back to article Welsh police come down hard on Octopussy porn

A man appeared before Swansea magistrates this week accused of possessing extreme porn images, including one which allegedly shows "a person performing an act of intercourse with a dead animal, namely a squid." Or octopus. The reports are not 100 per cent clear. The Sun reported this week that Andrew Dymond, 46, from Mumbles …


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  1. Squirrel

    He also faces 14 charges

    I think is the main point that the article sidelined. Move along, nothing to see here but a common or garden perv.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      This piece initially sounds like it's attacking the overbearing law and the police/cps for prosecuting over a few weird piccies... but wait!!! The guy's allegedly making (which I assume means copying/downloading in this context) child pornography. Are we attacking that too? I must try and keep up.

    2. Jane Fae

      Not really...

      ...the "main" point. extreme porn has proven a rich vein for stories over the last few years, for a variety of different reasons.

      First, because of the legal principle it embodies. Next up, because of how it has been used (in practice, it has mostly turned into a "dangerous dogs act")...with very little attention so far paid to human-human porn. The latter seems to turn up as add-on charge or consolation prize when the police can't do someone for anything else.

      Or alternatively, on occasion, it is simply ridiculous - as here. Was in the supermarket yesterday and passed a fridge full of frozen squid. Now, i'm partial to a little squid myself...mostly flash fried with butter and garlic.

      But this law suggests that if any of our readers took one frozen ickle squid home, and forked it (into their mouth) they would be perfectly ok to do so... but fucking it could see you sent to prison. What a difference two letters can make. :)

      i am very alive to the child abuse issue and don't under-estimate its seriousness. but two points: we're not pretending its not there...just its part of another (much more serious) story

      Second - and this is another story too - however hard one tries to disentangle laws on ep from child protection it is very difficult, because whatever others think, government is determined to view the two issues as linked or even two sides of the same coin.

      1. Gaz Jay
        Thumb Down

        Typical Sun

        Typical Sun for focussing on the sensationalist parts of this case. I'm willing to bet that on the opposite page there was an article about some celebrity taking drugs/partying to hard or an article where the Sun self-congratulates over backing the "winning" side in the general election. You know what I mean, there will probably be a little image of the front page of the Sun from the day it claimed the Torys would win or something.

        Just why does anyone read this shit excuse for a "news"paper again?

  2. Anonymous Coward


    "Dymond faces a further nine charges in respect of possessing photographs of people having sex with dogs and horses."

    If the dogs and horses were a commonly found wooly mammel, Police would have assumed they were family photos.

    Mines the one with the velcro mittens in the pocket.

  3. Joe K

    "14 charges of making indecent images of children"

    Err! Kind of overshadows the other charges i feel!

    1. Wize

      My thoughts exactly

      But I guess its what sells stories.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      However, if I remember correctly, downloading an image counts as "making an image". In fact, if you accidentally click on a link to it and it's still in your cache when the pigs kick your door down in the middle of the night, that counts as "making an image".

      1. Marvin the Martian

        @ "accidentally downloading"

        Don't tell me that has happened to you, or anyone you know, innocently... It ranks in credibility with "the dog ate my homework".

      2. Dave Bell

        Sounds correct

        That "making an image" thing seems to be a hangover from the days when the law didn't explicitly mention computers, and the prosecution was trying to find a way to justify confiscating the hardware.

        It really is a serious misapplication of law to still be using the term. It suggests that the guy was actually standing over the abused child with a camera.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      @Joe K

      Not really. Indecency is in the eye of the beholder and until the images are known then they could be anything from true child pornography to a magna comic or even pictures of his children (if applicable) in the bath or one the beach. Believe me, there are no depths to which the police will not sink so they can add anything to a weak case then blow it up to make it sound much worse than it is in order to strengthen that case and sway a jury. You've already fallen into that trap yourself.

