back to article Feminist Software Foundation gets grumpy with GitHub … or does it?

A group called The Feminist Software Foundation has accused GitHub of misogyny after it disabled access to a repository containing its first effort: a feminist programming language called “C+=”. Pronounced either “C plus equality” or “see equality”, C+= has since found a home at, where a manifesto declares it is …


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  1. Eddy Ito

    "Instead, we have 0s and Os as our fundamental binary logic gates. They symbolise/-ize the varying, natural, and beautiful differences of the female vaginal opening."

    So I'm guessing the determination of 'true' and 'false' states of these "openings" will require some fuzzy logic.

    1. GrumpyOldBloke

      false means false!

      true is an uncertain state, conditional on the forward performance of worker threads.

      Exception reports are persistent and are distributed in resource pits across all data and executable stores. Throw, or share, statements are mandatory in all IO. There are no catch or finally statements. Liberal use of share statements is required to avoid process locks. Branching is performed using goto statements and is terminated with or else clauses. Code is verbose and bloat is considered beautiful. References to fuzzy logic are only appropriate where this=2x.

      1. Gwaptiva

        All correct except

        Throw, or share, statements are persondatory in all IO?

      2. Wize

        "false means false!"

        I would disagree on that point. Take the following conversation taking place between a husband and wife when she us upset.

        M: Is there anything wrong dear?

        F: NO!!!!!! <slams door>

        I'm sure the software will handle those logic levels.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Is there anyway society could invent something that would make these rebels without a clue go away.

      1. Vladimir Plouzhnikov

        I'll wait to see how they do HEX...

        1. TheFatMan

          "I'll wait to see how they do HEX..."

          I think they'll use a cauldren.

      2. Pet Peeve

        It's a satire, Mr. Coward. And also, one with bait well designed to catch a certain family of asshats and twatwaffles, which I'm guessing you're one of.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: require some fuzzy logic.

      That's one hairy situation I don't want to be caught in.

      1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge
        Paris Hilton

        Re: require some fuzzy logic.

        b̶o̶o̶l̶e̶a̶n̶ brazilian logic

        Paris - presumably, very proficient in the subject

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      The 1's represent a closed state. They can transition to an open state using alcohol as one one the inputs.

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I imagine that this would be ideal for writing automated systems for making the coffee, doing the housework, ironing, washing, etc. etc....

    6. Alan W. Rateliff, II
      Paris Hilton

      Seems about right. Often times my lady friend tells me "no" when "yes" is the real answer, vice versa, just a "whatever," or the answer is transitory. Many times my answer or "yes" or "no" is not the correct answer. Well, all the time, really.

  2. Gray Ham Bronze badge

    "the toxic Patriarchy that is inherent in and that permeates all current computer programming languages"

    Including Ada?

    1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

      The fact that the Ada programming language has been named after a clearly oppressed member of the female side of humanity, cruelly exploited by patriarch Babbage and even today belittled as his "sidekick" and a "dilettante" is itself a sign of the oppression. In this case, males typically apply obfuscation to cover up subconscious guilt at the creation of a formulation and machinization of militaristic thought the use of which is the control of inherently chauvinistic killing machines. Do not be deceived!

      1. Gray Ham Bronze badge

        I stand corrected.

        But, shouldn't a feminist programming language be called C#^+?

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        I want you all to call me Loretta.

    2. PassiveSmoking

      Or COBOL, the language Grace Hopper invented, for that matter?

      BTW, compilers were also invented by Grace Hopper, or at least she was responsible for some of the earliest practical ones.

      1. Trevor_Pott Gold badge

        Yeah, but at first, nobody believed that Amazing Grace had a working compiler. She had to fight like a caged rat to convince people. That makes all compilers symbolic of the oppressive patriarchy's refusal to place trust and faith in female professionals.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          It's because of the majority of females really do use the below female logic on us males and then use their vaginas to trick us into going along with their logic. So when a female comes a long who is really right and whom does not use her vagina in calculation, then we are very take back and cannot understand that they might actually be using male logic. ;p

          So females do have an uphill battle to fight if they want to be taken seriously in scientific circles. Unknown to it's host organism, the vagina will want to give birth. Hence after a certain age, any chance a female has to give birth is usually taken and again all male logic discarded and female logic used from that point on to control the male and trick him into supporting her and her child bearing vagina.

          (female login included from knarf's post as reference:)

          if (Im == "wrong")


          Im = "right";

          throw new Wobbly;


          (PS I'm actually very romantic, and see the beautiful balance between male and female, but I couldn't resist joining in on the satire.)

          1. Trevor_Pott Gold badge

            You seem to be positing a hypothetical scenario in which a man is not wrong. Such a scenario cannot exist.

  3. Charles Manning

    Chicks' logic

    Don't even try to understand it.

    1. cyborg

      Re: Chicks' logic

      I feel for the poor computers expected to implement such a langauge.

      1. Dissident Void

        Re: Chicks' logic

        Quantum superposition

      2. Charles Manning

        Re: Chicks' logic

        "I feel for the poor computers expected to implement such a langauge."

        It's easy. Do anything. You're going to be wrong anyway.

    2. knarf

      Re: Chicks' logic

      if (Im == "wrong")


      Im = "right";

      throw new Wobbly;


  4. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

    An unsolvable decision problem

    Feminism is a self-satire of know-nothing princesses trying to cook up up an inedible mix of both victimization and juvenile omnipotence fantasies at the same time, porked up with freudian jargon and if need be random words of marxist cant.

    As was the case of Sokal's hoax about postmodernist thinking, it is à priori undecidable whether anything coming from that corner is serious or not.

