back to article Big Tech slams Trump on plan to deport kids

More than 300 business leaders including the CEOs of Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google have signed a letter slamming Donald Trump for his plan to remove legal protections from immigrant children born in the United States. "As entrepreneurs and business leaders, we are concerned about new developments in immigration policy …


  1. Chris G

    I have never understood America's xenophobia and attitude towards immigrants and foreigners, when you consider the entire country consists of immigrants and foreigners.

    When anyone talks about what made America great, most of them are talking about the achievements of people who are or were immigrants and foreigners.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "[...] when you consider the entire country consists of immigrants and foreigners."

      As does possibly every country in the world - if you go back far enough. However - the USA generally seems to deprecate the prior claims of earlier immigrants - a.k.a the indigenous people before the first European settlers.

      1. El Duderino

        The Wall

        The indigenous people should have built one ;)

      2. Haku

        @AC, sort of like when you read the name "Iphis Knapton" and you think "Surely that's got to be made up", and you're right it is, just like everyone else's name.

      3. Perry the platypus

        Would you like to list out all the countries that invaded Britain ? Most Brit’s are not the original settlers. Mexico is no different. Nor Australia. Nor many other European countries. And of course North America was settled by multiple empires

        Your comment is fatuous and ignores the real issues and the reality of history.


      Not quite.

      These aren't "immigrants". They're illegal aliens. They sneaked into the country and have ignored any and all rules and regulations. Also, the hostility is not constant and universal. There have be multiple amnesties (usually in Republican administrations) that many of these people have also ignored.

      Until they actually naturalize, they're aren't "immigrants". They're just visitors.

      Some people that can blow this off to at their own peril. (Thus the "they're only visiting" remark).

      1. Dan 55 Silver badge

        Re: Not quite.

        They did not sneak into the country, they happened to be born there or were brought there by their parents at a very young age. They did not choose to illegally enter the US.

        Letting them grow up alongside other children, go with them, pledge allegiance, etc... so they basically are as American as their peers but then letting it be known that they are not as American as their peers, that there is a sword of Damocles hanging above their heads, and they might be thrown out at some arbitrary age at the whim of the government back to a country they probably don't even remember is the height of stupidity, cruelty, blithering idiocy, is entirely consistent with Trump, and is only done to shore up support from mindless unthinking cretins.

        So may I wish a great big hearty fuck you to any of you here who support this... policy, for want of a word.

        1. dmacleo

          Re: Not quite.

          if they were born here then citizenship is never an issue. they are citizens due to 14th amendment.

          1. Dan 55 Silver badge

            Re: Not quite.

            Interesting, I assumed like in most countries at least one parent had to be a US citizen for the baby to have US citizenship.

            If US citizenship is that permissive then why suddenly get upset about, say, a pre-schooler getting brought in to the US yeaes ago and threaten to send them back years later when they are basically an American?

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: 14th ammendment

            Ah, the US Constitution. Something that Drumpf does not care about unless it brings in money to his friends and even better to himself and his clan (They are a bad as the Kardashians IMHO).

            He will do anything even at this early stage of his rule

            - To keep his dumbass supporters on his side

            - Get him another 4 years in Trumpton (Inside the Beltway)

            - Make him and his family shed loads more money

            - And not pay even $0.01c of tax.

            Everything else is a mere sideshow.

            Naturally, North Korea could put a huge spanner into his aims (And the rest of us to survive beyond 2020/2024)

            When will someone start to publicly his mental prowess? Some academics have already detected signs of dementure but the TIC (Tweeter in Chief) is getting very good at hiding it but for how long?

        2. Pompous Git Silver badge

          Re: Not quite.

          "They did not sneak into the country, they happened to be born there or were brought there by their parents at a very young age. They did not choose to illegally enter the US."
          So just deport the parents then...

        3. ThePhantom

          Re: Not quite.

          Nope. "they happened to be born there..." is categorically not true. By law, anyone born within the borders of the United States is a citizen. The issue is around illegals who were smuggled in as children by their illegal parents. Technically, the kids are criminals, but depending on their age, they had no choice. However, they and their parents are still illegals.

          1. Dan 55 Silver badge

            Re: Not quite.

            Yes, as mentioned above I thought the US did the same as most countries, which is only give US citizenship to the baby if at least one of the parents is a US citizen. However it is enough for the baby to be born inside the US.

            So what damn difference does it make if the child came when they were say between 0-5 and when they were born there? They're socially going to turn out an American anyway.

            Why is one child sponging off the welfare state and the other not if in both cases the patents are illegal? Why put one child on notice of deportation if their brother or sister a year or so their junior is fine? Why break up their family? It makes no damn sense.

