back to article Sarah Palin calls for US to stand by North Korea

Sarah Palin has redefined US foreign policy and put YouTube under a little bit of strain by telling right wing radio host Glenn Beck that America must stand by its North Korean allies. Palin, sometime Alaska governor and current reality TV star, was responding to a question from Beck about how she would respond to a developing …


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  1. Danny 14


    She's still better than reagan and bush. And clinton for that matter.

    She'll do well as a puppet president.

    1. NB

      see icon

      that will be all.

    2. Anonymous Coward

      half right

      I suspect you would not have received as many downvotes had you left out the first sentence.

      However agree with you 2nd one - The NeoCons would cream their pants to get such a puppet president into power

    3. Tony Humphreys


      In a way isn't that what any politician should be. Politicians are not there to do their thing, they are there do do everybody elses thing.

      An intelligent President has been tried, and look how popular he is!

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Jobs Horns

      For a chick that is a complete idiot....

      She is quite hot.

  2. Annihilator

    Can't tell if it's deliberate

    Can't tell if she's genuinely an idiot, or if she's thinking "hey, it worked for Bush, I'll make similarly stoopid comments and see how I fare"?

    Either way, love the entertainment value!

    1. Shannon Jacobs

      Not that she doesn't know

      I'm sure it was just a slip. It isn't that she doesn't know. It's just that she doesn't care.

      However, I'm more concerned about the areas of her proud ignorance. For example, I actually think her parenting skills are NOT good and should be regarded as yet another metric of her lack of qualification for leadership.

      I understand that lots of Democrats are eager for her to get the nomination in 2012. Given how the nomination process can be dominated by small numbers of fanatics, I can even imagine that it's possible. However, I am not so sanguine that she would crash and burn in the election given the fact that Dubya, Nixon, and even Reagan were reelected AFTER it was quite clear how poorly qualified they were--and she's significantly less qualified than any of them.

      My ancestors came to America when it was the land of hope, opportunity, and freedom. I left America when it became the land of greed, selfishness, and proud ignorance--and Palin might well deserve to be crowned the queen of today's America.

    2. Big-nosed Pengie

      This is not a title

      She's genuinely an idiot.

  3. Andrew Moore


    It's looks like Kim Ill won't me "ronery" much longer...

  4. s. pam Silver badge

    The Brain Surgeon is in the room

    and finding nothing, still.

  5. Anonymous Coward


    Guys - the President of the USA is a very powerful position. You've got to understand, even more than Bush, Palin has the right credentials and she's proving it - *detail* is for the little people.

    As long as it's just a red button to launch missles, and Palin doesn't have to set the longitude and latitude, she'lll be fine in the job.

    She *will* get elected. The Tea Party and GOP (Grand Old Party - Republicans) have great lobbying skills and Obama has obviously failed because the US has not hit the peaks of prosperity of a half a decade ago.

    1. SuperNintendoChalmers

      Please don't feed the troll

      Please don't feed the troll

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward


        I read that as sarcasm, surely no-one could be that dim to troll like that?

    2. Disco-Legend-Zeke

      Yes, But After...

      ...being president for a year or two, she will find the job just as boring as that Alaska Governor gig and quit.

    3. Paul Berry

      Democrats are too nice!

      The Republicans are simply better liars, whereas the Democrats are more conscientious, so they try to avoid lying. When you're out for votes, the shameless tend to win.

      At least that's what watching 3 weeks of late-night US talk shows seems to show.


      The Big Red Button should have STOP in white on it

      and to think this dim-witted bimbo could have been im scared....that she can see Russia from her back yard.

      Then again, Clinton actually lost the code for a few months, I'd rather that then backyard nuking.

    5. blackworx

      I see what you did there

      Oh yes I did!

    6. The BigYin

      @AC - Fusspots

      "Obama has obviously failed because the US has not hit the peaks of prosperity of a half a decade ago." know there is a world-wide recession, yeah?

      You know that lax financial regulation (over decades, and amongst other things) caused it, yeah?

      So the question isn't if the USA is as prosperous as it was a decade a go, it's "Is the USA in less shit that everyone else?" And I'd say "Yes, yes it is" Could someone else have done better? Maybe. Could someone else have done worse? Oh yes indeedy. And one such person who could lead you to disaster would be this dizzy moo.

