back to article Moon landing was real and WE CAN PROVE IT, says Nvidia

It's only a product promo, but it's a smart one: Nvidia reckons the judicious application of its graphics technology can debunk one of the world's favourite “moon landing was a hoax conspiracies”. As a demo of the VXGI – voxel based global illumination – technology included in the company's new Maxwell graphics architecture, a …


  1. Evil Auditor Silver badge

    To all conspiracy muppets out there

    So, Nvidia was bought by NASA.

    1. Just Enough

      Re: To all conspiracy muppets out there

      Showing proof to a conspiracy theorist just demonstrates to them that the conspiracy goes even deeper.

      I don't think we needed Nvidia's input. Apollo hoax theorists don't need debunking, because every theory they dream up has already been shown to be total hogwash based on ignorance.

      1. Simon Harris

        Re: To all conspiracy muppets out there

        "Showing proof to a conspiracy theorist just demonstrates to them that the conspiracy goes even deeper."

        Of course nobody ever landed on the moon. Someone just sent some Nvidia chips back in time to 1967 and the whole Apollo programme was simulated in a graphics workstation.

      2. i like crisps

        Re: To all conspiracy muppets out there

        Dear Just Enough,

        Why are there no STARS in space?....Not a single spec of light anywhere on the NASA photos?

        As regards the 'Fluttering Flag' a NASA mouthpiece, a few years ago, claimed that the flag was "Designed" to Flutter as though it was being blown by the wind....the interviewer didn't press the mouthpiece about the mechanism that would have been needed to do this or ask to see the original engineers drawings that NASA should still have on file in their archives. This would have been quite a 'feather in the cap' of the individual or group of people involved in producing this object, which was bespoke and would have had to have been designed and fabricated from scratch...but the thing you're all forgetting is that the reason they didn't land on the Moon is that there is NO CONCRETE on the Moon.......i shall explain my pet theory later on....maybe

        1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

          Re: To all conspiracy muppets out there

          Why are there no STARS in space?....Not a single spec of light anywhere on the NASA photos?

          Because NASA was totally fecking clueless and got some cheap black-painted dome installed by barely-literate chinese migrant workers instead of properly hiring Stanley Kubrick to do full-star awesome super-effects like he did a year earlier with "2001 - A Space Odyssey".

          It's simple really. Then they had to set up O.J. Simpson for murder because the Mars Landing Project bombed when the Face on Mars was discovered (and what was underneath) and whistles got blown out of proportion, but that is another horror story involving Agent Orange and Oswald.

          1. ian 22

            Re: To all conspiracy muppets out there

            Well done that man! I'd call that joined up thinking!

            'Ave an upvote on me.

        2. nobody really

          Re: To all conspiracy muppets out there

          "Why are there no STARS in space?....Not a single spec of light anywhere on the NASA photos?"

          This is actually a good argument against it being faked...stay with me champ...

          If you were faking it, what is one thing you would fully expect to show in a photo taken from the moon - stars. So a fake would completely have stars 'cos who in their right mind pretending to be taking a photo on the moon would leave out stars?

          Frankly I don't care either way but I do love watching the action. Continue.

        3. Just Enough

          Re: To all conspiracy muppets out there

          Dear i like crisps

          Thank you for demonstrating exactly what I meant.

          There are no stars on the photos because they were taken during daytime and consequently exposed for very bright sunlight. See, because you are used to the sky being black at night on Earth, and you can see the stars at night, you make the erroneous assumption that black sky = night = visible stars.

          The flag was designed to extend, as if being blown by the wind. That, of course, doesn't make the flag move. What makes it move is being attached to a springy aluminium post that is being moved by an astronaut.

        4. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: To all conspiracy muppets out there

          no concrete but lot of green tinged cheese Wallace

        5. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

          Re: To all conspiracy muppets out there

          there is NO CONCRETE on the Moon

          How do you know? Have you been there?

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: To all conspiracy muppets out there

        > Showing proof to a conspiracy theorist just demonstrates to them that the conspiracy goes even deeper.

        Of course, the landing was faked! Governments are simply too inefficeint to actually pull off something so big. Ever wonder why BRICs haven't done it after so many years ?

        And it was possible to do it, free market would've done it years before any govt could, even if it was at the behest of a govt.

      4. cortland

        Re: To all conspiracy muppets out there

        "The lack of evidence proves the conspiracy is working."

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Nvidea, did you also manage to explain

    the flag blowing in the wind :-)

    1. PassiveSmoking

      Re: Nvidea, did you also manage to explain

      Clue: Tie a tea towel to a broom handle and wiggle the broom handle back and forth. Observe what happens.