            1. This post has been deleted by its author

        4. PghMike

          Re: Not quite.

          The ones that were born here aren't covered by DACA -- they're US citizens by birth.

          That being said, I agree with the rest -- these people came here as children, and most have known no other country. We should show some decency and let them become citizens.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Not quite.

        @Jedidah, These aren't "immigrants". They're illegal aliens. They sneaked into the country and have ignored any and all rules and regulations.

        You're talking about the first US settlers, right?

    3. bombastic bob Silver badge

      "I have never understood America's xenophobia and attitude towards immigrants and foreigners, when you consider the entire country consists of immigrants and foreigners."

      then I shall explain the TRUTH about what is happening...

      1. it's NOT 'xenophobia'. That 'phobia' thing is wielded like a weapon by the left. It's total BULLSHIT every time 'phobia' applies to ANYTHING these days...

      2. Illegal immigrants illegally entered the country with their children, in violation of the law, and THEN used PUBLIC FUNDS AND SERVICES to educate them and pay for their doctor bills, etc., and NOW they expect THE REST OF THE COUNTRY to "just accept them" simply because they tagged along with their parents while their parents were BREAKING THE LAW. What part of _THAT_ makes sense?

      3. OBAKA signed "an executive order" to give these people green cards, all of which apparently expire within the next 2 years. Trump isn't going to invalidate them (which would force a mass deportation), but he won't RENEW them, either. If they want to stay, they'll have to get in line and APPLY like everyone else.

      4. CONGRESS establishes the laws. Going around CONGRESS by "executive order" is something OBAKA was INFAMOUS for doing.

      5. Existing law says you have to jump through certain hoops and meet certain requirements to LEGALLY work inside the USA. Those who do NOT do it "the right way" are IN! VIOLATION! OF! THE! LAW! and of course are subject to DEPORTATION, INCARCERATION, etc..

      6. Feeling sorry for people is NOT a reason to "just let them in", especially when they'll end up USING PUBLIC SERVICES at the expense of tax PAYERS like me. *FEEL* is an 'F' word. It makes POOR decisions.

      7. The United States of America is _NOT_ the "welfare teet" for the world. PERIOD.

      8. Every nation on the planet has the _RIGHTS_ to defend and secure its own borders, and regulate who can come in and who must leave. Is the USA now _EXEMPT_ from this right, because, *FEEL* ???

      Once again I expect a boatload of downvotes by stating the truth.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Started reading your comment, then saw the capitalisation, then thought is this bombastic bob, look at the name, sure enough it is. Jesus, STOP randomly CAPITALISING WORDS its idiotic.

        Now I will get back to reading your comment to see if there is anything of value in it. But at a glance with the OBAKA in there, I'm sure I will not be surprised, it will contain nothing.

        1. handleoclast

          Random capitalization

          What seems like random capitalization to you (and me, and most of the rest of us) makes sense in that seething cauldron of diarrhoea that is bob's head.

          And even if you (and I, and most of the rest of us) do not understand the capitalization algorithm bob is using, it still carries information: he's forgotten to take his medication. Again.

      2. Teiwaz


        Xenophobia is the fear and distrust of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange. - Wikipedia

        Xenophobia is the hatred/contempt or fear (but usually hatred, the way we mean it) of outsiders. - rationalwiki.

        'phobia' may be bandied about too often these days, but, sounds applicable in this case.

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward


        When you see this word, you know you have an angry demented hard right screed, and don't need to bother to read because there will be zero intelligent content. Bob often writes intelligently, even when I (often) disagree with him. I guess "OBAKA" must have taken time out from his retirement to piss in Bob's cornflakes this morning.

        Still wondering what OBAKA stands for, if only someone would loan me the secret alt.right decoder ring.

        1. bombastic bob Silver badge

          Re: OBAKA

          'Obaka" is japanese for "royal idiot" or "honorable idiot". I specifically use it as a slang term for the previous occupant of the white house, the WORST president this country has ever had, who almost singlehandedly doubled the national debt, stifled the economy, created the WORST replacement for a previously working industry (medical industry and insurance) and along with his willing minions, calls EVERYONE a RACIST who simply disagreed with him...

          his damage MUST be undone, and the sooner the better.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: OBAKA

            his damage MUST be undone, and the sooner the better.

            1 - he had to undo the damage of his predecessor, which (AFAIK) is of the same club as the current idiot

            2 - he was blocked at every turn by the club of the current idiot who now can no longer hide behind that excuse - and still get absolutely nothing done (which rather demonstrates their "quality")

            3 - if you call what Trump is doing "undoing damage", you must be smoking a fairly illegal brand of tobacco. This self-enriching idiot makes Bush and even Nixon look like amateurs in how badly he's screwing over people, breaking the law and encouraging others like Apaio to do the same which gives rise to, for instance, shit like this where a thug of a cop feels empowered enough to assault and wrongfully arrest a nurse following procedure and law because he doesn't get this way (the apparent backdrop to this was an attempt to frame the still unconscious driver for a DUI as a police vehicle collided with him).

