1. David Webb

    Sky / No Mans Sky

    So apparently, No Mans Sky has been in a legal dust up with Sky because Sky own the word Sky, a bit like getting MS to change Skydrive because it contains the word Sky and anything which contains the word Sky can't exist in the UK because Sky.



    No Mans Sky settled after 3 years of wrangling, now we just need to figure out how to change well known phrases so we don't get sued.... The <something> 's the limit?

    1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

      Re: Sky / No Mans Sky

      The Wild Blue Yonder ?

      1. David Webb

        Re: Sky / No Mans Sky

        It's a game I'm looking forward to, Elite Dangerous is fun, Star Citizen.... I got that and still haven't figured out how to launch my ship so it's sitting there until at least Beta, but No Man's Place Above The Ground Which Isn't The S*y...... seems quite nice.

        But how can Sky claim ownership of Sky in a computer games title?

  2. Ryan.T.Student

    Tbh I suspect this could end up being as empty and pointless as Elite Dangerous. I was so disappointed by that. It just doesn't look like there's much other than going to places and shooting. I suspect seeing green giraffes will eventually get dull.

  3. ed_p

    Looks like you were right, Ryan ^

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