back to article Norway Quizwall experiment ends with more quizzing than commenting

Earlier this year Norway's government-owned broadcaster embarked on a stern Lutheran experiment with story commenters. Before being able to post a comment on a story, they would need to pass a reading comprehension quiz, to prove they had read it all. (Much like Keith in Mike Leigh's Nuts In May who had chewed each piece of …


  1. This post has been deleted by its author

  2. Anonymous Coward

    It would be funnier...

    If you guys actually put the correct answers in the quiz and tested your own audience...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: It would be funnier...

      We are commentards. We barely read the headline before having an opinion!

      1. Anonymous Coward

        Re: It would be funnier...

        Judging from the number of downvotes I got barely 1 minute after posting

        I tend to agree !

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: It would be funnier...

          > Judging from the number of downvotes I got barely 1 minute after posting

          I tend to agree !

          Quick, there's still time left to edit your first post. Change it to say: "Downvote this post if you stuff ferrets down your trousers as a hobby."

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: It would be funnier...

        We barely read the headline before having a socialist opinion!

        1. AdamWill

          Re: It would be funnier...

          pfah, I'm way ahead of you. I have socialist opinions before I even read the headlines.

      3. Ugotta B. Kiddingme

        Re: "We barely read the headline before having an opinion!"

        Wait, there are headlines?!? Since when?

        1. VinceH

          Re: "We barely read the headline before having an opinion!"

          "Wait, there are headlines?!? Since when?"

          I think that's the larger, emboldened text that sits at the top of the annoying page full of text you have to click through to get to the comments section.

    2. Captain Scarlet

      Re: It would be funnier...

      Oh I always thought you had to go for what was the funniest answer, so you can sit at your desk going TROLOLOLOL

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: It would be funnier...

        @ AC "We barely read the headline before having an opinion!"

        I read that as "having an onion" and thought "at last a kindred spirit!"

        1. m0rt

          Re: It would be funnier...

          This is just typical of Microsoft....

          1. Aladdin Sane

            Re: It would be funnier...

            @OP - That whooshing noise you hear is the joke flying right past you.

          2. Kane

            Re: It would be funnier...

            "This is just typical of Microsoft...."

            No, I have to disagree, brown sauce (whatever brand) is not appropriate for a bacon sandwich, it has to be tomato ketchup, every time. Brown sauce only belongs in a sausage sandwich.

            And you can keep you opinion about sweet tea to yourself, thank you very much!

        2. Captain Scarlet

          Re: It would be funnier...

          "I read that as "having an onion""

          Damnit now I am instantly hungry wanting anything with fried onions

    3. This post has been deleted by its author

  3. Anonymous Coward

    Interesting experiment but...

    If this were rolled-out more widely, who would write the questions?

    a) The article author? (With the risk that all answers are deliberately wrong so no comments can be made.)

    b) A moderator? (With the risk that the mod has misunderstood the article.)

    c) Someone paid for by the site's advertisers? (With the risk that any answer that names the sponsors is automatically the 'right' one.)

    Yep, (c) it is then.

    1. LewisRage

      Re: Interesting experiment but...

      Get an A.I. to do it

    2. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

      Re: Interesting experiment but...

      Do the moderators actually read the articles?

  4. Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge

    Quiz answers

    The correct answers are, of course, "Norway", "Mike Leigh" and (according to Baldrick IIRC) "some beans"

    1. Paul Woodhouse

      Re: Quiz answers

      You need to put a spoiler alert on that post...

    2. Just Enough

      Re: Quiz answers

      "... plus that one."

    3. Charlie Clark Silver badge

      Re: Quiz answers

      Oh yes, there we have the mainstream media trying to brainwash us again! The correct answer to the last question according to Sergeant Detritus is "lots"!

      1. eldakka

        Re: Quiz answers

        Since trolls use a base 3 numbering system (1, 2, lots, lots 1, lots 2, lots lots) it'd be lots 2 = 5.

    4. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Quiz answers

      The correct answers are, of course, "Norway", "Mike Leigh" and (according to Baldrick IIRC) "some beans"

      My answer was just "No". The question being about enabling JavaScript to take the quiz.

