back to article Steve Jobs resigns as Apple CEO

Steve Jobs resigned as Apple's CEO and was replaced by Tim Cook, formerly COO of the iconic company Jobs cofounded 35 years ago. According to a letter circulated on Business Wire, Jobs tendered his resignation to the company's board of directors on Wednesday afternoon after saying he was no longer able to meet the requirements …


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  1. zaax
    Thumb Up

    Good luck Steve

    Your have done us proud

  2. J 3


    I've read somewhere else that trading in Apple stocks was suspended before the announcement. It will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow...

    1. Russ Tarbox

      Google says

      that shares have dropped by just under 5% "out of hours"

  3. Prof Yaffle


    Apple = Steve, Steve = Apple (well, plus the odd lawyer or several thousand, as Samsung might have recently noticed).

    Let's see what the market makes of The Man stepping back - let alone what the company does, last time it didn't do so well IIRC...

    1. ThomH

      But he was forced out last time

      So, last time, someone was determined to do something quite distinct from Jobs' ideas. This time I'd expect the company to try to continue to pursue exactly what Steve would have pursued.

  4. technome

    So long, Steve...

    ... and thanks for all the tech!

    At least Apple's in safe hands this time.

  5. Anonymous Coward

    Is this for real?

    Damn if it is, hope his health recovers/improves.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      He has had pancreatic cancer ...

      You get two years if you're lucky.

      He's had two years.

  6. Joban

    The king is dead

    Long live the king.

  7. Bango Skank

    ok, but why?

    What is behind the resignation?

    1. Thomas 18


      He needed a liver transplant a while back because of liver cancer, possibly its back.

    2. It wasnt me
      Thumb Up

      "What is behind the resignation?"

      Ok, Im no clairvoyant so this is pure speculation. I'll allowmyself for a couple of minutes to imagine being in Steve Jobs shoes.

      Rich beyond my wildest dreams. Have successfully helmed a company to the pinnacle of success. Accolades aplenty. Sounds good so far.

      However, I'm only in my late 50's and my health is ailing. The future is unclear for my company, where do I take it now? History shows it is more difficult to keep a company at the top than to get it there.

      You dont suppose he's just decided to take it easy and enjoy the more important things in life do you?

      Best of luck to the man, love him or hate him, (or both) he's earnt it. I hope he gets to enjoy a few more years.

    3. Giles Jones Gold badge


      He obviously feels his health isn't good enough to put in the long hours. I'm sure a workaholic doesn't just do the 9-5.

  8. Efros

    Freefall anyone?

    Wonder how many percentage points will be shaved off Apple's stock.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      just an excuse

      for the free fall.

      apple shares should have started falling the minute they told told world + dog they lost it by running to the courts instead of coming up with something good.

  9. Anonymous Coward

    Come back Steve...

    ... it's only NZ apples we don't want here in Oz.

  10. Jeremy 2

    Oh dear

    This must surely indicate that he's really not a well man. While I may not like his business practices much, this isn't the manner in which he should have had to step aside. Good luck to the chap...

  11. Nights_are_Long

    The other Steve...

    Just a thoughts and I know Tim Cook is going to be doing the job now but what about The Wizard of Woz, I think he could have steped in and done the job very well.

    1. Armando 123


      Woz was the tech guy, not the business guy.

    2. Ilgaz

      They just share same name

      SJobs and Woz are exactly opposite of eachother. That synergy made Apple (once) 50% marketshare with very credible enterprise/business market.

      Woz wants almost everything different.

      They aren't "enemies" btw, they just think different. These guys (even including BillG to some extent) are competitors or disagreeing people. Not like BillG is "happy" now. Not sure about Ballmer.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward


        Back of the room now. Hang your head in shame!

  12. skeptical i

    Wha'? No snarky headline about fanbois going into mourning?

    Or there being a reported run on black turtlenecks in the retail clothing sector?

    Not sure whether to be disappointed or to respect your dignified restraint.

    . . ^^^ . . Best of luck to Steve, though; he did some darn good work and I hope he's able to take what I can only imagine must be a much-needed rest.

    1. Thomas 4

      Oh, if you want snark....

      I handed in my CV at Apple today but they told me they didn't have any Jobs.

