back to article Russian hackers and Britney Spears in one story. Are you OK, Reg?

The malware scum behind the ongoing Turla campaign have been spotted experimenting with Instagram accounts as a C&C channel. The Russian-sourced (and allegedly state-backed) Turla espionage tool has repeatedly re-emerged since its discovery in 2014. ESET has turned up a Firefox extension that implements a simple backdoor on …

  1. Doctor Evil


    From the ESET report, the affected Firefox extension is something called HTML5 Encoding 0.3.7. Hopefully it's not in your list of extensions ...

    [checks own list ... aw crap!]

  2. deadlockvictim

    Hit me baby one more time?

    Title says it all really.

    1. Adam 1

      Re: Hit me baby one more time?

      > Turla espionage tool has repeatedly re-emerged since its discovery in 2014.

      So if I'm understanding this correctly, they did it again?

      1. DailyLlama

        Re: Hit me baby one more time?


  3. B0rg

    Wow that malware seems pretty Toxic.

    What? I can make crap jokes too; that's my prerogative!

  4. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

    Neologism proposal: "Ruskers"

    "Russian Hackers here, Russian Hackers there, subverting Britney Spears, poisoning muh democratic atmosphere"

    RUSKERS shall be the neologism for "Russian Hackers", which for some reson have replaced Greys as eyeball-pulling headlineware. It's short, it's pity, it's to the point. You know you want it.

    After that:

    CHINKERS, NORKERS and ... uh ... ISRAKERS?

  5. hi_robb


    They did it again, they're not that innocent.

    /taxi for one please

  6. Anonymous Coward

    There is a silver lining...

    Presumably any outbreak of this malware could be stopped simply by taking down Britney's Instagram account?

    Ob. quote of appropriate song title: Til It's Gone

  7. Jay 2
    Paris Hilton

    What's the Britney angle?

    Obviously a few Britney fans lurking in the El Reg comments. Maybe a change to the Paris icon is required?

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Meth head

    why is there a pic of a meth head that says Britney next to it. Britney looks much better than that.

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