back to article UFOs in the '50s skies? CIA admits: 'IT WAS US'

The US government's Central Intelligence Agency has 'fessed up about reports of UFO sightings in the 1950s by playfully tweeting "it was us". It linked to a document entitled The CIA and the U-2 Program 1954-1974 (PDF), which was first published in 1998. The CIA decided to flag it up via its Twitter account because it had …


  1. Bassey

    Who else?

    "And, anyway, if the CIA can only account for around half of all UFO sightings, then what the hell else was up there peering down on citizens of Planet Earth?"

    The Russian planes spying on the US.

    1. Tom 7

      Re: Who else?

      Most UFO sightings are piss easy to explain to those that will listen. The only ones I have trouble with are the ones over fault lines - I know what causes them but not how. I'm guessing its a similar mechanism that generates sprites over thunderstorms.

      1. DarkShroom

        Re: Who else?

        i also keep trying to explain the Zetas are friendly, it just takes the focus away from the greater threat of the reptilians

        1. Mark 85

          Re: Who else?

          For some reason I read that as: explain the Zitas are friendly and was thinking that the sightings all had something to do with FSM. Might still be his noodly goodness.

      2. DropBear

        Re: Who else?

        "Most UFO sightings are piss easy to explain to those that will listen."

        Why of course they are. Any sane person knows it was either Venus, swamp gases, or a meteo balloon...

        1. Captain DaFt

          Re: Who else?

          "Any sane person knows it was either Venus, swamp gases, or a meteo balloon..."

          When in doubt, consult this chart:

          1. Chemist

            Re: Who else?

            THHGG states that it is "Space Aliens" , especially near Heathrow, so who are we to argue

    2. imanidiot Silver badge

      Re: Who else?

      Russians and as of yet still classified test aircraft.

      1. Alan Brown Silver badge

        Re: Who else?

        "yet still classified test aircraft."


        Once a few photos of the F117 made it into the mainstream reports of triangular UFOs stopped overnight.

        Once the existence of stealthed-up choppers got into mainstream, a lot of the slow moving stuff got explained too (I'd heard of stealth blackhawks about a decade before one bellyflopped into /bin/laden's compound, but cursory checking revealed people who mentioned them were generally classed as tinfoilers)

        The CIA and several other organisations spent a long time planting people in various tinfoil hat brigades to keep them paranoid and believing in UFOs/alien visitors, as this was an easy way to keep the classified aircraft programs under wraps. In all liklihood they still do.

        (FWIW, the standard alien "experiences" tend to follow movies of similar themes - showing that most people involved are fairly suggestible. They may _believe_ they were abducted by aliens, but it's more likely to have been a particularly vivid dream, possibly years after seeing Close Encounters, etc)

        1. Ben Tasker

          Re: Who else?

          FWIW, the standard alien "experiences" tend to follow movies of similar themes - showing that most people involved are fairly suggestible. They may _believe_ they were abducted by aliens, but it's more likely to have been a particularly vivid dream, possibly years after seeing Close Encounters, etc

          To pile conspiracy on top of conspiracy, as you said

          The CIA and several other organisations spent a long time planting people in various tinfoil hat brigades to keep them paranoid

          Let's accept that's true - the ultimate way for the CIA to keep the paranoia (and outward appearance of such) would be to do a few 'alien' abductions themselves. Slip the targets a few drugs and then wear rubberised suits whilst brandishing a certain medical instrument related to the bottom, lots of light's etc.

          Mind you, if it came out, I guess an anal-probe could be seen as state sanctioned anal rape....

          1. Bob Dole (tm)

            Re: Who else?

            >>Mind you, if it came out, I guess an anal-probe could be seen as state sanctioned anal rape....

            EIT - Enhanced Interrogation Techniques. They had to test them somehow before writing the manuals.

          2. Suricou Raven

            Re: Who else?

            It's more interesting that the aliens appearance always seems to reflect the pop-culture aliens of the time.

        2. BrownishMonstr

          Re: Who else?