      When the police have a serious case, say a a multiple murderer, they generally only prosecute one or two of the crimes so they have something to fall back on later if they don't get a conviction first time. However, now that double indemity no longer applies they might change this tactic. The weaker a case is they more headline grabbing add-ons there are.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    I bet I know which video clip it is, used to do the rounds on image boards.

    1. Anonymous Coward


      yup, filmed in a bath as I recall. It also was a viral email message. I've probably got it stored in a .pst somewhere (unwittingly), who knows.

      I'm waiting for the first case involving a video with, erm 2 females and 1 drink container.

      1. Basic
        Thumb Up


        LMAO Subtle

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    So let me get this straight...

    ... an animated film clip is legal while a still drawing isn't? Or have I got the, er, um, wrong "end" of this one?

    1. Pablo

      Re: So let me get this straight...

      Draw (or animated) CP is illegal. Animated (or drawn) EP is not (unless it's so realistic as to fool a reasonable person). But presumably they'll be closing that "loophole" any time now.

      Can't blame you for being confused.

  6. Wokstation

    I'm disappointed in The Sun!

    Where was the picture of an octopus with an identity-concealing black-bar across it's eyes...?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Here's a squid instead.

  7. Anonymous John

    No contact with a child under the age of 16?

    What about squid/octopuses?

    Will nobody think about the fish?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      More aptly

      Will nobody think of the cephalopods.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      made me think 'what about children aged 16 or over?' Are they fair game because, actually, they're 'adults'?

  8. Anonymous Coward

    Leather Cod-Piece.

    Blackadder has been banned!

  9. Sysgod

    Sex with food?

    So, what happens if he claims he ate the creature afterwards? Sex with an animal is pretty humane compared with what is done to it in order to eat it. Just what are my sexual limitations with that piece of steak in the fridge? What if the thought of cooking and eating that steak stimulates me? Enquiring minds want to know...

    1. Andy Enderby 1


      Portnoys Complaint ?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      RE: Sex with Food

      If you're guilty of playing with your food does that mean that watching American Pie (first one) going to be classed as watching extreme porn?

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Sex with food

      Steak? Is that any better than an old fashioned milk bottle and a pound of liver?

    4. Anonymous Coward

      Don't Play With Your Food!

      Back when this extreme porn law was still going through Parliament, opponents pointed out the absurd implication that this would make it a crime to possess pictures of people having sex with food they could legally eat and legally own pictures of people eating.

      If the squid or octopus in question was intended to be food, this case really could prove that New Labour's New Britain is one in which it can be a crime to possess an image of someone playing with their food!

      Perhaps someone should ask the new Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, the Rt Hon Kenneth Clarke QC MP, if the new government will take the opportunity to repeal the silly extreme porn law in their great repeal bill.

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      it is a *dead* animal. Isn't that the point, that it's necrophilia? As would be fucking a watermelon of course.

  10. Anonymous Coward

    Squid porn?

    I wonder this story will be in Bruce Schneier's blog later today.

  11. colbey


    "He also faces 14 charges of making indecent images of children."

    Who gives a fk about the other stuff if he is being charged with this?

    What started as an amusing, if some what disturbing, story turned out to over shadow something actually quite menacing and sick. The Sun has a lot to answer for, but so do you Reg, shame!

    1. Anonymous Coward


      In the eyes of the law, "making an image" includes just about all forms of intentional or unintentional downloading or copying.

      Although the law is clearly aimed at those actually creating the material, in practice it is abused to incriminate anyone who has had any form of contact with the dodgy material. Click the wrong link or execute some dodgy JavaScript and straight away you're guilty of "making indecent images". I wouldn't jump to any conclusions - just about every Internet user has "made indecent images" at some point.

  12. Anonymous Coward


    Words fail me.


    I want to say something but I cant think of anything funny or cutting enough.


    is Wales just full of pervs then?

  13. Shadowfirebird

    DEAD animal?