      I don't know why conspiracy theorists still think they're being really clever by pointing this one out. They're actually being really really dense.

    2. illiad

      Re: Nvidea, did you also manage to explain

      Mythbusters did a special on the moon ages ago!

      remember, there is NO air on the moon, also gravity is very low.. this is what slows things down, air resistance, and the weight of the cloth..

      so on the moon, the flag has to be held up by a bar on the top of the flag - and while they were planting the flag, of course it would move a lot - - it kept moving by itself, due to NO air resistance!!

      1. LesC

        Re: Nvidea, did you also manage to explain

        Mythbusters is good edutainment. Have an upvote.


        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Mythbusters ...

          Kari Byron. Ding dong !

        2. DropBear

          Re: Nvidea, did you also manage to explain

          Mythbusters is good edutainment

          It used to be, before the only thing they started caring about became what can they shoot and/or blow up this time. Nowadays it's just targeted to the glorious new ADHD squirrel-brain generation...

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Nowadays it's just targeted to the glorious new ADHD squirrel-brain generation...

            WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY... oh, a butterfly!

            1. Long John Brass

              Re: Nowadays it's just targeted to the glorious new ADHD squirrel-brain generation...


          2. Darryl

            Re: Nvidea, did you also manage to explain

            Yeah, I used to be like that. I was all "Their earthquake special was just an excuse to show Kari Byron being jiggled on an earthquake simulation table." Then I remembered seeing Kari Byron being jiggled on an earthquake table, and I forgot what I was thi

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Nvidea, did you also manage to explain

      I presume (and hope) that was sarcasm! It's my understanding that if the flag was set in motion by handling, then, because it is in a vacuum (i.e. no air or drag, for the uninitiated), it will just keep moving.

      Being a bit of a photographer, the lack of stars is easily explained by the exposure required to capture the astronauts and the surface. There is no way that any minuscule light source such as stars would have effectively been seen in the same frame. The contrast range is just too great. I fail to understand why this seems to have been quoted as definitive proof by the conspiracy theory mob. They don't seem to have done their homework on rudimentary photography.

      1. Dave Bell

        Re: Nvidea, did you also manage to explain

        They used film in those days, didn't they?

    4. Wyrdness

      Re: Nvidea, did you also manage to explain

      When they shot the moon-landing photos in a studio, not only did they forget about the stars, but they also brought in a huge fan to make the flag flutter.

      That's the only possible explanation ;)

  3. John Robson Silver badge

    The Russians are still the best evidence...

    (I mean aside from the stuff up there)

    Since they never called NASA out on it, and they would have been tracking it pretty carefully...

    1. Zog_but_not_the_first
      Black Helicopters

      Re: The Russians are still the best evidence...

      The very best argument against the "didn't happen" brigade.

      Unless the Ruskies were in on it too, of course...

      1. Vladimir Plouzhnikov

        Re: The Russians are still the best evidence...

        It was a tit for tat agreement - the Russians kept schtum about the hoax Moon landings in return for the Americans not revealing that Sputnik was in fact a balloon.

        Oh, and about that International "Space" Station...

        1. Mark #255

          Re: about that International "Space" Station...

          No, I know the ISS is real: I've seen it on The Big Bang Theory.

          1. Michael H.F. Wilkinson Silver badge

            Re: about that International "Space" Station...

            The ISS is real, I have seen it with my binoculars (solar panels visible), but then maybe I am part of the conspiracy too (wish NASA would pay me, in that case).

            1. DropBear

              Re: about that International "Space" Station...

              Oh come on, it's common knowledge there are permanent black ops teams in all major cities tasked solely with launching high-altitude flares every time a "visible ISS pass" would be due...

            2. Allan George Dyer
              Black Helicopters

              Re: about that International "Space" Station...

              Hey, don't complain; you're still alive, aren't you? What more payment do you want?

        2. Charles 9

          Re: The Russians are still the best evidence...

          "It was a tit for tat agreement - the Russians kept schtum about the hoax Moon landings in return for the Americans not revealing that Sputnik was in fact a balloon."

          But that would imply the Russkies threw the Space Race at a time when a lot of national pride was on the line in the middle of the Cold War (not to mention less than a decade after the Cuban Missile Crisis). IOW, the Soviets were competing with the Americans. If the landing was fake all the Russians had to do to deflate the Americans was to film themselves first. Why throw the race if the solution was so simple? If they pulled it off, Sputnik could be safely ignored or simply blown off as American lies.

    2. Graham Dawson Silver badge

      Re: The Russians are still the best evidence...

      In fact the best evidence against the hoax is the recording technology available at the time. It was physically impossible to do what the hoaxers claim was done.