      1. Shakje


        Good catch

      2. Anonymous Coward


        Ever heard of it?

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        RE: know there is a world-wide recession, yeah?

        Actually, the far eastern markets are prospering.

        They call our "Worldwide Financial Crisis" the "North Atlantic Crisis" over there.

        Just so you know.

    7. Paul RND*1000

      I doubt it somehow

      I don't see her being electable to any important office once people beyond the Tea Party have any say. TP'ers aren't even close to being a majority of Americans, they just make enough noise and have enough support from certain corners of the media to sound like one.

      She could certainly win the GOP presidential nomination, unless enough moderate Republicans show up in the primaries and put the stoppers on it. After that, she's screwed unless Obama goes out of his way to cock up his next 2 years in office. Maybe if he accidentally nukes Des Moines, or something, she might have a chance.

      With presidential candidate Palin the moderate Repubs will recoil in horror. They won't vote for Obama, but there's a half-decent chance they won't vote for Palin either. More importantly, the independents who actually decide the elections will run hard in the opposite direction and Dems will hopefully get up off their complacent arses and make sure to cast votes that aren't for her.

      She might be the only candidate who *doesn't* have a reasonable chance of beating Obama if things stand as they are.

      1. Shannon Jacobs

        I think you're underestimating the sickness of democracy in America

        Remember that the largest voting block is NOT the Demcrats and NOT the Republicans. It isn't even the independents. The largest voting block is the block that does not vote at all.

        Unfortunately, the non-voters are the rational ones as things have developed in America. Either their votes have been precounted and negated by gerrymandering, or their votes will be canceled by essentially mindless sheeple who vote the same way they decide on soap, based on the last ad they saw on the telly. Given that situation and her small but noisy and even intimidating base of fanatics, Palin or someone even worse could well become President. (Actually, upon reflection, I'm thinking she might be better qualified than Dubya. Talk about setting the bar low...)

        The current status of democracy in America is defending against "Checkmate in 3." The only line of play that would delay it that long is campaign finance reform during this lame duck session. Then we could call it the retiring statesmen session. Ha ha.

        For my next joke, did you hear the one about term limits?

    8. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      I posted it. It was scarcasm - how on earth could anyone think any human being capable of forming sentences could really believe what's said in those 3 paragraphs ? - the Red button and longitude and latitude should have been giveaways... Unintentional trolling. Sorry.

  6. Christoph

    Got to remember these things

    It's Eurasia were allied with and Eastasia we're fighting. Or was it the other way round?

    1. genome

      re: Got to remember these things

      We are at war with Eurasia. We have always been at war with Eurasia.

      1. Locky


        Jimmy Summerville has a lot to answer for

  7. James O'Shea

    Sarah the pit bull

    George W, will not the sharpest crayon in the box, wasn't nearly as stupid as he pretended to be.

    Sarah isn't nearly as bright as she appears to be. And she appears to be about as bright as a brick.

    We're doomed.

    1. Annihilator

      To quote Brosnan vs Cleese in Die Another Day

      "You're a lot smarter than you look"

      "Well it's better than looking smarter than you are"

    2. Lindsay 1

      A mis-wrote'er complains?

      I just assumed she mis-spoke; same as you mis-wrote (will? while). Either that or her teleprompter wasn't working? Oh wait, she's not the one!

      1. Tom 35

        her teleprompter wasn't working?

        She was looking at the wrong hand and couldn't find her cheat notes.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The psychology behind this

    I think what we're seeing is a mind in which 'the south' is automatically assumed to be the enemy. It sounds to me like Palin is secretly not very fond of half of her own country, let alone foreigners.

    And the US doesn't get much more northern than Alaska.

    Quite a Freudian slip, methinks.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Black Helicopters

    Ideal Candidate

    Obviously she is the ideal Presidential candidate; the psychos in the Pentagon will have no trouble getting what they want, just like with George W.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    Just how stupid is this woman?

    She wants to run for president yet doesn't even know which country is which in one of the most delicate standoffs in the world currently? Does she know ANY history at all?

    I know politicians these days arn't generally from the top IQ percentile but she is really scraping new depths of fuckwittedness. Surely there can't be that many inbred rednecks who'll vote for her?

    Please tell me there arn't.

