back to article Tim Cook rejects Apple's old business model of suing everyone

Apple head honcho Tim Cook has indicated that he'd be willing to settle the wide-ranging, ongoing patent disputes raging over smartphones and fondleslabs - provided of course that his adversaries admit everything and pay up. When asked about the fruity firm's Great Patent Wars during last night's earnings call, Cook said that …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Is it a sign...

    ...that this post has been up for an hour and I can't see any comments on it yet.

    It is a sign that everyone has heard all this before and is really tired of hearing it yet again?

    1. diodesign Silver badge

      Re: Is it a sign...

      Regarding timestamps, we use GMT/UTC+0, not local UK time (BST at the moment). So the story was published within this half-hour.


    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Is it a sign...

      Until society and Apple admit that patenting a square device is not really a patentable idea, the patent wars will go on forever. Nothing new is comming from Apple. Just more of the same

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Is it a sign...

      "It is a sign that everyone has heard all this before and is really tired of hearing it yet again?", Michelle Knight

      YES !

  2. Mike Brown


    mwahahahaha lovely bit of apple baiting

    1. JDX Gold badge

      Re: rebranding!

      I bit tired since rebranding suggests the same kit is being made for other people, and the iPad isn't. Hiring another company to do the assembly of your kit is the norm.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: rebranding!

      Other Rebranders include… If El Reg doesn't apply the term to these companies, it's Trolling it's readers

      Acer Inc.



      Barnes & Noble


















      1. Random Handle

        Re: rebranding!

        >Reg doesn't apply the term to these companies

        God forbid...imagine the outpouring of piss and vinegar from the cult of button encrusted mice, if El Reg dared to suggest Logitech were a Foxconn rebrander.

      2. Steve Renouf
        Thumb Down

        Re: rebranding!

        You seem to be obfuscating the fact that a number of these companies supply their components to each other/other manufacturers/fabricators. Acer actually started out as a component manufacturer to most of the other brands for example and Samsung actually manufacture a number of the components in the i******s - which are then assebled by foxconn for them... etc., etc.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: rebranding!

      It's actually insulting to all readers of El Reg. It's inflammatory and misleading and not applied to other manufacturers that do the same thing.

      You're being manipulated. We all are.

      This is a lack of respect for the reader.

      1. Ivan Headache

        Re: rebranding!

        Don't worry. The lawyers at Apple are just counting the number of times El Reg keeps printing this untruth and then they'll hit it with the biggest lawsuit imaginable.

      2. januaryfirst

        Re: rebranding!

        It's a baiting joke you commentard.

        1. cordwainer 1

          Re: rebranding!, baiting jokes

          Sorry, I think the definition of "commentard" includes someone who believes baiting "jokes" should never be challenged or taken seriously.

          If it turns out the "bait" doesn't actually attract the fish, the "joke" is on the joker.

          (Who should perhaps consider learning from the constructive criticism, and next coming up with better bait - and a funnier joke.)

  3. Goldmember
    Thumb Up

    ""we just want people to invent their own stuff"

    Just like Apple do, eh?

    Ha ha ha ha ha, I needed a lunchtime giggle.

    1. Jedit Silver badge

      Re: ""we just want people to invent their own stuff"

      How dare you denigrate the creativity of Apple! Don't you know how long and hard their engineers struggled to perfect the rectangle?

      1. Gio Ciampa

        Re: ""we just want people to invent their own stuff"

        OK... so you tell us what colour it should be!

        (with apologies to DNA)

      2. James Micallef Silver badge

        Re: ""we just want people to invent their own stuff"

        "Don't you know how long and hard their engineers struggled to perfect the rectangle?"

        Not to mention the meticulous craftsmanship in rounding off the corners

    2. ItsNotMe

      Re: ""we just want people to invent their own stuff"

      It's not still April it?

  4. JDX Gold badge

    I'm just stunned a company already selling such crazy numbers of units, can produce such remarkable growth. It's just insane.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      You're underestimating just how dumb consumers really are!

      They'll buy shit on a stick if the "buzz" were great enough.

      1. JDX Gold badge

        Only a fool with their head in the sand thinks Apple are selling hand over fist because people are dumb rather than the products are good.

        That level of growth means Apple are selling to new customers, not existing fanbois who buy everything Apple make.