      Good outline of the technological issues involved.

      1. Michael H.F. Wilkinson Silver badge
        Black Helicopters

        Re: The Russians are still the best evidence...

        Given the spate of downvotes I see on even the most innocuous comments, I can only conclude:

        Houston, we have a conspiracy theorist!

      2. Charles 9

        Re: The Russians are still the best evidence...

        "In fact the best evidence against the hoax is the recording technology available at the time. It was physically impossible to do what the hoaxers claim was done."

        What about black tech. No one knew the Americans had a practical and flying stealth fighter for decades. Even the SR-71 (which was still low-radar) was black tech. Under the auspices of black tech, it may have been possible to have tech beyond anything possible in the civilian world.

  4. Rustident Spaceniak

    That last Daly comment is a joke, or what?

    Since when did NVIDIA get access to the original negatives?

    1. Sir Runcible Spoon

      Re: That last Daly comment is a joke, or what?

      I think they rendered some stars in sky which were not visible under the projected lighting conditions.

      They then changed the exposure on their render to the point where they became visible.

      That's how I understood it anyway.

      1. Rustident Spaceniak
        Paris Hilton

        Re: That last Daly comment is a joke, or what?

        Ya know, put that way it almost makes sense. Will let it stew brainside for a while.

  5. eJ2095

    Helipads being installed at the Nvidia Offices?

    Makes it easier for the black helicopters to land ;-0

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    So, this photo must have been also shot in studio (according to "moon landing was a hoax consipiracies" fans):

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "this photo must have been also shot in studio"

      Of course it was, but this time "they" used Abrams instead of Kubrick.

      You can tell by the lens flare!

    2. dr john

      They forgot to add the stars yet again!

      When will they learn.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "Hoax" is not same as "Faked".

      > "moon landing was a hoax consipiracies"

      Moon landing was faked, but it wasn't a hoax.

      Think about it, if it was really possible with the 60s technology, someone would have done it before any redtape laden institute could - they simply don't have the incentive to complete the project and be out of a job! Sheesh, you sheeple have no grasp of how macro-economics works! So you just talk about obscure details which can be argued in 10 different ways as long as the result is what people want to hear. Flag waved or not waved, shadow was right or wrong - all that is irrelevant!

      Another way to think about it is: NVidia is not going out on limb to prove world war 2 was real. Why ? Because it was, there is no need to prove it. But there is an entire industry ("mythbusters", books, blogs), based on proving the moonlanding. Why ? Because it was a coverup and whenever the wind blows, there are people who have to put the cover back.

      Still don't believe me ? Read 1925 Yakov Perelman's explanation on why Newtonian physics renders it impossible.

      If you still think I am a not job, open your ipad and try to find a valid explanation for why to project was "shutdown". Because there is nothing to shutdown! If moon landing was possible someone would've invented it for billionaires liesure by now - that's how market forces work!

  7. Michael H.F. Wilkinson Silver badge

    Good effort but alas

    nVidia will not convince the conspiracy theorists, because none are so deaf as those who do not want to hear.

    1. Dave 126 Silver badge

      Re: Good effort but alas

      Yeah, conspiracy theories are the mental equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and saying "nanananana I can't hear you na na na na".

      People conspire on a daily basis - from surprise birthday parties to price-fixing amongst competitors - hoodwinks at this scale are implausible for all sorts of reasons, from motive to execution.

      Sidenote: The first *hardback* edition of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy has blurb for Capricorn One on its back cover (and not a plain blue back cover). Capricorn One is film and novel about a faked manned mission to Mars.

      1. DropBear

        Re: Good effort but alas

        Oh please - next you'll be telling me "Hangar 18" wasn't a completely truthful "live-leaked" historical document either?!?

  8. EddieD

    Debunk this...

  9. bdam

    David Icke says the moon is hollow

    Coz it rings like a bell

    Anyway, so now the stars are visible. Hold on, the tin hat brigade said the reason they were blacked out was because at the time NASA hadn't got the tech to show their correct positions from such a different perspective, so would be caught out and had no option. So now we *can* compare them lets get on with it!

    Unless...drat, they could be digitally inserting them today at the positions they are known to have been in back in '69. Oh my head hurts...

    1. no-one in particular

      Re: David Icke says the moon is hollow

      > NASA hadn't got the tech to show their correct positions from such a different perspective

      Well, naturally: the stars are painted on Nut's tummy and and we'd have to calculate the parallax shift, but we don't know if her belly button is an innie or an outie.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Practice, Practice, Practice

    When you need to fake the upcoming Mars landings, the first thing you'll need to buy is a really good computer graphics outfit.


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