    So, pictures of sex with a dead animal are illegal? Clearly there is no basis for this in terms of animal welfare. What if it was a plastic squid -- is that still illegal? How about a seafood cocktail (sic)?

    Prosecute the guy for taking pervy pictures of actual children, and drop the comedy charges, FFS.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    4 chan

    This octopus/squid image appears on 4 chan on an almost daily basis and will end up in your cache....

    1. Anonymous Coward

      But of course

      no one here knows to what you refer.

  15. Frumious Bandersnatch

    tentacle porn illegal?

    Oh ffs ..

  16. Ian Halstead

    A clear case of...

    ...being up before the beak then.

    1. Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

      Re: A clear case of...

      Clever. You get cake.

      1. Ministry of Truth


        The cake is a lie

        But we need a cake icon

  17. Anonymous Coward


    would pictures of kidlums next to the octopus tank at seaworld count as inappropriate pictures of children in light of the previous charges? seems like the octopus pics are the main reason, otherwise the kiddie pics would be the headline...

  18. Steve 114
    Thumb Up


    Octopus? Is he 'Up before the Beak'?

    1. Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

      Re: Squids-in

      Ah, y'see the fact that two of you made the same joke makes it a less good joke. But I suppose you can have cake too, it's still a cut above the usual flaming orphanages that pass for LOL-fodder around here.

      1. Anonymous Coward

        Flaming orphanges?

        I like the smell

        1. Anonymous Coward

          RE: Flaming orphanges?

          "I like the smell"

          Some people prefer having sex with the dead orphans and their pets - to each their own, I suppose.

      2. No, I will not fix your computer

        I believe in....

        Necrophillia, beastiality and sadism...... I flogging a dead horse?

  19. Ulm Schulbaum
    Big Brother

    Call to action

    It's a shame the Führer and his stormtroopers at CEOP didn't get hold of this story first. We could have been treated to such gems as: "officials report an alarming increasing in images of octopus abuse" and "...this was one of the worst cases of its kind that investigators have ever encountered".

    Time to establish a whole panoply of thought crimes, institute a Squid Offenders Register, outlaw cartoon sketches of all aquatic lifeforms, and imprison anyone who voices opposition. Someone please, think of the squid; "their souls will be dying a little more each day for the rest of their lives". Resistance is futile.

  20. asiaseen

    Portraying person to animal intercourse

    So, technically, that rules out portraying human to human intercourse.

  21. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    @He also faces 14 charges

    That's exactly the reason this is important.

    It's a common police/judicial practice - get a guy who is plainly guilty of lots of stuff that any jury will convict on. Throw in an extra charge something like possessing a mobile phone in a section44 area, or using encryption to hide the images.

    Got a conviction and you have precedence that using encryption can be prosecuted.

    So the next English nationalist in Wales can be held for having an encrypted disk.

  22. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    I don't understand?

    Is he being charged for having pictures of people having sex with animals, or is it actually that the animals in question aren't sheep?

  23. Ball boy Silver badge

    The mind boggles: octopus or squid, I've really got no idea how anyone could gain sexual gratification from either - and no, I don't want pictures.

    So let me get this right. I can be prosecuted for having pictures of someone apparently enjoying an octopus but it's okay if the image was CGI'd (fc. tiger mentioned in the story) because it's not real flesh & blood. Kind of okay so far but try this: we've all seen a comical picture of someone standing next to a fountain or hosepipe and the juxdaposition makes them appear to be peeing - now if someone were to 'fake it' with the lions in Traflager Square, is that picture legal or illegal to own? It's not CGI but then animals are living beasts so I'm probably on safe ground (but I will probably be strip-searched by Plod* for daring to use a camera in public - something else we're not clear on in the UK these days). Now, do the same perspective trick at London Zoo and - if it's done well - I'll be heading for the slammer*.

    Are we all clear on this now? Good.


    *Plod: slang for Police; Slammer, slang for prison or gaol


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