          They may _believe_ they were abducted by aliens, but it's more likely to have been a particularly vivid dream

          Agree about the vividly dream. Had I not woken up from my extremely vivid dream I seriously would have thought the government has some mind control programme. The dream sure felt real.

    3. Bloakey1

      Re: Who else?

      The predecessors of Al Qaeda on the look out for kaffirs and infidels. They had very large planes called Bin Liners.

    4. chivo243 Silver badge
      Black Helicopters

      Re: Who else?

      Let's see what TV history has to offer:

      Jim Kirk's Enterprise

      Planet Express Delivery Ship

      Getting back to reality, wasn't there some guy Von Braun working on rockets and such then too? As much as the US tried to keep things top secret, I would believe that the CIA didn't know everything, and that would account for the other half.

      1. ceayers

        Re: Who else?

        Don't forget the DHL chevrons...

      2. ceayers

        Re: Who else?

        and the Tracy Brothers..

    5. skeptical i

      Re: Who else?

      Secret Squirrel and Morocco Mole!

  2. BongoJoe

    The Welsh

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      there definitely some sateLLite & llaunch vehicle jokes to be made there, but i'm too sheepish.

    2. mahasamatman

      Re: The Welsh

      blwyddyn newydd dda

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: The Welsh

        And a Happy New Year to you too!

    3. baalel

      If it was The Welsh, the secret would have leek'ed long ago

      1. Crazy Operations Guy

        They could have held an international news conference about it, but no one would know, because no one can understand them.

        1. BongoJoe

          You may laugh, but the International Dyslexia Conference was held up here in North Wales back in the 80s or 90s.

          I often wondered how the delegates read the maps.

          1. Amorous Cowherder

            "I often wondered how the delegates read the maps."

            You wicked person!

      2. P. Lee

        > If it was The Welsh, the secret would have leek'ed long ago

        Yeah, someone would have blaaabed

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    what the hell else was up there peering down on citizens of Planet Earth?

    Soviet spy craft, you silly.

    1. thomas k.

      Re: "It was us."

      They also said they weren't spying on us willy-nilly and they didn't torture anyone.

  4. DaveB

    Yes but

    Talking to a retired U2 pilot some years ago he confirmed that they were often reported as UFOs. He also said that the pilots also saw the odd UFO but they didn't report such events.

    1. Vic

      Re: Yes but

      He also said that the pilots also saw the odd UFO

      Yeah, Meth's a hell of a drug...


  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    So what exactly is the CIA trying to hide by publicizing this attention-misdirecting fabrication, eh?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Misdirection.

      The reason the CIA doesn't care about torturing human beings is that they are, in fact, our alien overlords.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Misdirection.

        Why do UFO's only ever kidnap and anal probe in-bred mid western peanut farmers and hillbillies?

        Do you ever hear of a scientist or academic being abducted? (politicians fall in the previous sentence's category)

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Misdirection.

          The UFOs are trying to understand why the peanut farmers and hillbillies are allowed to breed, because on their planet they have been automated out of existence. As have politicians...Harold Wilson once suggested that decision making would be improved by a set of traffic lights connected to a random number generator, the idea being that the decision would be quick and so if it was obviously wrong it could be reversed. Given the record of recent governments, replacing the Front Bench with a set of traffic lights and letting vote on what the decisions to be made should be, would lead to a faster, cheaper and more democratic system.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Misdirection.

          "Do you ever hear of a scientist or academic being abducted?"

          Someone hasn't heard of Stanton Friedman then. Harvard Physicist and Alien Abduction expert.

          If you're interested, look up something called "The Disclosure Project", in which a whole series of credible witnesses retell incredible stories. Believe them or not, its no parade of " in-bred mid western peanut farmers and hillbillies"

          Admiral Lord Hill-Norton: Five-Star Admiral, Former Head of the British Ministry of Defense, July 2000

          Sgt. Clifford Stone: US Army

          Sgt. Karl Wolfe: US Air Force

          Merle Shane McDow: US Navy Atlantic Command

          Nick Pope: British Ministry of Defense Official

          Astronaut Edgar Mitchell

          John Callahan: FAA Head of Accidents and Investigations

          Professor Robert Jacobs: Lt. US Air Force

          Major-General Vasily Alexeyev: Russian Air Force

          Dr. Alfred Webre: Senior Policy Analyst Stanford Research Institute

          ....there is quite an extensive list of "believers".