  13. majickal


    Wasn't expecting to read that this morning! Not an Apple fan in any way, but good luck to Jobs.

    Beer because I am feeling the after effects of the ones I had last night...

  14. That Awful Puppy
    Thumb Up

    Too bad

    Every personal anecdote about him I ever read makes him sound like a total bastard. On the other hand, every one of my Apple products performs really bloody well and I enjoy using them tremendeously.

    Good luck to him, and good luck to Apple. I hope they find another benevolent (if unpleasant) tyrant, rather than get bogged down by committees.

    (Hope there's be no need to re-introduce the St. Jobs icon any time soon.)

    1. Hud Dunlap
      Paris Hilton

      He is one of many

      I have worked in the Semiconductor industry for thirty years. I have worked with people whose spouses have worked for Jobs. Yes he is a total bastard. Just like Gates, Dell and just about any other you care to name. Some have made their companies successful like Jobs and some have chased away all of the good workers and put the company into the ground. This was job's forte, he was still able to retain good people who would go the extra mile for Apple.

      On a side note I never heard Mr Hewlett or Mr Packard being called total bastards.

      Paris, because she doesn't know what happened to the Steve Job's icon either.

      1. That Awful Puppy

        On a rather unrelated note...

        ...that is also completely spooky, my HP 48G wouldn't work the day Mr Hewlett died. Worked flawlessly the next day and the day before that, but not on that day.

        Yes, I heard those two were real good guys. Too bad their company became such a mess.

        1. Goat Jam

          From the little i've read

          Hewlett and Packard had a sort of good cop bad cop thing going.

    2. PassiveSmoking


      Pretty much every successful businessman ever was a bastard of some kind or other. You have to be pretty driven to succeed in a big way, you also have to be ruthless and unsentimental. Gates isn't exactly the picture of sunshine and happiness either, or Ellison, for that matter, or any other big tech CEO you care to name.

  15. Earl Jones Of Potatoes

    hat off to you Mr. Jobs

    Very few CEOs have your vision and caliber Mr. Jobs.

    Thanks for your historic contribution to the Tech world.

    You've earned a prestigious page in modern history and your influence will be greatly missed.

    Thanks you

    1. Anonymous Coward

      I feel quite nauseous after reading that.

      Could you be any more fawning?

    2. Rodrigo Valenzuela


      The man is not dead yet!


    3. Player_16

      Take it easy!

      He promoted himself up the ladder. Now he doesn't NEED an excuse to take time off; he just goes. Maybe he wants to manage the building of his new house.

    4. Anonymous Coward

      What contribution?

      Created locked in ecosystems like iTunes?

      Creating hardware with proprietary connectors to ensure lock-in?

      Creating Apple only formats like Quicktime that force others to join Apple to view?

      Creating a market where image rules above technology?

      Apple products are no longer great, Apple just spend a tonne of money ensuring Apple fanboys believe they are. That's the harsh reality, you can get better than Apple for less money these days.

  16. Anonymous Coward

    the two faces of commentards,,,

    every week we see posts ripping shreds off St Jobs for everything he does, everything he says and everything he believes.

    Now he is stepping down shouldn't there be a whole torrent of posts all cheering his departure? or is a matter of better the devil we know?

    1. Jeremy 2

      Not really.

      He's a seven-year survivor of pancreatic cancer. It really doesn't need to be spelled out, the likely reason he's stepping aside (as if "that day has come." doesn't do exactly that). There's no need to be callous at this time (although this being the internet, some doubtless will be).

      1. Bonzo the Wonder Dog

        @Jeremy 2

        Quite right. Most sensible people who detest Apple's "We invented everything" when they didn't and the "And we're gonna sue" followup simply want Jobs to get real, not get dyin'.

        Get well, Steve. And get real.

    2. Fab De Marco

      It's a respect thing....

      Us Apple Haters, may dislike everything the guy stands for and has done, and sure if the headline read "Steve Jobs Axed amind patent lawyer bribery charges" Then Yeah we would all be cheering like crazy.

      But the man has had a battle with cancer and it's best to leave our comments on the matter to ourselves. A man stepping down from his role for the sake of his health to enjoy his life and family rather than run himself into the ground is not a thing to celebrate.

