back to article Crushed Juicero now officially a fruitless endeavor

On Friday, embattled "smart" juicer startup Juicero shut down. Executives announced that the company would be suspending sales of its juicers and "produce packs" and looking to sell what's left of its business to a larger chain. This after Juicero said in July that it was cutting staff and looking at ways to drop the price of …


  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Now, execs will be focused on trying to soften the landing for employees

    Whatever you are smoking dude, it's something very cool which is not a crime, but you are not sharing. That is.

    1. Grease Monkey Silver badge

      What he's smoking is a whole batch of "believing the press release".

      Focusing on finding a buyer though? IOW those execs who have no doubt been paying themselves handsomely from investors' funds are looking to make one last income from the sc^H^H project.

  2. El Duderino

    I bet...

    ... nobody saw that coming !

    1. Anomalous Cowturd

      Re: I bet...

      AvE did.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: I bet...

        Beware following this link. Before you know it you will have wasted tens of hours watching an anonymous, acid-riddled canadian contractor dismantle tools and explain in great detail why they ain't skookum.

        And then you start saying things like skookum. And chooch. And frig.

        1. John McCallum

          Re: I bet...

          Don't forget to keep your dick in a vice.

          1. Peter Gathercole Silver badge

            Re: I bet... @John McCallum

            In his earlier videos it was "keep your stick on the ice" (Canadian, Ice Hockey, obviously), but at some point, it changed.

            It was his breakdown of the 'digital motor' from a Dyson hair drier that got me hooked. I wanted to know what made it digital, and he nailed it. There's a real desire to let his audience know how things really work.

            1. asdf

              Re: I bet... @John McCallum

              >keep your stick on the ice

              Only about 25 years late on claiming that catch phrase at least in entertainment from Red Green.

        2. kain preacher

          Re: I bet...

          Arrg why didnt you tell me sooner ?

          I'm addicted to Ave now.

          Oh try clive.

          1. JeffyPoooh

            Re: I bet...

            "Oh try Clive..."

            Julian Ilett has hundreds of videos on embedded programming, power supply technology, and "Postbag!" which is eBay comedy. Often subtly hilarious, and quite informative.

            1. kain preacher

              Re: I bet...

              My boss wants me to tell you guys to stop suggesting you tube videos as the productivity has seem to gone down :)

            2. kain preacher

              Re: I bet...

              Have you tried EEVblog ?

              1. Anomalous Cowturd

                Re: I bet...

                Have you tried EEVblog ?

                A voice to die kill for.

                Fingernails on a blackboard, to me.

          2. llaryllama

            Re: I bet...

            Then before you know it you've found Clive's brother Ralfy and started a whisky collection.

            1. kain preacher

              Re: I bet...

              I've seen when they go to this distillery .

        3. Mint Sauce

          Re: I bet...

          Son of a Diddley.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: I bet...

        > AvE did.

        Uncle Bumblefuck!

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Remember when good products didn't need a "mission"? They just did something useful at a price that was reasonable. I believe it was called "value".

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Hipsters

      The real laser etcher/cutter costs (IIRC) £2500/£5000 and their Kickstarter worked well, they delivered late, but delivered quality. They are offering high quality but at a fraction of the cost of high end/bulk production industrial models. But still a niche market/use.

      Tested (Adam Savage) has used the industrial:

      And the Kickstarter versions:

      1. Justin Clift

        Re: Hipsters

        > The real laser etcher/cutter costs (IIRC) £2500/£5000 and their Kickstarter worked well, they delivered late, but delivered quality.

        On that note, one of the co-founders of Glowforge just left:

        Seems like they've finally started shipping though. 2 years overdue (?), but at least it it hasn't imploded with everyone losing their money.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Hipsters

      There's an easy way to establish it beyond common sense: the value of a product of service is inversely proportional to the amount of MBA speak in its description. I can even accept mission statements as long as they genuinely seek to state something focused and clear, but as soon as they veer into nebulous BS territory a sensible* investor ought to skip that "opportunity".

      That said, as far as I can tell Juicero's primary mission was to juice investors. No doubt the people involved in that will now be engaged in new startups, having learned that the art of bullshit has still kept them off the street for a year at an undeserved salary.

      The only argument I can see that gets many of these crazy things funded is that someone needs money laundered, but as far as I can tell it's safer to do this via real estate because that has practically no KYC requirements. The only thing you must avoid then, of course, is becoming president..

      * Yes, yes, I know they are apperently as rare as honest politicians

      1. Friendly Neighbourhood Coder Dan

        @ AC Hipsters

        "No doubt the people involved in that will now be engaged in new startups"

        Yes, that, or It still exists, I just checked

      2. Teiwaz

        Re: Hipsters

        practically no KYC requirements

        I read that as KFC the first few times to much confusion. Damn it's past lunchtime...