          [Caveat: I neither believe nor disbelieve personally, but find it an interesting and misunderstood phenomena]

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Misdirection.

      It couldn't be the executive summary of a torture report that has been giving them so much grief lately. The report they hacked the Senate over. No, the CIA is secretive but fun. They are your friends and guardians.

    3. lambda_beta

      Re: Misdirection.

      Hiding the other 50%

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    nothing changes

    All these sightings over the US were the CIA... perhaps they forget what country they were supposed to be spying on, or more likely it was all a very innocent mistake. I believe that's the standard response when you get caught cock in hand with your pants down surveilling your entire population in violation of the constitution.

    1. Vic

      Re: nothing changes

      All these sightings over the US were the CIA... perhaps they forget what country they were supposed to be spying on

      They have to land somewhere - and I'm pretty sure you can't put a U2 down on a carrier.


  7. Anonymous Coward

    Eh, I don't believe the CIA...

    Alien infiltration is the only sensible explanation for much of what goes on in our media and celebrity circles!

  8. WalterAlter

    Your eyelids are growing heavy...

    Before I can begin my lecture on UFO's and mass hysteria, you'll need to YouTube "Pentacostal" "Benny Hinn" and "fleecing the flock".

  9. phil dude

    thought experiment...

    Consider that any technology sufficiently advanced would appear like magic....perhaps from a less cynical age that we live in.

    A logical stance might be that any technology that was sufficiently advanced might not be *perceptible*.

    Consider the caveman finding a digital watch... (HHGTTG!!).

    How about some modern technology that has no identifying marks but you need to "know" it sells something.... (thinking of the 2000 a Space Odyssey). Maybe the Obelisk was a particularly sleek Coke machine.... ;-)

    In otherwords, aliens visiting the Earth will require such advanced technology, we might not recognise them...

    The beer helps...Happy 2015 - we made it.


  10. asdf

    of course it was U2s

    Probably a lot less of the reports were for the never shot down SR-71 because it just plain made itself less of a target. Its too bad they were nearly as expensive to fly as the space shuttle (hyperbole but barely) so now the U2 lives on (insert Bono joke here).

    1. Florida1920

      Re: of course it was U2s

      Probably a lot less of the reports were for the never shot down SR-71

      Now that I'm well past the age of caring.... a radar operator at a USAF radar station outside Charleston, SC, detected something flying high and fast in 1967. The Pentagon sent down a major to investigate the "UFO" (the "Purpose of Visit" entry in the orderly room sign-in book said "UFO investigation"). The major advised the operator he hadn't seen anything. I wonder if even that major was cleared to know about the SR-71, which probably is what was detected. The radar operator was a well-grounded, believably serious young man, so until I heard about the Blackbird I often wondered what it was he'd seen.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: of course it was U2s

        SR-71 pilots did admit to having seen Concord(e), so it is entirely possible that Concord(e) pilots had to be told about it, so they did not file reports.

      2. Vic

        Re: of course it was U2s

        a radar operator at a USAF radar station outside Charleston, SC, detected something flying high and fast in 1967

        A mate of mine used to be ATC at Buchan. One morning, he was sent the flight plan of an SR71 that was coming through.

        There was hell to pay...


    2. P. Lee

      Re: of course it was U2s

      >so now the U2 lives on

      Shurley it was Sting. Though I could never tell whether he was a legal or an illegal.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    You should be frightened...

    ...very frightened that the CIA can only acknowledge operating half of the UFOs.

    1. BristolBachelor Gold badge

      Re: You should be frightened...

      Yeah, but it was the left-hand that made the aknowledgement; and that has no idea what the right-hand does


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