            Thanks to Trump (and blind supporters like you), the US is no longer trusted by anyone. The sooner he is slung into the jail he belongs in, the better, and as far as I am concerned a substantial part of the GOP can join him there for carefully avoiding to question him what he was doing.

            1. Pompous Git Silver badge

              Re: OBAKA

              "Thanks to Trump (and blind supporters like you), the US is no longer trusted by anyone."
              The loss of trust began decades ago. For example, LBJ claimed (correctly, cough, cough) that the US had no intention of bombing Cambodia. That's because the US was already bombing the crap out of Cambodia. It was a gift to the communist party there who had no problem recruiting as a result. Five million dead at the hands of Pol Pot, or was it really at the hands of the good ol' USA?

            2. fajensen

              Re: OBAKA

              Thanks to Trump (and blind supporters like you), the US is no longer trusted by anyone.

              Untrue, nobody remotely attached to reality trusted the US after the "GW Bush / Cheney" regime and Obama taking a big crap all over Nürenberg sort-of sealed the deal. Trump is just the chaser.

              Now, The Donald's achievement, which is a Grand One Indeed, is to make even someone as thick as Every European Leader since like for Ever, wake up and begin to accept a stark reality: Not only is The Emperor not wearing any clothes, he is actually fondling himself too!

              Go Trump! Show the world More!!

            3. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: OBAKA

              " created the WORST replacement for a previously working industry (medical industry and insurance)"

              Bloody hell, the NHS must be the work of the black devil.

              Please bring the white lord down to save us all.

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: OBAKA

            "the WORST president this country has ever had"

            Worse than James Buchanan? That seems unlikely.

            1. Adrian 4

              Re: OBAKA

              I have immense confidence that the present incumbent is going to beat Obama on this metric, at least.

            2. Public Citizen

              Re: OBAKA

              James Buchanan was a peach compared to Andrew Johnson.

              Johnson was put on the ticket for the 1864 Election s a sop to those who still believed in slavery in the North. It was never conceived that he would become president either so soon or in the fashion that occured when Pres. Lincoln was assinated.

              Johnson basically saw to it that the carefully worked out plan for reconciliation and reintegration of the southern states was thrown out the window and the period known as "the Carpetbagger Era" which was responsible for sowing even more strife and salting the already bleeding wounds caused by 4 years of Civil War became the operational reality for too much of the south.

          3. oldcoder

            Re: OBAKA

            Obama was one of the best.

            Trump is, hands down, the worst.

            You really need to review your standards.

          4. 's water music

            Re: OBAKA

            [Obama] created the WORST replacement for a previously working industry (medical industry and insurance)

            Certainly appears to have interfered with your meds today. I'm with @dougs, the awsome powah of your irregular capitalisation tends to make your best posts too much like your worst ones.

          5. Mike Moyle

            Re: OBAKA

            Of course, Obama was not saddled with two unnecessary wars put on the national credit card by his feckless predecessor; was not facing the collapse of the housing and domestic automobile industries, nor the collapse of the general economy into deep recession or possible depression; and never had his attempt to correct major flaws in the insurance industry -- or, in fact, virtually ANYTHING that he attempted for he last 3/4 of his term -- repeatedly sabotaged by a congressional leadership who stated at the outset that its primary goal was to make him a one-term president, and whose idea of "bipartisanship" is "you agreeing to anything we want".

            Certainly not.

            1. fajensen

              Re: OBAKA

              Obama was not saddled with two unnecessary wars ...

              AhEm - Obama chose to double-down and scale-up on just about every, single, stupidity and past or ongoing crime against humanity that Bush/Cheney started (as well as some of the evil originating with Clinton, like financial deregulation and war on drugs).

              Obama did all this because he knew that if he had actually changed anything apart from adding more zeroes to the already meaningless numbers representing the bank balances of corporate sponsors and adding a few more wars and regime changes, he would have been replaced.

              It's "funny" how all these "progressives" never, ever manage, actually to do anything "progressive" even when they have, like, a majority. It's almost like their heart is not in it!

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: OBAKA

          Still wondering what OBAKA stands for

          It means that the author lacks sufficient valid arguments/evidence for what they are saying and thus has to resort to name calling. You will find that usually comes accompanied by bias, errant capitalisation and unproven claims. In short, worth ignoring due to a substantial lack of actual content and fact.