      1. Anonymous Coward

        its nothing to dowith

        its nothing to do with respect or the fact he has cancer... the real truth is about posting comments that's going to get thumbs up....

        He has had cancer for the last 6 years, just because he resigns from the CEO of apple doesn't change that. It doesn't change any of the reasons that would make android/windows fanbois jump up and down with glee the fact that he is gone from the top job at apple..

        select the right thread, say a very pro android thread, and make a joke about his exit from apple and your gonna get thumbs up galore... in this thread with all the apple fanbois going into mourning as they remember the dark days of the past when apple was jobs-less,and are praying for those dark days not to return. your gonna get slammed !

        1. Ben Holmes

          This isn't Reddit.

          We don't deal with karma here on the El Reg boards.

        2. heyrick Silver badge

          @ AC 10.32

          Are you really such a pathetic little person that your measure of "worth" is how many times you are upvoted compared to how many downvotes you receive? Why don't you try something different, like saying what you think instead of what you believe will be "popular"...

          1. Anonymous Coward


            I was not on about my comments, and dont give a damn what people think about my comments, I say as I see it and I see a lot of people that do comment to gain thumbs ups....

            I see a lot of people in this thread that even up to a few hours before this article was published, that have slammed jobs and his ideals in other threads. He was still dying then, nothing has changed except he announces he is to step down...,

            so what's the difference? The difference is in a " Love Steve Jobs" thread you get voted down for even the slightest hint of a dislike of Steve Jobs. and in a "pro android" article you get voted up for saying he is the spawn of the devil....

            and that is why my original post was titled "the two faces of commentards" because a lot of comentard are very two faced, and the only reason I can think of is they want lots of thumbs up to validate themselves....

            maybe you didn't read my post properly, or maybe i didn't make myself clear, but it was my intention to say what i really thought and not what I believe will be popular.... my post was clearly aimed at those who do post to align themselves with the popular opinion of the thread....

            1. heyrick Silver badge

              The difference (@ AC)

              Its between slamming Jobs for his decisions as CEO, and the bad taste to have a go at him as he steps down. Is that two faced, or just knowing where the line is?

              FWIW, I don't like him, but he's gone, it's not relevant now...

    3. heyrick Silver badge

      @ AC 00.18

      Dude, the guy is dying...

      This has nothing to do with tech, lawyers, or arguments about who built the better mousetrap.

      Show some respect, numbnuts.

  17. Electric Panda

    Health problems

    I have to wonder if his health is taking a turn for the worse again. He said in the letter that he could no longer continue his duties and knowing how determined and focussed Steve is I think health issues are the only likely reason.

    So long Steve, and thanks for all the cool stuff.

  18. Kevin (Just Kevin)


    I doubt there will be a massive freefall in Apple stock prices. He's been on leave since January and Cook has been running the show. And Jobs is now Chairman of the Board. He's still there. He still has some overarching leadership role. And his opinion would carry serious weight around there.

    In a sense, Apple is MORE Steve Jobs today than it was Yesterday. He's gone from not here to Chairman.

    1. Ilgaz

      Amateurs will get robbed for sure

      Small investors are at risk as Apple gives such an image of "everything is SJobs". Well, it is not. It is a PR policy, always was. He has amazing charisma and vision but it isn't like he picks an empty paper and draws iPod and starts writing on Xcode.

      As Apple isn't dumb to pick one of IT monsters as CEO and company face, it may all go well. I just pity "Apple is dead, lets sell all" guys. You know, somebody has to BUY when one sells.

  19. uhuznaa

    Good timing

    With the next iPhone in the coming and at least the next iPad in the works this was a better moment than in half a year or so.

    Well, I can't imagine he would do that if he didn't have to and this is not a good sign. All the best, Steve!

  20. Speedhump

    Quote of the day

    "Today will be a day long remembered. It has seen the resignation of Jobs, and soon the fall of the company."

    Like some of their products, but the man sounds like a spoilt brat.

    1. Giles Jones Gold badge

      Spoilt brat?

      He built a technology giant out of nothing along with Woz and their early successful products were their own unlike Microsoft who bluffed IBM and supplied them with DOS bouight from someone else.

      But those who built such big companies from nothing deserve some respect, unlike many CEOs of today who have just climbed the ranks of companies.


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