        1. JEDIDIAH

          The "it sells, therefore it's good" fallacy.

          > Only a fool with their head in the sand thinks Apple are selling hand over fist because people are dumb rather than the products are good.




          General Motors

        2. localzuk Silver badge

          "Only a fool with their head in the sand thinks Apple are selling hand over fist because people are dumb rather than the products are good."

          Or... it means that people are going 'Mr Jones has one, so it must be good' then buying it, and sticking it on a shelf or using it to browse the net occasionally...

      2. Tom 35

        Buy shit on stick?

        Are you kidding? That stuff is crap!

  5. amanfromearth

    "rebranding Foxconn kit"

    Are you just trying to be inflammatory?

    Foxconn don't design any of the parts inside, that's down to apple, samsung, qualcomm etc.

    All foxconn do is solder, clip and glue the bits together.

    The same is true of almost every company. Even the silly morgan car company of whom Harvery-Jones said "if they could grow the trees for the wood they use in the chassis, they would do that"

    So just give it up, eh?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: "rebranding Foxconn kit"

      @ amanfromearth: "Are you just trying to be inflammatory?"


    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: "rebranding Foxconn kit"

      So Foxconn build, produce, manufacture the device, but still put someone elses name on it.

      Sounds like rebranding to me.

      1. JDX Gold badge

        Re: "rebranding Foxconn kit"

        That's 'cos you are thick. They're building to Apple's spec, not rebranding their own design.

        1. ElReg!comments!Pierre

          Re: "rebranding Foxconn kit"

          > They're building to Apple's spec, not rebranding their own design.

          Actually recent reports seem to indicate that Apple's sole contribution these days is the choice of the shape, material and colour of the external enclosure.

          1. Fibbles

            Re: "rebranding Foxconn kit"

            As far as I can tell the ipad only contains three bits of Apple designed hardware. The first is the A5X processor which is just an ARM Holdings design with a PowerVX graphics core thrown in, second is a custom board to hold it all together and the third is the proprietary connector.

            Apple - a hardware technology powerhouse to be sure.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: "rebranding Foxconn kit"

        Obviously commenting negatively on an Apple thread?

        Y A W N.....

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Are you listening Balmer?

    Quote: "...anything can be forced to converge but the problem is that the products are about trade-offs.."

    Well said - I want my laptop to be a laptop - if I want a tablet, I'll get a tablet. Please don't try to make them the same thing.

    1. Chad H.

      Re: Are you listening Balmer?

      Indeed. Couldnt have put it better myself, in either full screen or half screen.

    2. Dave 126 Silver badge

      Re: Are you listening Balmer?

      And whilst you're about it, give me back my menus in Office. Office is still available with menus, but you have to buy a Mac to use it.

  7. g e


    Soooooo what did Apple invent in smartphones...

    Not the touchscreen, that was Samsung, LG, etc

    Not 3G, that had been around for ages before it finally made it into the 3GS

    Not phone cameras, Nokia had those for yonks

    Not recording videos on your phone cameras, Nokia again

    Not GPS

    Not Wifi

    Not CDMA

    Not GPRS

    Not HSPA

    Not 4G

    Not Siri (came from Nuance)

    So, yeah if everyone stops being sued and gets back to inventing stuff they'll have something new they can put into the iphone5. Invented by people they stopped suing who could finally get back to working on cool shit (tm).

    Oh hang they reckon they did invent something... Slide to unlock. (Though I still reckon the bolt on my garden gate, etc....) and possibly litigation as a method of screwing over your competitors when their shit starts to be perceived as better/cooler/slicker than yours (till you realise you need them to do all that inventing for you and you should 'settle').

    Oh and that awful bloody connector iThings use so you have to pay 25 quid for a cable if you lose it.

    Yeah. Inflammatory, also, but hey that's what the troll icon's for...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Inventing

      Well said.

      Shame the bleedy obvious needs to be highlighted!

      Tim Cook just looks like a bigger cock than he already is by making that comment.

      1. g e

        Re: Inventing

        Yeah it is a shame but it's useful to be reminded I guess.

        Apple are a Corporation so I doubt they'd change course in their actions unless they thought it would be net-positive to profit/reputation/brand/etc - maybe they're worried their OCD litigation is starting to harm their image and impinge on sales... Oh and the Galaxy Siii is possibly due to be unveiled next week, too, quel coincidence.