    1. copsewood
      IT Angle

      know nothings

      You might be surprised. In a country that could host a 'know nothing' political movement it is difficult to be sure as the scale of the illiterate vote.

      1. jjbd


        To be fair - If I remember the facts, they were the 'know-nothings' because it started off a secret movement that its members denied knowledge of - and not because they were professing their general ignorance.

    2. Fred Tourette

      I Regret to Inform You...

      "Surely there can't be that many inbred rednecks who'll vote for her?

      "Please tell me there arn't."

      I regret to inform you that, while they may not all qualify as "inbred rednecks," we Americans do indeed have a large number of idiots that will never see this woman for the imbecile that she is. Unfortunately, a very clever and dangerous imbecile.

    3. Ivan Slavkov

      And that is exactly why she will win

      And that is exactly why she appeals to Joe Average sixpack who thinks that Bulgaria is somewhere in Texas. I really had that one, I am not joking. It was from a university student in the USA. OK, he got into uni on a positive discrimination boat, but he was a student in a mid-top-50 private uni in the USA none the less.

      She may not win the East Coast or California, but she will surely win everything in between.

      Just stay in a 10K people town somewhere between the rockies and Pittsburgh for a few months. You will understand what I mean.

    4. Anonymous Coward

      Just how stupid is this woman?

      She probably doesn't remember what little history she learned in high school and college. Yes, she is a college graduate... her degree is in journalism, but it took attending three or four different colleges in different parts of the country before she finally completed the degree requirements... Don't know if she just quit the first couple of them because she got bored, like she quit as governor of Alaska, or washed out and had to find a college with lower requirements.

      Failin' Palin is a joke... who unfortunately might be the next Republican candidate for President, even though she's not suited to be dog-catcher. You can't just shoot those loose dogs from a helicopter.

  11. The BigYin

    I see I was right


    Americans! Do yourselves (and the world) a favour, do not vote for this chump. Vote for anyone else. Hell, change the constitution and allow Schwarzenegger to be prez. He may be a Republican, but he's probably one of the most democratic leaders in your country!

    At least he knows how to read a blasted map and that the world does not end at American borders.

    1. Steve the Cynic

      @I see I was right

      "allow Schwarzenegger to be prez"

      And _Demolition Man_ takes another step toward coming true...

      1. John G Imrie

        Demolition Man

        It's not a fantasy, it's a prediction!

      2. TeeCee Gold badge

        Simon Phoenix for President!

        A comment. It's required you know.

    2. ThomH

      Leave Nixon out of this

      He may have conspired to pervert the course of justice (and quite probably wasn't entirely mentally sound) but he ended the war in Vietnam and began normalisation of relations with China. It's unlikely that anybody even slightly more liberal would have been able to retain any sort of political power even just for visiting a communist country. Even pre-Republican wave Clinton gave him a decent eulogy.

  12. Scott 19
    IT Angle


    They should do what we do with these sorts of politicians and make them a Mayor of some city.

  13. Gav

    God Bless Palin

    Once again Sarah Palin demonstrates why she is universally loved by all purveyors of topical humour. Every time she opens her mouth she provides all the material required for a killer comedy sketch. The gems just cascade out of her in a never ending production line of quality feeds. She is the entire comedy industry's foil in a top-billing stand-up double act.

    1. TeeCee Gold badge


      You think you're so clever.

      Just remember the old saw about the big problem with political jokes......

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    You know you're in trouble

    When Glenn (cry baby) Beck is the intellectual of the team.

  15. This post has been deleted by its author

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The Selling Of The Next Presidency... going splendidly; now only 24 months until Election Day 2012.

    She's now being funneled $12M/year for her blabbering on Murdoch's Fox News and "lectures" to business groups and a couple million dollars more for fake book sales with platitudes. Her daughter got to the finals for "Dancing With The Stars", so nice family propaganda & exposure there.

    Sassy Sarah, also, has her TLC "reality TV" show for a few million dollars more, to pump up more "tough & patriotic" faux-credentials that all "momma grizzlies" need to possess.

    Since only 45% of americans vote, she only has to convince 23% to push in the hanging chad on the ballot of her name...and if it's only 22% that can be fixed just as well by GOP operatives, as was done for Georgie Porgy in Florida in 2000, and Ohio in 2004.

    Jus like selling soap. (Edward Bernays is grinning in his grave.)

    Live Free or die.


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