    1. disgruntled yank

      Re: An unsolvable decision problem

      Clearly, then, juvenile omniscience fantasies are to be preferred. And really, do you believe that you have _ever_ met an unsolvable decision problem?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: An unsolvable decision problem

        A cat?

        1. Anonymous Coward

          Re: An unsolvable decision problem

          Cats typify the superposition problem both deciding that they want to be fussed and not all at the same time.

      2. Irony Deficient

        Re: An unsolvable decision problem

        disgruntled yank, here’s one that I’ve met:

        When is the single best point of time to eat bacon?

        1. Red Bren

          Re: An unsolvable decision problem

          When is the single best point of time to eat bacon?


          That was too easy...

          1. Alan W. Rateliff, II
            Paris Hilton

            Re: An unsolvable decision problem

            Bah! I don't need to eat the bacon, I just need the drippings!

        2. unitron

          Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but...

          "When is the single best point of time to eat bacon?"

          ...I'd say after it's been cooked rather than before.

          At least for what we in the U.S. call bacon.

        3. Wize

          Re: An unsolvable decision problem

          If you are a Narwhal, it would be midnight.

    2. Jamie Jones Silver badge

      Re: An unsolvable decision problem

      "As was the case of Sokal's hoax about postmodernist thinking, it is à priori undecidable whether anything coming from that corner is serious or not."

      Yep. It's a sad indictment on the situation (and I'm talking generally - I haven't viewed the link) where the 'loony feminists' can't be told apart from spoofs - The 'Poe law' of feminism. The sincere loony fringe only succeed in hampering the legitimate cause.

    3. TheOtherHobbes

      Re: An unsolvable decision problem

      "an inedible mix of both victimization and juvenile omnipotence fantasies at the same time"

      Luckily this makes it completely different to libertarianism.

      (It's not as if they're not both subclasses of the same root class, now is it?)

      C+= is hilarious. The phallocracy is trembling in its sportswear and dinner jackets.

  5. solo

    The dilemna of AI solved

    The ultimate problem of AI seems to be WHY and HOW to react in situations in conflict of human interactions.

    This language seems to be solving both of them having exit() and bool+ with uncertain results.

  6. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    Clarke was right

    Any sufficiently advanced 'ism is indistinguishable from satire

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Clarke was right

      Actually that was Poe.

    2. Dave 126 Silver badge

      Re: Clarke was right

      Maybe, but this is definitely a piss-take, and it has missed its target a bit. Basically, Arielle Schlesinger isn't the stereotype of a militant bra-burner, more the stereotype of someone neck deep in academia (though with some formal feminist vocabularly).

      The problem is that she hasn't worded her idea very clearly, since she has used words and phrases that only make sense to someone with experience of both programming and social studies. It seems that her use of dense jargon stems from her trying to NOT pin down her (at this stage, rightly) fuzzy concept, because her post was merely a request for ideas and input - she has a whiff of a hunch, and has chosen to calmly smell the air instead of barking up the first tree she sees. Unfortunately, her attempt to not over-define her idea has largely served to narrow the range of people who understand her request.

      She has since accepted this constructive criticism on her thread, and has promised to re-write her post soon for a broader audience.

      That said, I'm not sure why she chose to use words like 'feminist' as a place-holder for the sort of yet-specified programming approaches she hopes to one-day demonstrate... its probably a result of her background and how she came to approach her idea, but to the uninitiated it can read as 'feminism = illogical'. I suspect that really she is trying to think about idea that human concepts and information are 'filtered' (by the act of programming) before computers will deal with them.

      Nobody thought to instruct HAL "Don't kill any humans", since they didn't think it was necessary (though Susan Calvin* might). HAL only attempted to do what was 'asked' of 'him' to the best of 'his' abilities.

      *Clarke gives her a mention in 3001: Final Odyssey, but in 2001 she was only 19 years old, so would have been unlikely to have contributed to that ill-fated mission to Jupiter.

      1. Sandra Greer

        Read the blog - quite interesting

        There is a lot of academic jargon, of course, which is the way computer science and everything else has gone for the last 30 years or so.

  7. Captain DaFt

    I'm with the Fems!

    To unseat such deeply embedded patriarchy, you've got to pound hard, and thrust deep to get to the root of the problem, if you want to lick it!

    We've got to stand tall, get a firm grip on the situation, and be on the ball to bring this to a satisfying climax!

    Just one quibble... "0" and "O"?

    Surely it should be "0" and "*" if they want more people behind them, right?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: "0" and "*"

      2 goes into 1 HOW many times?!!! O_o

  8. MrDamage Silver badge

    Patriarchal Code

    10 if exist "feminist" goto fridge fetch sammich

    20 shuddup, the footy's on the telly

    1. LaeMing

      Re: Patriarchal Code

      spawn(lots of sons).

      daughter_processesses -> market

  9. LaeMing

    I've always thought it quite natural

    that 0 comes* before 1.

    *No pun intended but having put it there, I'm leaving it!

    1. sam bo

      Re: I've always thought it quite natural

      It might be natural, but I would still think it is a relatively rare event in the natural world - regarding your unintended pun , not the obvious numerate reference.

  10. Don Jefe

    If this isn't satire, then they're doing their cause a tremendous disservice. They're reinforcing the idea that women not only can't cope in a competitive business environment but they can't even use the tools that make the business function.

    If they're serious, this is taking the whole 'I'm not having sex with you because you didn't say hello when you came in the door last Thuesday' mentality of perfection, an all or nothing attitude to an environment where nothing is ever perfect. They're reinforcing the idea that women can't deal with reality and should stay at home where they're safe. They're giving live ammunition to every narrow minded creep on the planet. Dumbasses, if I were a feminist I would raise a big ruckus about this.

    1. larryk78

      If you were a feminist...

      You would have remembered to say hello when you came in the door last Thuesday.


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