back to article MYSTERIOUS GREEN GLOW seen on iPhone 5s

Days after Apple explained the purple haze invading iPhone 5 photos as a holding-it-wrong problem, a new strange colour is tripping out 5-owners. This time a green glow described as a plasma bleed from the edges of the screen is appearing on some of the new handsets. The green light is momentary, and appears on the unlock …


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  1. RobE

    When will the fanbois realise...

    Apple make crap products at hugely inflated prices - then trick you into thinking theyre good when theyre actually sh*t

    1. Rob

      Re: When will the fanbois realise...

      Or it might be down to using a different screen supplier, perhaps they should have opted or a screen supplier that wasn't struggling to stay afloat and not go bust. I would worry about giving a contract to a company that is struggling financially as it could have repercussions on manufacturing/build quality.

      They should of gone with someone like Samsung...oh wait a sec....

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: When will the fanbois realise...

      Funny, I never experienced any of these issues with my last Samsung phone

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: When will the fanbois realise...

        Neither did I. Mine didn't even boot up.

        Perhaps the green glow is the holy spirit influence of the mighty Jobs....

        1. Lars Silver badge

          Re: When will the fanbois realise...

          Not Jobs, just a warning a lightning might strike it.

    3. Annihilator

      Re: When will the fanbois realise...

      You're right, we should probably write off an entire product line whenever we find a fault in specific instances.

      I'm no fanboy one way or the other, but sheesh!

    4. tirk


      I don't know which is sadder, this comment (the only objectively sustainable claim is the "inflated prices" one), or the fact that it has a net thumbs up vote. So much for reasoned argument.

      1. Jason Hall

        Re: @RobE

        Too true mate.

        In the olden days this site seemed to have a decent informative/debate structure to the comments with only the occasional flame/troll.

        All you have to do nowadays is mention Apple/Samsung/Microsoft and the idiots are jumping out of the woodwork to spew their bile.

        1. Mad Chaz

          Re: @RobE

          "All you have to do nowadays is mention Apple/Samsung/Microsoft and the idiots are jumping out of the woodwork to spew their bile."

          That's not true. Even when Apple, Samsung or Microsoft aren't even part of the article, someone will find a way to insert them (especially Apple) in the comments.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: @RobE

          Well I've heard of Google employing people to go around all the forums, blogs and news sites posting negative comments about Apple and other competitors. They really want to win the spin war.

          1. Esskay
            Thumb Up

            Re: @RobE

            Funny - I've heard stories about Apple employing people to go around telling people that google are employing people to go around all the forums, blogs and news sites posting negative comments about Apple and other competitors. They really want to win the spin war.

            Yay for unsubstantiated rumour!

        3. Gnomalarta

          Re: @RobE "In the olden days"

          Just reading that phrase makes a fella warm all over but in the olden days there was only one phone and it was black. And no STD.

          1. Michael Dunn

            Re: @RobE "In the olden days"

            I remember my aunt had a candle-stick phone no dial, of course, just connect directly with the exchange when you lifted the ear piece off its yoke. Carbon microphone for really high quality sound!

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      The purple haze does exist, accidentally taking a photo of the inside of my car, the top of the picture showing the top edge of the steering wheel WAS purple. Sunlight could not be blamed, it was raining and in any case the windscreen was not even in the picture.

      I took several other pictures but could not replicate it, yet.

      It is a pretty purple though.

      1. ThomH

        Re: ACTUALLY (@AC 17:06)

        For the purposes of anecdotes, I've seen the purple fringe too, with a lot of light coming from the top of the frame but no light source in or near the shot.

        Conversely, there's no green glow, the battery seems to last about twice as long as that in my 4S (though I'm comparing one after several months of development use, with the huge number of part charge cycles that result from plugging in and unplugging the device, to the other more or less straight) and if there are any other hardware complaints doing the rounds then I can't claim to have experienced them.

    6. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: When will the fanbois realise...

      That Fandroids love articles like this, it subdues their jealousy for a little while, as they play with their mid-range android handsets justifying to them their choice of phone.

