back to article Down under climate messages get more strident

Australia’s government has warned that rising global temperatures already represent a health risk – one that’s going to get worse as the country records more heatwave days. Saying that “climate change must be considered a health priority”, the federal government’s Climate Commission believes the increase in hot days over the …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    When people down under are dying from heatwaves, people up over are freezing to death.

  2. Craigness

    have you just discovered summer and winter?


  3. Mark 65

    Colour me cynical

    Is it any surprise that such articles are coming to the fore in the run-up to the start of the carbon tax? I predict many more will come out over the next 6 months.

    This carbon bullshit is all attacked the wrong way i.e. a carbon tax whereby big users are given exemptions or relief whilst residents get fucked over. Surely cap and trade with caps reducing makes more sense for big business? If you want residents to use less then tier the pricing so that reasonable use is reasonably priced but heavy use is heavily priced. The average daily consumption for a household is something like 18kWh. We use 10-14 including heating and air con usage (depending on time of year). I've spoken to sparkies and air con fitters that have worked in houses using 40kWh per day (on average), that is just fucking nuts. Don't even get me started on the covered shopping centres with no doors that are blasting out so much cold air you can cool down in the height of summer by standing within 10m of the entrance.

  4. heystoopid

    Watt me worry, about Hendra Virus?

    Actually , I am curious, why the author of this article actually wrote about the possible threat to humans from a specific virus called "Hendra" which is part of the "Paramyxoviridae" family of viruses?

    In a period from 1994 until 2011, the death toll from this virus called "Hendra" stands at four humans and thirty five horses, in total, in Australia. Not a particularly contagious cross species virus one could say, unlike SIV/HIV or even the annual outbreaks of Influenza, since 1917.

    Hendra Virus Source Information(pdf) :-

    Now in addition, C.S.I.R.O. Victorian Werribee research team of ten people, complete with a number of foreign collaborators, in 2011, is now field testing a preliminary equine Hendra anti-virus vaccine for use on horses living in the infectious zone of this virus. Should the need arise, using very simple technology, a generic human anti "Hendra" virus vaccine could be rapidly developed and deployed, if needed.


    Ironically, the death toll from flash flooding, in Queensland since 1848, can be far more lethal to the populace at large, when compared to the Hendra Virus, as the Brisbane twin flash floods of 2010/11 show......................

    1. Abel Adamski

      Mountains and Molehills

      The Hendra virus is but an example with current public relevance, there are other factors such as the warming of the Southern Oceans and the increasing acidification, the Southward migration of seaweed and other ocean lifeforms seeking cooler waters. The southward march of Tropical and warmer clime parasites and diseases is a greater concern than recognised as we do not even recognise parasites as a problem, largely because Big Pharma has very limited solutions so the issue is largely ignored. Google "human parasites", some rather nasty warm climate examples the cure for is an operation. The population in the countries where prevalent include the herbs in their diet that combat many of these parasites. Google "occular infestations" - the poor old earwig got the rap for a rove beetle that appears almost identical. just sans rear pincers and plus wings. So the consequences apart from flooded mines and infrastructure damage are most extensive. There is concern over higher night temperatures affecting crop development and maturation

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Too much heat is bad for you?

    Erm, you live in Australia. This ought to be pretty old news.

  6. P. Lee

    Politicians are not terrified

    Politicians want us to be terrified so that can say they are doing useful things like taxing carbon, which actually isn't that useful, since industry is finishing up its move to China.

    The "top end" is in the tropics so you'd expect fairly stable temperatures year-round. What is far more fun is the bottom end. We had a high of 33C yesterday and a high of 17C today in Melbourne and we'll get highs in the low-to-mid-40's during the summer. It's rather difficult to plan for.

  7. outback

    This is summer????

    haha...dying from heatwaves...what a joke...I live in outback Australia.....first day of summer today...temps in low 20's, have had a cardigan on all and raining here all last week...hope it warms up soon!!

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