        1. Nolveys

          Re: Hipsters

          I read that as KFC the first few times to much confusion.

          I think that chicken juicing will be the next big thing. People love chicken, but who can find the time to actually sit down and eat a meal? Now you can have the delicious taste of chicken without the mess and the chewing.

          This could be as big as the Bass-o-matic 76.

          1. jake Silver badge

            Re: Hipsters

            I have a duck press, and know how to use it. Never tried pressed chicken, though. Somehow I rather suspect that it won't be anywhere near as tasty ...

        2. aregross

          Re: Hipsters

          I read it as KYLube...!

      3. Blank Reg

        Re: Hipsters

        Having spent more time than I'd like talking to VCs, there are a surprising number of them that are not sensible, or at least lack the technical understanding to realize they are being had.

        This is far from the first train wreck that was easily predicted before it even left the station. It's too bad more of these companies don't go public earlier, there could be a lot of money to be made shorting these obvious failures to be.

    3. Chunes

      Re: Hipsters

      "Remember when good products didn't need a "mission"?…"

      The "mission" is what gets the extra $100 million.

    4. macjules

      Re: Hipsters

      "Remember when good products didn't need a "mission"?"

      Now you just stick the adjective 'smart' in front of anything. I am quite thankful that they did not progress to level 2 and use 'intelligent'

    5. itzman
      Paris Hilton

      Re: Hipsters

      Remember when good products didn't need a "mission"? They just did something useful at a price that was reasonable. I believe it was called "value".

      Yeah but that means hard work by engineers and people with STEM qualifications.

      What did you do with all the people with degrees in Art History?


  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    No, wait... I mean Hahahahahaha.

    1. ecofeco Silver badge

      Re: Hahahahahaha.

      Both of us.

  5. This post has been deleted by its author

  6. Stevie


    This Keurig user is wondering who the hell would pay 600 notes for a juicer unless it was a genuine razor-thin iJuicer?

  7. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

    Start off by going national?

    Maybe they should have stuck to a city or a state before making the obviously very, very capital intensive leap to going national.

    It seems everyone wants to be the next Google, Uber, Apple, Amazon *now*, not after a few years of steady growth. Not helped by the "market expectations" that if a company isn't growing then it must be a "dead man walking".

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: Start off by going national?

      I read that as "rational". Also a good idea.

  8. W4YBO


    "We are confident that to truly have the long-term impact we want to make, we need to focus on finding an acquirer with an existing national fresh food supply chain who can carry forward the Juicero mission."

    Amazon/Whole Foods?

  9. Martin Summers Silver badge

    Their business plan was pulp fiction and they are liquidising their assets before someone sends the boys round.

  10. sanmigueelbeer

    I guess they got squeezed out of the market ...

  11. This post has been deleted by its author


    To me the £500 price tag for the machine was not the issue at all.

    It was the integrated DRM, that would only allow you to squeeze Juicero's own bags and only if they were not past the best before date, that took the biscuit IMO.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      No, no, it didn't do biscuits. The crumbs would jam the mechanism.

      Oh, wait ..

      1. the Jim bloke

        It does Jam too ?

        .. not that merkins would recognise jam - or how to spell recognise -

  13. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    Many people thought it was a stupid idea.

    Because it was.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Many people thought it was a stupid idea.

      To be honest, this failing restores my faith in humanity a tiny bit.

      There's enough idiocy to hit IPO and clock absolutely insane profits for the head fraudsters to make me wonder at times if it is still really about value at all.

  14. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    "disgruntled investors" ?

    I'm sorry, you decided to put money into a souped-up juicer that 1) brought nothing more to the table than the humble $2 plastic kind you use manually and 2) tried to create (and lock users into) a Nespresso-like ecosystem for juicing fruit with expensive written all over it.

    Nespresso works because people cannot easily grind coffee beans manually. Plus there's Clooney.

    Anybody can juice fruit by hand for next to nothing.

    If you're a disgruntled investor in this completely-foreseeable fiasco you only have yourself to blame.

    1. Alister

      Re: "disgruntled investors" ?

      Anybody can juice fruit by hand for next to nothing.

      Or by forehead, possibly...

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: "disgruntled investors" ?

      Nah, grinding beans with a manual grinder is "easy", but not "convenient". Plus, you can get fake pods. :P

      But "convenient" juice is not a juicer, it's a carton of juice. Where as coffee tends not to be as nice from a carton.

      1. FatGerman

        Re: "disgruntled investors" ?

        Wait what? They're charging money for a machine to get juice out of a carton? I can already do that. I have hands. Did they not realise that?

        Fucking hell.

    3. Chunes

      Re: "disgruntled investors" ?

      "Anybody can juice fruit by hand for next to nothing…."

      Is "juice" still even a verb?


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