      Sadly this is only temporary, they realise they are still waiting for their update, promised a year ago, the battery not lasting the day. The worst aspect for a Fandroid is when the go into a mobile phone shop to look at upgrading their phone knowing they will come away with another shiny plastic device, free with a new contract and the promise of another update that will probably never happen. They hate the fact that most iOS devices got a free upgrade on the same day it was released and took less than 30 minutes. That and no data had to be reinstalled.

      Even worse is the fact that they will have a friend who has let them hold the new iphone, after caressing the all aluminium body they realise the piece of flexi-plastic in their pocket just looks cheap.

      Most days they carry a list of 'why I hate i-devices' in their pockets, usually at the top of the list is the walled garden.

      Finally each day they scour the news like sheep willing there to be an article on Apple.

      I am glad that I do not subscribe to this envy.

      1. JeffyPooh

        Re: When will the fanbois realise...

        "...took less than 30 minutes. That and no data had to be reinstalled. ..."

        Harrumph. Updating my wife's 3GS from 4.2.1 to 6.0 took most of the day (~7 hours, primarily due to 7500+ not yet backed-up photos) *and* the update process failed to preserve her apps (note:iTunes explicitly warned that it would fail to preserve the apps, a promise kept).

        It's a case of YMMV because updating my 4S from 5.latest to 6.0 was as easy as you state.

  2. Lee Dowling Silver badge

    Video here:

    Spot the problem. Because it took me a few goes to notice it.

    It's basically a split-second where the screen is powered up.

    Much as I love all the Apple-hate, this is really not worthy of an article, let alone such a hyperbolic one. The forums posted even say it's so brief that they had trouble capturing it.

    It's like me complaining that I can see a slight black outline race towards the edge of any LCD screen when you first turn it on. It's called the screen coming on. And it doesn't impact on anything, at all, ever, anywhere.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      @Lee Dowling: "it took me a few goes to notice [...] Much as I love all the Apple-hate, this is really not worthy of an article, let alone such a hyperbolic one."

      I've watched that clip repeatedly and can't make it out - getting old I suppose.

      The only reason articles like this appear is because Apple 1) has produced many products that capture attention, and 2) sets high standards for itself. A company that churns out routinely boring/derivative products that are often associated with so-so build quality (Samsung et al) won't get this kind of scrutiny because frankly no one would be surprised or interested. But this particular article borders on the bizarre.

    2. thesykes

      Is that it?

      After watching the video a few times, my reaction... is that it? If my phone did that, for such a short time,I wouldn't even bother saying anything.

      Some people will complain about anything.

      1. Haku

        Re: Is that it?

        Yeah I had to watch it a few times to spot it too (right in the corners for about 1/2 second upon the screen powering up), it's just fanbois being hyper-critical of their shiny new Apple toy as they can't understand why it isn't immaculately perfect.

      2. King Jack

        Re: Is that it?

        You must be looking at it wrong....

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      @Lee Dowling

      Stop being objective, strap on some heavy boots and join the kicking!

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      This is yet another total non issue. What next - how about let's use some super measurement system and find out that it's 1 micron out. I have an iPhone 5 - had none of these issues - I quite like the new maps (certainly faster and the 3d is better than Google) but if I wanted to use Google Maps I have the icon on my homepage as well (too all of a few seconds). I also realise that if I point a camera at the sun I will not get a decent picture and if I scuff an anodised aluminium surface it may scratch - that's what cases are for.

      Think we need to keep a bit of perspective but unfortunately it degenerates into an Apple vs Samsung slingfest - I drive one car - just because you drive another does not mean I should slag you off for it.

    5. Franklin

      "Video here:"

      Okay, so I'm looking at this video, and I...I just...

      Seriously? This isn't some kind of elaborate Internet joke? I don't know what's sadder, the fanbois obsessing about this, or the trolls spouting about how Apple makes crap products because of it.

