back to article Unable to log on to online games? Blame cheap-rate DDoSers

Running botnets-for-hire to mount DDoS attacks has become cheaper and easier than ever, according to a new research. Imperva Incapsula reckons botnet-for-hire services might be acquired for for as little $19.99 per month, via underground forums and payable in Bitcoins. Short, single-vector attacks associated with botnet-for- …

  1. Jay 2

    And just as I read this I'm twiddling my thumbs as I can't log into Elite Dangerous. Oh well, may as well read a few more articles...

    1. P. Lee

      >And just as I read this I'm twiddling my thumbs as I can't log into Elite Dangerous. Oh well, may as well read a few more articles...

      And that wouldn't be a bitcoin payment outgoing from El Reg would it?

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    of course blame the hackers

    because it's never, ever, ever the fault of the game host for not having enough infrastructure to handle the load they want. How long until internet providers start using this excuse for why their services are slow?

  3. Eponymous Cowherd

    What the botherders need.....

    is a +4 greatsword of flaming death shoved up their respective jacksies.....

    1. Boris the Cockroach Silver badge

      Re: What the botherders need.....

      Nope I disagree... far too quick

      Just stick them in a type 9 heavy frieghter, blow out the thrusters and the cockpit canopy and let the little ****s choke to death

      BTW I play Elite

    2. Anonymous C0ward

      Re: What the botherders need.....

      Nah, they need to be eaten by a Grue.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: What the botherders need.....

        too grusome for me

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