BT Email (22.4.17)

This topic was created by Ken Moorhouse .


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  1. Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

    BT Email sending (22.4.17)

    (Sorry if in wrong section, picked the closest relevant one)

    BTinternet admit that they are having problems with their customers sending emails out using a mail client. They cite "security issues" as the reason. They have no idea when the problem will be fixed. They say this has been going on since early March, but today is the first support call I've received concerning this.

    Anyone else experiencing this?

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: BT Email sending (22.4.17)

      Found in about 10 seconds:

      IOW, you're not alone.

      Friends in low places report BT ain't talking. At all. As usual. Customer service? They've heard of it.

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