        Cynical? Where shareholders are involved you betcha.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Inventing

      And apple hasn't claimed to have invented those. Your comment is largely pointless.

    3. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: Inventing

      Well they did invent the rectangular screen and the idea of putting it on the front of the tablet

      1. JDX Gold badge

        Re: Inventing

        No, they filed a patent for the look of their devices, as the dumb system allows them to. The system is to blame.

        All this snobbery about inventing is rather tired. Most people don't get rich by inventing things. Most products take inspiration from others. You can innovate without inventing.

        1. RogerThat

          Re: Inventing

          The fact remains that had there been no iPhone, there would not be Samsung phones that I cannot distinguish from an iPhone from a distance of more than 5 feet. Had there not been iPads from Apple, there never would have been exceedingly similar-looking pads from HTC, Samsung, Motorola, etc., etc. They simply wouldn't have had the balls to take the risks involved in coming out with something that cost so much to develop and had such a high risk of being successful. Plus, even if such a thing ever was introduced by an Apple competitor, had there been no iPad it wouldn't have looked at all the same as an iPad and it would have been so kludgy to use as to be nearly useless.

          1. Anonymous Coward

            Re: Inventing

            This is all such a load of bollocks.

            The iPhone appeared at a time when the market and technology was right and mature enough. Steve Jobs, if he can be credited with anything at all, had the ability to read the market and the technology and produce a product that was just right for the market and at the right time. Someone always has to be the first to produce that key product. It wasn't revolutionary, it was evolutionary. And as for software, don't forget Android was already in the pipeline well before the iPhone hit the shelves.

            The iPhone doesn't contain anything particularly innovative in terms of technology. In fact, the first iPhone was a particularly crippled piece of kit that was inflexible and lacking functionally. What it did do, it did well and reliably. And it looked nice.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Inventing

        Don't forget icons. They also invented icons

      3. Pat 4

        Re: Inventing

        No they did not.

        The tablet was widely seen in Star-Trek way back in the 60's.

        Doesn't matter that it was a prop... they still invented the concept.

        1. RogerThat

          Re: Inventing

          How well did the Star Trek tablets scroll, pinch, and expand content, by the way? And what about

          those transporters? When Apple comes up with a way to do that, will they be unable to patent the process because they figured out how to do it on Star Trek?

        2. TAJW

          Re: Inventing

          No...they did not invent the icon...or the windowing environment...or the mouse. Apple Fanbois are the epitome of revisionists as far computer technology goes. Most of the technology that started the Mac came from Xerox. And as for Steve Jobs... he constantly stole from other businesses, his friends, his family, his business partners. He lied and stole from Steve Wozniak, who was the technical brain behind the company startup. Read "Fire in the Valley", "iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon", and "The Second Coming of Steve Jobs"

          Of course, Fanbois will deny everything, including the books' existence.

    4. Pat 4

      Re: Inventing

      You forget the concept of the pad itself... Gene Roddenberry invented that one.

    5. Maliciously Crafted Packet

      Eh? 25 quid for a cable?

      Mine cost me 2 quid from Asda. Think you've been taken for a ride mate. Or are you one of those working in IT procurement for the cabinet office and still paying £3500 for a desktop PC?

      And on the subject of inventions how come before the Mac there was no Windows and before iPhone there was no Android. Sure many companies invented the disparate parts such as the mouse and touch screen but it was Apple who brought the lot together as one elegant intuitive item. Then as night follows day those that couldn't innovate themselves to the bar at free piss-up moved in.

      Result... the two ugly sisters Windows and Android.

    6. RogerThat

      Re: Inventing

      Those aren't the things Apple invents. Apple invents how simple and powerful they are to use and how they work together. Apple invents the joy you get in using these things and how much you love their simplicity, power, ease of use and effectiveness. That's what Apple invents: the user interface that make the user powerful. If you don't get that, I wish with all my heart that you will be consigned to never being allowed to use Apple devices for the rest of your life.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Inventing "Roger That"

        I get that they didn't invent anything at all, at any time, they just stood on the shoulders of giants to make their products better. And I most certainly make every effort to not use iCrap devices, and share my point of view on their overpriced "improvements" on other peoples patented concepts.


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