back to article Java 9 release back on track, community votes 'yes'

Java 9's Java Platform Modular System, that's caused Oracle so much trouble has passed the community vote and will ship in September. The final vote had all members of the community process voting “yes” for the platform, save Red Hat, which abstained. Explaining its abstention, Red Hat remains concerned about the “impact on …

  1. LaeMing

    Java 9's Java Platform Modular System

    So that would be ... Java now has PMS?

  2. Hstubbe

    Is Java still a thing?

    1. Friendly Neighbourhood Coder Dan


      Yes, you can find all about it on the Internet.

    2. iliveunderground

      Yes. NO YOU SHUT UP! *cries in corner*

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I much prefer Python...

    I just thought the internet would want to know this.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I much prefer Python...

      Ask a stupid question, get a sarcastic answer D:

      But these days python is now my goto language as its support base is building, its also a swiss-army knife!

      1. Jamie Jones Silver badge

        Re: I much prefer Python...

        But I thought...

        1. Allonymous Coward

          Re: I much prefer Python...

          It's on PyPI so it must be right, right?

          Edsger W. Dijkstra, pffft. What does he know.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: I much prefer Python...

        "its also a swiss-army knife!"

        no, that's PERL ... which to be fair is more of a 'Swiss Army Chainsaw'.

  4. David Austin

    Community Process

    "[...]in spite of warnings from Oracle that a “no” vote would undermine the community process."

    That's... some of the most ass backwards logic I've heard since Oracle sued their employee after arbitration.

    community process is great... as long as they agree with us.

    1. Tim99 Silver badge

      Re: Community Process

      I bear scars from Oracle starting from version 5. My default position is: When Oracle wants something the hostages that are their customers should check their contracts. I am certainly not inclined to trust a company that set a default install of the Ask toolbar when some unsuspecting user clicked on a link to install Java...

  5. John Brown (no body) Silver badge


    "In May, the specification was voted down by the community in spite of warnings from Oracle that a “no” vote would undermine the community process."

    I'm struggling to think why asking the community for an answer and not getting the one you want undermines the "community process" more than making the threat in first place.

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