back to article Obama to promote RIAA's favourite lawyer

The prosecutor who spanked the World's Dumbest File Sharer, Jammie Thomas, is set to be the US' next Solicitor General. The Solicitor General represents the US Government in Supreme Court cases, and there's a vacancy after the current incumbent Elena Kagan became the latest Court appointment. Don Verrilli also led the …


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  1. Bruce 10

    Who is the real corporate shill?

    People were hoping that Obama was not a corporate shill. After all, part of the platform he ran on, through innuendo, was that Bush was a corporate shill and that he, Obama, wasn't a corporate shill. Hey out there!! Are your eyes open yet?

    1. Goat Jam

      The King Is Dead!

      Long Live The King!

      Obama is a puppet of the same people as all the other recent US Presidents.

      Why do you think he appointed a whole lot of people who had previously been appointed by so-called Conservative administrations?

      Wake up a America, you are all just peons of your banker masters

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    They should look down the side of the sofa, it's normally where my remote control goes when I lose it.

  3. Turtle

    Hard to figure...

    Let's see. Obama received vast and overwhelming support from Hollywood and the entertainment industry, and freetards and nettards of the world thought that he was going to somehow abolish, either de facto or de jure, actualy legal basis of how these industries earn their money.

    Just remember one thing, nitwits: Obama is a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate! (Which is another symptom of the same mindset - although I use the word "mind" advisedly: the same "insight" which thought "Obama is not Bush therefore he will legalize filesharing and copyright infringement" also seems to have thought "Obama is not Bush, therefore he will use American foreign policy to implement policies that benefit Europe, as opposed to the US.")

    Can people be stupider than this?

    (I voted for McCain but, in general, Obama is not turning out nearly as bad as I expected him to be.)

  4. steward

    At the rate Obama's going...

    he could conceivably lose to a Sarah Palin - Laura Bush ticket in 2012.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      A lump of rotting dung

      Couldn't lose to Sarah Palin.

      1. Walking Turtle

        Off the Thread but...

        ...might we maybe like to reconcile that Entirely Agreeable Assertion with most of the things we have already said elsewhere re Investment Banksters and other Reptilian Corporate Operatives of the ilk?

        Seems on reflection that we here Stateside have had nothing other than such very lumps as those since at least Reagan, if not all the way back to Nixon's Imperial Regime, y'see. Been hiding out in the White House (right under our very media-driven+blinded gnosis) for at least that long, a few brilliant exceptions notwithstanding.

        Can't fool World+Dog forever... Starting with the Dog. {;-)

    2. Steve Smith 2

      Re: At the rate Obama's going...

      Everybody *knows* that the next Republican ticket is going to be Sarah Palin / David Duke. Duh!

  5. Tom Maddox Silver badge


    The issue that some people on the left have with Obama is that he's not everything he hoped and dreamed that he would be, and when people point out that he never promised to be, they have nothing to say. The issue that some people on the right have with Obama is that they're batshit insane. Meanwhile, most of the middle is pretty happy with him insofar as he's at least *trying* to fix the issues he's faced with and implement forward-thinking policies. Everyone thinks he could be doing a better job with their pet issue, but we won't see how truly effective he's been for some time yet.

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