvm works with vfio (these both being implemented in the kernel). However Xen also has kernel support, so in theory it could support vfio as well.

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