  5. Alistair



    (rant rant rant) {whine, whinge bitch}

    !!!! !!!!! !!!!! BLOCKCAPS FOUR SHOUTIES !!!!!! !!!!!!


    Personally I suspect that it would not matter if the reader managed to get all the Q's correct, they'd still manage to misinterpret things and find some way to turn the article into either a left wing issue or a right wing issue. I've found the amount of stupid on the loose in the interwebs lately to be almost overwhelming.

    1. Allan George Dyer

      Re: OutRageUs

      I am absolutely disgusted at the price of five beans nowadays. I blame the government!

      1. Boris the Cockroach Silver badge
        IT Angle

        Re: OutRageUs

        Its the results of brexit... bet them old foogies dreaming of WW2 and empire didn't expect that

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: OutRageUs

        "I am absolutely disgusted at the price of five beans nowadays."

        I'm all right, Jack.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: OutRageUs

      "I've found the amount of stupid on the loose in the interwebs lately to be almost overwhelming."

      If only it would stay there and not spill out into the real world.

  6. Gulraj Rijhwani

    Funny guy doesn't get funny. Pictures at 11.


    1. Sir Runcible Spoon

      Re: Funny guy doesn't get funny. Pictures at 11.

      I really can't tell if your lack of facepalm icon was deliberately ironic or just another case of 'you can't fix stupid' :)

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Can I be the first to express my anger that Norway are building a quiz wall, what we need in the current climate is less walls.

    1. Nik 2

      We have to have walls, because without walls we wouldn't need Gates or Windows.

      I'll get my (very old) coat.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      1. Steve K

        True, but...

        Correct, unless they are referring to the ice cream (although they would have used a capital "W" there, I suppose).

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward


        Good point but what about "10 Items or Less"?

        1. Sir Runcible Spoon

          Re: Fewer

          "Good point but what about "10 Items or Less"?"

          Does the basket count as one of the items?

        2. David Nash Silver badge

          Re: Fewer

          "Good point but what about "10 Items or Less"?"

          That's just wrong, obviously.

          Actually I seem to recall reading an article about a supermarket shamed into changing this.

      3. phils

        Perhaps they want just as many walls but smaller ones.

      4. Doctor Syntax Silver badge


        No, less. You need the walls to be small enough to climb over.

    3. Charlie Clark Silver badge

      Can I be the first to express my anger that Norway are building a quiz wall, what we need in the current climate is less walls.

      You eco-socialists seem to blame climate change for everything!

    4. This post has been deleted by its author

      1. hnwombat

        Mr. President, we must not allow a quiz wall gap!

  8. Aristotles slow and dimwitted horse



    Shane Meadows

    6 beans

    1. magickmark

      Re: Answers...

      Swedish Chef

      Shane Meadows

      Sean Bean

      There corrected that for you!!

      1. Sir Runcible Spoon

        Re: Answers...

        Professor Yaffle

        On the bookshelf

        With a sneery remark. Nya, nya, nyaarrr.

      2. Mark 85

        @magickmark -- Re: Answers...

        Swedish Chef

        Isker Doo

        Botk! Bork! Bork!

        There fixed it for you.

  9. Anonymous Coward

    Pedant Power!

    "The experiment was conducted by the national broadcaster of which Scandinavian country?"

    Tsk, you included Finland in the list of 'Scandinavian' countries. Schoolboy error, it's not on the peninsular. Now had you asked for 'Nordic' or more acurately, Fenno-Scandinavia (or, I'll let you off with Fennoscandia) I would have let this pass. As it stands, you are being removed from my bookmarks for shoddy, shoddy journalism. Hang your heads......

    1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Re: Pedant Power!

      I see your Tsk, and raise you a Tsk Tsk. Denmark isn't on the Scandinavian Peninsula either - but is in Scandinavia.

      Also both you and El Reg are wrong. The area is actually called Scandiwegia... Which includes Finland, and any other country that makes depressing TV dramas, where nobody says much but everyone wears really chunky sweaters.


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