back to article Sphere 3D has had two offers to buy parts of its business

Sphere 3D, the Canadian company which owns Overland Storage and Tandberg Data, has had two offers for parts of its business. The perennially loss-making concern, which was previously Overland Storage, which bought Tandberg Data, has never recovered from the decline in tape automation products. It received a first offer, a …

  1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    I like tape

    It's more recoverable as a backup medium.

    But sadly it seems I (and most other users) don't like it enough.

    1. Down not across

      Re: I like tape

      I've used several different Tandberg drives and Overland libraries. I can't actually recall anything bad about either and they worked as they should.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Beer goggles

    Given the way that the share price is plummeting, it's looking an increasing attractive acquisition prospect, provided you're not fussy about looks, and not too bothered by the possibility that you won't be able to perform when you get her home.

    Selling V3, Glassware, or both, isn't going to do anything to rescue the rapidly melting Overland iceberg, but it may at least slow down the inevitable demise. Trouble is I can't see anyone seriously looking to buy the hyper convergish V3 boxes, the accompanying DCO software hasn't seen any serious investment in years, and while the hardware specs look good, there are many other less moribund alternatives for customers to consider that lack the risk of seeing the rug pulled out from underneath you when the end comes. The Glassware, it's a bird, no it's a plane, no it's top secret stealth turkey, RDS-alike hasn't attained any traction and its Soviet era UX erodes any price advantage it may have, especially when compared to other 'value' alternatives. Canadian pride or some such might encourage the Canucks to hunt down the back of the Chesterfield and find some loose change to buy back that bit, but really that's all its worth.

    Given the collapse in stock price, Tandburg is now worth far more outside of Sphere than it is within, but that's not going to do anything much to change Sphere's fortunes.

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