  3. bitmap animal

    OMG, my TV and monitors must be broken too then

    During the 'warm up' time of a fraction of a second the picture isn't totally there - I must send them back.

    Heaven help any worried users who used to have a valve based CRT many years ago, that must have been truly horrendous for them.

    1. Annihilator
      Thumb Up

      Re: OMG, my TV and monitors must be broken too then

      My CRT TV has a weird after-glow when I switch it off, help! :-)

      1. Lee Dowling Silver badge

        Re: OMG, my TV and monitors must be broken too then

        That's nothing - when I press the Degauss button on my SVGA monitor, it makes an horrendous BOING noise and the picture wobbles for about 5 seconds and all the colour goes funny before returning to normal.

        1. LaeMing

          Re: OMG, my TV and monitors must be broken too then

          Oh I loved that BOING sound. One of the few things I miss from the CRT days.

          I probably should build myself a 'degause simulator' for my LCD!

    2. Michael Dunn

      Re: OMG, my TV and monitors must be broken too then

      "valve based CRT " We used to arrive at work roughly twenty minutes before the shift start, go round turning on all the 'scopes, retire to the coffee area for a pre-work coffee, finish the Telegraph crossword and then go in at the start of the shift.

      Of course, those on the 2 - 10 shift just inherited 'scopes that had been in use since 6 o'clock, so didn't need 'warming up'

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    this happens as sun drops below the horizon doesn't it me hearties????

  5. Jediben

    Reality Distortion Field at work

    Nothing more to see, go back to your worship.

  6. Paul E

    You don't want light to leak out

    otherwise there will soon be none left.

    1. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

      Re: You don't want light to leak out

      If you let the green leak out, won't you be left with purple? Imagine if that got into the camera. Oh, hang on...

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Surely its just a case of people looking at it wrong? Can't possibly be a manufacturing fault etc etc

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Thumb Up

      Pah! It's an aura, that's what it is.

      Quite befitting of the Jesus phone.

  8. ukgnome

    Maybe if Apple hadn't dropped Samsung as their screen maker.

    Just sayin

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Samsung are the green ones at losing the contract.

      I'm sure they would have loved to keep supplying Apple while copying - sorry - completing with them - think again Sammy.

  9. joeW

    I dislike Apple phones in general

    But you have to admit, that actually looks kinda cool.

  10. eJ2095

    Apple bashing again

    Before i start i have never owned an apple device.

    Got a s3 atm

    But does seem apple gets a lot of flax over the slightest little thing these days

    1. Anonymous Coward 15

      A lot of flax

      Or, indeed, wool or cotton. Is that what they make their turtlenecks from?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Apple bashing again

      Flak not Flax.

  11. Big_Ted

    Simple responce from Apple should be.........

    Not a problem just the screen coming back on.

    However if it does proove to become a problem during the normal operation of the phone and not just for the short period when the screen wakes then we will of course swap them out under warranty the same as we would any hardware problem.

    That way its a non story and Apple owners would be happy they have one of the few that have it as it makes them special among fanbois plus they would know if they needed to they will be able to swap the phone.

  12. Mystic Megabyte
    Big Brother


    The green flash is recording a holographic face scan of the user, which is then uploaded to Apple's secret Chinese HQ.

  13. tony72


    The green glow is obviously a halo, which is only to be expected from a hallowed object of worship such as the iPhone 5. If your iPhone is missing it's halo, you should take it to the nearest Apple temple and ask a Genius to bless it for you, otherwise it may not work properly, even if you hold it right.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Halo

      But surely having a Halo on a media device would involve Microsoft?

  14. ScottishYorkshireMan

    iPhone Green

    Does this mean Apple now have their first colour patent ?

    1. Anonymous Custard

      Re: iPhone Green

      They'd better do it quick or else Cadbury might try and strike-out from their purple possession to the rest of the spectrum...

  15. Michael H.F. Wilkinson Silver badge


    Mine is the red cape

  16. Captain Scarlet

    I knew it

    All Apple products use Mysteron Technology, burn them all!


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