        3. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: OBAKA

          Still wondering what OBAKA stands for, if only someone would loan me the secret alt.right decoder ring.

          It stands for "I watch too much anime and think Obama is dumb"

          Baka = Japanese for dumb. Hope that helps.

        4. Mpeler

          Re: OBAKA

          Yeah. I prefer Øbozo, it reflects what Obama is: a Marxist clown.

      4. InNY

        " stating the truth." - so, when are you going to start doing that?

      5. oldcoder

        Going against the constitution is Trumps choice.

        Going against the courts is Trumps choice.

        Going against the law is what is happening - even the "government" is ignoring the laws; so why shouldn't everyone else?

      6. Public Citizen

        The Fortune 500 Companies have used these "Dreamers" to tick off the check boxes for qualification for satisfying multiple special programs qualifications that ualify them for :

        A. Reduction in tx obligation

        B. Access to Federal Grant Monies

        They are only woried about how this will affect their bottom lines, despite all the political posturing and posing.

        What they >should< be worried about is the potential for proecution for hiring illegals, which is a portion of the federal law that has generally been ignored by the last couple of administrations.

        Should the Trump Administration get >really serious< about enforcing these statutes and regulations many of the executives of these companies could be looking at multiple counts of violation of statutes/regulations with heavy fines and or substantial jail/prison time.

        The problem isn't just with those who were brought here as minors but also those who have come here on a legitimate visa and just disappeared into the underground communities when their visas ran out. Th "dreamers" are just the tip of the iceberg, ad being the tip, the easiest to identify and start the process of unwinding the mess that has been made of the orderly imigration proceedure.

        General Point: Every Year the USA issues more temporary visas and permanent resident approvals than any other nation on the planet. Without this ordrly process, one key element of which is the screenig for disease carriers who pose the threat of bringing in diseases that have been eradicated from the United Stats for decades, chaos soon follows. this is being demonstrated on a daily basis in those ares of the USA where illegals are found in the greatest numbers just in the disease reporting statistics. There are now diseases, in some cases highly drug resistant forms of these diseases, appearing that have not been reported for decades, if ever, since reporting standards were first implemented in the late 19th century. Part of what is showing up is tropical and sub-tropical diseases that hve never before been seen in the USA.

        It is all comming in through illegal channels, being brought by people who have avoided the statutorily required health examinations and certifications that are a routine part of the Legal Immigration and Visa Process.

    4. Pompous Git Silver badge

      "I have never understood America's xenophobia and attitude towards immigrants and foreigners, when you consider the entire country consists of immigrants and foreigners."
      You've never come across the term "American Indians" then? Buffy Sainte-Marie, or Link Wray for example.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        You've never come across the term "American Indians" then?

        Just an earlier generation of immigrant. Apart from Africans in Africa we're all immigrants.

      2. Chris G

        "You've never come across the term "American Indians" then? Buffy Sainte-Marie, or Link Wray for example."

        Your point?

        1. Pompous Git Silver badge

          "Your point?"
          I find it difficult to think of them as immigrants. How long do you need to live somewhere before you are no longer a furriner? YMMV. I do recall a line from a documentary: "They fought for a land that they thought was theirs."

    5. ThePhantom

      I don't believe there is "xenophobia and attitude towards immigrants and foreigners." There is, however, a negative attitude towards illegal immigrants who come here and end up sucking on the welfare teat. Nearly $50 million in the California state budget will go to expanded legal services for illegals -- and that is what many of us object to.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        >Nearly $50 million in the California state budget will go to expanded legal services for illegals

        Splutter, that's nearly 1/7 of an F35 - no wonder the country is in such a state !

      2. oldcoder

        It is xenophobia when anyone unfamiliar or looks different is treated as a non-person, threatened, imprisoned, possibly tortured,... for no reason at all.

    6. This post has been deleted by its author

    7. macjules

      W.H.Auden summed this up in just 2 lines:

      When he laughed, respectable senators burst with laughter,

      And when he cried the little children died in the streets.

      Curiously appropriate with Donald Trump.

    8. Mpeler


      " threaten the future of young undocumented immigrants brought to America as children"


      " threaten the future of young ILLEGAL immigrants brought to America as children".

      Slave labor for big biz.

      Look at the rules for immigration into Mexico, for instance. Illegals end up rotting in their less-that-5-diamond-quality prisons.....

      Fire away, leftist libtards. You don't have to pay taxes to support these leeches. I do. And so do all of the other LEGALLY EMPLOYED Americans.

    9. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Everything country except Africa is a country of immigrants. But many of the USA immigrants unlike some countries actually come from a time of legal immigration - google how many Americans can trace themselves back to Ellis island.


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